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Telephone Software

This page will be revised as soon as possible to include the latest telephone software. In the mean time here is my old software page:

There are a few good programs that enable you to look for phone numbers on the Internet, but as usual the best ones are for the American market (perhaps it's because they have better freedom of information laws over there). Anyway, here are a few links to some excellent search tools designed specifically for finding phone numbers.

Phone Ferret

PhoneFerret is a powerful search tool for finding telephone numbers from the Web. Built especially for the purpose by this tool should be high on your wants list.


PhoneWolf can find Phone Number and Address listings for both residential and business telephone services in many countries around the world. It hooks directly into the databases of many telecommunications companies, so unlike your phone book, the results are always current. PhoneWolf currently covers Australia, Canada, New Zealand and USA, with new directories being added all the time. Let's hope they add the UK soon. Check out PhoneWolf and download an evaluation copy at

Eddies STD Inverter

This practical little tool is extremeley useful. Just type in an STD code and a telephone number and it will not only tell you which city the STD is associated with but narrows it down to which suburb or outlying town the number relates to. E.g.: 01924 returns *General Wakefield Number* but 01924 86 returns *Area - Wakefield West Yorkshire, Suburb - Crofton*. It also tells you which provider the number belongs to e.g. BT, Mercury etc. I like this a lot and you can get your copy by clicking here To catch up on the latest version visit Eddie's STD Inverter Page

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