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In history books she is known as the RMS Titanic. But to those who study her and love her the world over, she is and will always be the "Ship of Dreams". As a long-time Titanic buff I have always wished I could walk on her decks, just once.
RPGs enable anyone to walk her decks and meet the people on them, even if only in our imaginations. Please visit the links below, so you can get to know the Ship Of Dreams and the people who sailed on her first and only voyage. Then, decide who you want to be. You can be yourself or someone completely made up, though the best alternative (and sometimes the most interesting!) is to just be yourself, as though you were traveling back in time to the Titanic. You could also be someone from 1912, though I would like to have some time travelers! :-) Once you've decided, click on "Board the Titanic" to begin your journey.

Happy sailing!

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Historical Links

TitanicPark: From Belfast Into History
Encyclopedia Titanica
George Behe's Titanic Tidbits
Titanic Heroes