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Good day UNITE 1764, although we are a Local for a natural gas utility in New Jersey, USA. I believe that all Unions,despite their affiliation, need to stick together and help each other whenever possible. I saw you plight on the webs "strike page". I just wanted to let you know that fellow Brothers and Sisters of the Labor movement are thinking of you.

We have problems of our own here as well (thats why I was checking why other people were striking). And some of our company's proposals are very similar to yours and other unions......combined!.I think we may be striking in November.

Your [supporters are] doing right by targeting places that deal with your company. Keep digging up all the "dirt" on them you can find and let the general public know about it. Picket CEOs homes if possible (if not done yet). Get the community on your side.


If we can help in any way, just e-mail us and maybe i can send you some info.We wish you the best of luck. Hang in there!

in solidarity,
Larry Kovic
Shop Steward/Webmaster/Tactical Group leader

UWUA Local 424 :

ps- I'll check your boycotts and post them on my site so those here in the USA can boycott them also.