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The Current Moon Phase

The Moon Phases of 2002
Moon phases are in Eastern Standard Time (EST)

1999 Moon Phases
2000 Moon Phases
2001 Moon Phases

The moon is more than a beautiful bulb in the sky, casting its light across everything it touches. To many Wiccans, she represents the Goddess. We use her natural energy in magick when performing spells and rituals. It is important to know when the moon is in the correct phase, or your spell may have no effect, or even worse, it may have an effect you didn't want. The phases of the moon are: waxing, full, waning, and new.

When the moon is in the waxing phase, it is getting larger in the sky. A way to remember this, is to think of a bowl with a candle over it. As the candle burns, the wax will drip into the bowl and build up. During this phase, it is moving towards the full moon. The full moon would be the bowl completely filled with the candle wax. From the full moon phase, the moon starts waning, or getting smaller. This phase would be like holding your bowl of wax upside down and letting the wax slowly drip out until gone. When the wax, or moon in this case is gone, this phase is called the new moon. During this time, the moon is not visible. The whole process from waxing to new takes approximately 28 1/2 days.

When the moon is in the waxing phase (moving from new to full), this is a time for spells that are of a positive nature, spells that attract, and spells for money, love, and personal growth. You will have about 14 days during this phase.

When the moon reaches her fullness, this is a time for spells that increase psychic ability. This is also a good time to cleanse and consecrate your tools, altar items, and even personal and/or magickal jewelry. I hang my jewelry in the window over night to catch the moons energy. The phase of the full moon lasts from 3 days before to 3 days after the peak of the full moon.

When the moon is waning, this is a time to perform banishing spells. Use this time to break bad habits, bad relationships, or anything else you want to get rid of or send away. Divination is better at this time if you need any questions answered. You will have about 14 days during this phase of the moon.

(5th) Waning Moon @ 10:55 P.M.
(13th) New Moon @ 8:29 A.M.
(21st) Waxing Moon @ 12:47 P.M.
(28th) Full Moon @ 5:50 P.M. {Cold Moon}

(4th) Waning Moon @ 8:33 A.M.
(12th) New Moon @ 2:41 P.M.
(20th) Waxing Moon @ 7:02 A.M.
(27th) Full Moon @ 4:17 A.M. {Quickening Moon}

(5th) Waning Moon @ 8:25 P.M.
(13th) New Moon @ 9:03 P.M.
(21st) Waxing Moon @ 9:28 P.M.
(28th) Full Moon @ 1:25 P.M. {Storm Moon}

(4th) Waning Moon @ 10:29 A.M.
(12th) New Moon @ 2:21 P.M.
(20th) Waxing Moon @ 7:48 A.M.
(26th) Full Moon @ 10:00 P.M. {Wind Moon}

(4th) Waning Moon @ 2:16 A.M.
(12th) New Moon @ 5:45 A.M.
(19th) Waxing Moon @ 2:42 P.M.
(26th) Full Moon @ 6:51 A.M. {Flower Moon}

We also have a Lunar Eclipse on the 26th @ 7:04 A.M.

 Lunar Eclipse Spell
Check the Lunar Eclipse Computer

(2nd) Waning Moon @ 7:05 P.M.
(10th) New Moon @ 6:46 P.M.
(17th) Waxing Moon @ 7:29 P.M.
(24th) Full Moon @ 4:42 P.M. {Mead Moon}

We also have a Solar Eclipse on the 10th @ 6:48 P.M.
We also have a Lunar Eclipse on the 24th @ 4:28 P.M.

Lunar Eclipse Spell
Check the Lunar Eclipse Computer

(2nd) Waning Moon @ 12:19 P.M.
(10th) New Moon @ 5:26 A.M.
(16th) Waxing Moon @ 11:47 P.M.
(24th) Full Moon @ 4:07 A.M. {Thunder Moon}

(1st) Waning Moon @ 5:22 A.M.
(8th) New Moon @ 2:15 P.M.
(15th) Waxing Moon @ 5:12 A.M.
(22nd) Full Moon @ 5:29 P.M. {Corn Moon}
(30th) Waning Moon @ 9:31 P.M.

(6th) New Moon @ 10:10 P.M.
(13th) Waxing Moon @ 1:08 P.M.
(21st) Full Moon @ 8:59 A.M. {Harvest Moon} 
(29th) Waning Moon @ 12:03 P.M.

(6th) New Moon @ 6:18 A.M.
(13th) Waxing Moon @ 12:33 A.M.
(21st) Full Moon @ 2:20 A.M. {Blood Moon}
(29th) Waning Moon @ 12:28 A.M.

(4th) New Moon @ 3:34 P.M.
(11th) Waxing Moon @ 3:52 P.M.
(19th) Full Moon @ 8:34 P.M. {Mourning Moon}
(27th) Waning Moon @ 10:46 A.M.

We also have a Lunar Eclipse on the 19th @ 8:46 P.M.

Lunar Eclipse Spell
Check the Lunar Eclipse Computer

(4th) New Moon @ 2:34 A.M.
(11th) Waxing Moon @ 10:49 A.M.
(19th) Full Moon @ 2:10 P.M. {Long Nights Moon}
(26th) Waning Moon @ 7:31 P.M. 

We also have a Solar Eclipse on the 4th @ 2:38 A.M.

The Moon

The moon was but a chin of gold
A night or two ago,
And now she turns her perfect face
Upon the world below.
Her forehead is of amplest blond;
Her cheek like beryl stone;
Her eye unto the summer dew
The likest I have known.
Her lips of amber never part;
But what must be the smile
Upon her friend she could bestow
Were such her silver will!
And what a privilege to be
But the remotest star!
For certainly her way might pass
Beside your twinkling door.
Her bonnet is the firmament,
The universe her shoe,
The stars the trinkets at her belt,
Her dimities of blue.

~ Emily Dickinson
