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Magickal Symbols

Below are over 70 symbols commonly used in magick. You can put magickal symbols on any of the tools or objects that you use for magick. You can even wear magickal symbols on your clothing. Like a magickal alphabet, magickal symbols speak to your unconscious. You can use symbols to make a statement. For example, a Goddess symbol on your wand could stand for your dedication to the Lady and your commitment to use magick for the good of all. You can also use symbols to further define your magickal intention - carve them on a candle for candle magick, sew them on a poppet, or draw them on paper and place them inside your poppet. You can even use magickal symbols when writing in your Book of Shadows. If you don't feel like writing the word cauldron, you can draw the symbol instead.

I didn't include the names of the symbols below the pictures for those of you interested in trying to memorize the symbols without looking at the name. To see the names, just place your cursor over the image. Since the page is so graphically intense, some of the images may not appear when the page is finished loading. If a broken image appears, just right click over the broken image with your mouse and choose "show picture".
Have fun!

Air Symbols Altar Athame Autumn
Conscious Awareness Beauty Broom Cakes & Wine
Candle Cauldron Circle Cord
Crone Cup Deosil Divination
Earth Symbols East Essential Oil Female
Fertility Fire Symbols Full Moon The God Goddess Consciousness
Goddess Position Goddess God Position God
Healing Jupiter Love Maiden
Male Mercury Magick Circle Magickal Energy
Moon Rise Moon Set Mother Neptune
New Moon North Pentacle Pentacle Protection
Plant Pluto Purification Rain
Rebirth Salt Saturn South
Spell Spirituality Spring Storm
Summer Sunrise Sunset Sun
Sword Uranus Wand Waning Moon
Water Symbols Waxing Moon West Widdershins
Wine Winter Witch Sign
