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UK Tracker

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UK Tracker

This page makes searching for information on UK people and businesses easy. Whether you want to find someone's e-mail address, check if a UK company actually exists, find someone's postcode or home phone number or check who owns a particular Web site you can do it all here, and much more besides....

On the companies front I can recommend the "UK Business Index" which lists 1.8million UK businesses by area and category. I find this much more useful than say, yellow pages, because you can take advantage of the "callback" facility and make FREE phone calls to the majority of the companies listed. I use this all the time to make long distance calls to businesses and even to check what's on at the local cinema! (Why should I pay if I don't have to?). The other main "company" search is through the Hemmington Scott site and provides financial information for lots of UK companies.

My advice to you, for what it's worth is to learn to use the tracking methods on this site. Only then will you be able to fully appreciate how much information is available about you and your activities. Once you know how you are able to be tracked, you will be able (with a little work), to avoid being tracked. If you need to know more about online tracking check out the links section at the bottom of this page.

E-mail Address Finder (Worldwide)

Let's start with the basics and find someone's e-mail address. Give as much info as possible for most accurate results.
Last Name:

First Name:



E-mail Reverse Lookup

If you know the e-mail address already type it into this form to find out who sent it.
Type email address in the format
Enter @host.domain for a list of all users in a domain.
Partial addresses will return all listings starting with those characters.
Email Address:

Search UseNet

Type in someone's e-mail address to find what they've been e-mailing to Internet newsgroups. Follow their discussions. You can follow an organisation's UseNet discussions by typing in just the domain name e.g. This form also accepts keyword searches so if you want to look for newsgroup discussions on computers just type in computers. You can restrict your search to the title e.g.: title:"Best Computer" and you can search for posts that occurred between two dates by filling in the From: and To:

Enter boolean expression:

Range of dates:
From: To: e.g.: 21/Mar/96

Count documents matching the boolean expression.


Use this to help find the server from which an e-mail originated. Look in the "From" section in the e-mail's header and you will see a string of numbers e.g. Usually a Web address is given too, but if not you can find the Web address using this form. Try it now, copy the example numbers above and paste it into the form. Clicking the search button will generate a html page and at the bottom of the list of servers that is produced you should see: (
This is where our example e-mail originated from.

Host address or name:

Leave blank to traceroute to the machine of your browser.

DNS Lookup

This lets you find the service provider of a given web address. When you hit the results page you will see more www addresses, these belong to the provider. Copy them and paste them back into this form and you should get the name and address details of the ISP. Usually they include an e-mail address and sometimes a phone number too.

Enter domain to query: e.g.

Residential Phone Number Finder (UK)

Use this form to find someone's home phone number (ex-directory numbers are not available)
Last Name:

First Name:



UK Address Finder

If you know the postcode type it in this form to find the address.
Enter Postcode:
(UPPER or lowercase, with or without the space)
Property details:
(optional, house number or name)

If you know an address or partial address type it in this form to find the postcode/full address.
Postcode From:



Property Name:





STD Code:

Smart Search:

UK places and streets

Use this form to generate a road map of the area you specify

London Street Post Code UK Place OS Grid (enter as x,y) Landranger Grid

UK Commercial Telephone Numbers

If you know where someone works use this form to find the phone number.
Business Type (e.g. Plumber, Travel agent)

Location (Swindon, York)

UK Business Index (AskAlex)

This form allows you to search a database of over 1.8 million UK companies. I recommend using the free "call back" facility (which appears as a "call for free" button next to your results). This lets you call the company for FREE! (UK only)
What are you looking for?

Enter Town / County / Postcode
(Leave blank for national search)

Match All

UK Company Financial Information

This form searches the Hemmington Scott site which holds lots of UK company financial information.
Enter name of company

Related Links

Fravia's Site The "Anonymity" and "Stalking" sections are both highly recommended.
Anonymizer Bags of privacy/anonymity information here.
EPIC The Electronic Privacy Information Centre

UK Telephone Resources - Content Over Style

Antispam Link