The Ghosts of Titanic...
Background photo from The Official Copal Website, officers from Titanic Heroes, Andrews from God knows where.
Now that I look at it, I see some stuff I want to change, so look for a new and improved version soon.
Thomas Andrews Background
Made for the 89th anniversary of the sinking. you sense that I might admire Andrews just a wee bit? :-)
Background photo from Copal, others from so many different places and so long ago that I no longer remember where I got them. I'll try and figure that out soon.
Unbreakable Background
Unfortunately, the .jpg form doesn't do it justice, but the bitmap is huge and a lot of browsers won't display them. Sigh.
This is a graphic for a Jurassic Park fanfic I'm working on. Just testing to see what it looks like. If you want to let me know what you think, e-mail me--I know it needs a LOT of work.