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...We passed another motion for a donation at the URSU Board meeting. I'll be sending along a cheque for $250.

Also, we are getting the daily pickets [at the Regina Eaton's] back up and running. We have a lot of first year students that are intersted in this issue, so we were able to get a schedule for the rest of March together. I'll be writing to Eaton's to let them know we are going to be back in force to mark the one year anniversary month of the strike!

We are going to try and organize a reasonable size demo at Eaton's for the strike anniversary...

Finally, we have an anti-corporate control demo coming up on March 31st. We're hoping for about 500 people out. We will be marching past Eaton's and highlighting the actions of Eaton's and JB Fields.

Tell everyone on the line we are thinking of them!

in solidarity,

Marjorie Brown URSA