The Rules
Before you actually start playing, I would greatly appreciate it if you would read the following rules, and abide by them when you post. Anyone failing to comply will receive a warning first via e-mail--and on the second strike will have their future posts deleted from the messageboards. Hopefully I'll never have to do that! :-)
- There are to be NO comments made on the boards that discriminate against someone because of their race, religion, sex, etc. That is something I will not tolerate. I understand that sometimes, because of prejudices that were common in the past, there may be a situation where it seems appropriate to use a derogatory nickname, but this is one case where historical accuracy can be suspended. I must insist that you try and find a more acceptable alternative.
- Please refrain from posting anything would have greater than a PG rating, anything particularly violent or steamy. I would like for my page to be open for people of all ages, so please keep the romance and violence to a pretty tame level. If you feel you must use it please put a rating in the subject line, to warn others.
- The same goes for foul language. Please try and find tamer altenatives to swear words, and if you feel they must be used, post a rating in the subject line.
- NO FLAME WARS. Messageboards work when those who post to them are courteous to everyone else. Certainly there may be times when people disagree, but if both parties feel they must argue, do it via e-mail and not on the list. Often the best thing to do is to just ignore the person starting the argument, they will get tired of it soon and calm down.
- And one of the most important rules in any RPG is that if you want to do something major to someon else' character, you e-mail them first. That includes, killing, maiming, gravely injuring and anything else that is almost impossible to write your way out of. The reason this is so important is that if you write out someone else's character, it's pretty much the same as telling them to get lost--and I'm the only one that can do that. In this case, the post(s) that involve one of the above will have to be deleted, unless both parties either e-mail me or put a note at the bottom of their posts to let me know that that plot twist was made by mutual agreement.
Now I don't want anyone to feel restricted by the rules above, but I make them to try and ensure the happiness of all the people using the boards. If you have a problem with any of the rules, e-mail me, but keep in mind the flame rule above applies to my e-mail as well.
Happy posting! :-)
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