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Wapha Actions


  • March 7, 1997 WAPHA staged a demonstration in front of the State Department, protesting the Taliban's gender-apartheid policies toward the Afghan women and other human rights violations concerning Afghan men, women and children.
  • May 16, 1997 members of WAPHA participated in a rally to ban the land mines. The rally took place in front of the White House and was organized by the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundations and other NGOS.
  • July 30, 1997 WAPHA's members participated in a demonstration protesting the Taliban's gender-apartheid policies in front of the Pakistan and Afghanistan embassies. The demonstration was organized and sponsored by the Feminist Majority. WAPHA has either organized or has participated in various other rallies and demonstrations for the Afghan women.


  • March 8, 1997 Women's International Day, WAPHA organized a conference on "Prospects of Women's Human Rights in Afghanistan" and other Afghan issues in which invited scholars and experts presented papers and discussed the Women's rights in Islam, the role of Afghan women in Afghan peace process, reconstruction of Afghanistan, development, education, economic, politics and various other issue. Some scholars presented papers on alternative ways to solve the Afghan problem.


  • March 27, 1997 WAPHA attended a conference entitled " Poppies Along the Silk Road" organized by the Voice of America.
  • April 18, 1997 WAPHA attended a talk entitled "The tragedy of Herat" by Dr. Michael Barry, organized by the Middle East Institute.
  • April 22, 1997 WAPHA attended a seminar entitled " Life With the Taliban: A Report from Afghanistan" Presented by Mary MacMakin Director of PARSA. The seminar was organized by the Asia Society Washington Center.
  • May 16 1997, WAPHA attended a conference entitled " Flash Points in Central Asia: Sources of Tension and Conflict," organized by the United States Institute of Peace.
  • June 19, 1997 WAPHA attended a meeting on the "Reproductive Health for the Refugees. " The meeting took place at the U. S. Department of States and was organized by Policy Office, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration and interagency Working groups. We presented all the participants a written report prepared by WAPHA entitled " Health Status in Afghanistan."
  • 8/8/97 WAPHA attended a meeting with the Feminist Majority on the issue of women's Human Rights in Afghanistan.
  • 8/28/97, and 9/16-17/97 WAPHA attended conferences at the US institute of peace raising the issues of Afghan crisis and human rights violations and women's rights in Afghanistan.
  • 9/26-27 WAPHA attended a conference by Sisterhood is Global Institute on Women's rights, Human Rights and Education in Islamic Society.
  • 10/3/97 WAPHA attended a conference at Middle East Institute on Afghanistan and on
  • 10/10/97 WAPHA attended a conference organized by the Feminist Majority.
  • 10/22/97 WAPHA attended a US Senate Hearing
  • 10/30/97 WAPHA participated in a Briefing for the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on the violations of women's rights in Afghanistan.
  • November 4, 1997 WAPHA organized a meeting with Mr. Karl Inderfurth, Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia. United States Department of State. In this meeting WAPHA and other Afghan Women and organizations discussed the Afghan issue with Mr. Inderfurth.
  • 11/5/97 WAPHA participated in meeting in Heritage Foundation dealing with the Afghan crisis.
  • 11/7-9/97 WAPHA attended a Conference organized by Ibn-al-Khaldun Society in Washington, D. C. dealing with crisis in Afghanistan, Algeria and Sudan.
  • 11/14/97 WAPHA Participated in "Take Back the Night" organized by Women's Center and others at Georgetown University, Washington, D. C.
  • 11/19-23/97 WAPHA attended the American Anthropological Association and Dr. Shorish-Shamley raised the issue of human rights violations in Afghanistan in the Association's General Business meeting, Human Rights Committee meeting and Feminist Society meeting.
  • 11/27/97 WAPHA attended a meeting with Mr. Inderfurth and others at the United States Department of State. This meeting was organized and attended by Congressmen Rohrabacher and Congresswoman Maloney. The meeting concerned the hunger crisis in Central Afghanistan.


  • April 7, 1997 Dr. Shorish-Shamley presented a paper "Afghan Women, War and the Taliban " to the Georgetown University Intercultural Center Women's Center.
  • June 4, 1996 Dr. Shorish- Shamley presented a paper "Health Status in Afghanistan" in a seminar organized by the National Council for the International Health (NCIH).
  • June 17, 1997 Dr. Shorish-Shamley presented a paper " Afghan Women's Health under the Taliban Rule," in a seminar entitled " International Women's Rights and health Concerns: Bridging the GAP. " The seminar was organized by the National Council for International Health (NCIH). On
  • June 26, 1996 Dr. Shorish-Shamley presented a paper " The Taliban's Policies of Gender-Apartheid, Feminization of Poverty and Cultural Genocide: Implications for the Future of Afghanistan, " in a panel discussion entitled " Developments in Afghanistan, " organized by the Middle East Institute.
  • July 2, 1997 Dr. Shorish-Shamley presented a paper " Afghan Women's Human Rights Violations by the Taliban " to the Feminist Majority group and the Feminist Majority interns.
  • July 3, 1997 Dr. Shorish-Shamley presented a paper " Health Status of Afghan Women and Children under the Taliban Rule," to the group from Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH).
  • June 23, 1997 Dr. Shorish- Shamley presented a paper " Afghan Women's Islamic Rights and the Taliban's gender-apartheid Policies, " in a conference entitled " Stop Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan. " The Feminist Majority organized the conference.
  • 9/11/97 Shorish-Shamley participated in a round table discussion on Women's Rights in Islam and the Taliban's un-Islamic edicts.
  • 10/30/97 Dr. Shorish- Shamley testified before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus. Her Testimony focused on the root cause of the crisis in Afghanistan, human rights violations, women's rights, and offered possible solution to the Afghan crisis.
  • 11/9/97 Shorish-Shamley presented a paper " International Human Rights and Women's Rights in Islam."
  • 11/14/97 Shorish-Shamley presented a paper " Taliban's Rule in Afghanistan: Violence Against Afghan Women and Children and Men."