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~My Poem on Love~

~My Poem on Love~

LOVE is being Happy, when you are Happy! Being sad, when you are sad, Being together in good times and the bad. For LOVE is the Source of Strength!

LOVE is being Honest with yourself, and the other person at all times. Telling, Listening,respecting the truth and never pretending, For LOVE is the Source of Reality!

LOVE is Understanding, Accepting the other person just the way they are, not trying to change them. LOVE is the excitement of planning and doing things together, For LOVE is the Source of Success & the Future!

LOVE is the fury of the Storm, the Calm of the Rainbows~ Giving and Taking in a daily situation being Patient with each other's needs and desires, For LOVE is the Source of Passion, and Sharing!

Mostly LOVE is knowing the other person will always be with you, and when they are away remaining near in Heart. For LOVE is the Source of Security & Life!

~Hope you enjoyed my Poem~ and do come back often~