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The Creative Outlet Theatre Company

Click here for the 2000 Theatre Season.

Would you like an acting workshop/seminar in your area?? If so, please CLICK HERE to fill out our feedback survey and let us know! Your help would be appreciated as we decide where to have future workshops. Thanks!

Attention Playwrights ----- Do you have a new play with characters anywhere in the play ages 18-25? If so, we are interested in reviewing your script. Please submit your work to: The Creative Outlet, 284 S. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101 and include a brief synopsis.

The Creative Outlet, established by Chad Allen, Heather Tom, and Craig Wargo, is a non-profit company comprised of young actors, manager, and agents. The Creative Outlet fosters and produces live theatre, providing a forum for young actors and writers. Its inaugural production of Neil Simon's Tony Award winning play Biloxi Blues received rave reviews from critics and audiences. During 1999, we will build upon this success as we present the 1999 Theatre Season and workshops. Read a recent article about one of our discoveries at a 1995 workshop. Please let us know if you would like to have a workshop or seminar in your area!

The Creative Outlet Theatre Company has many facets.

  • To produce live theatre in Los Angeles, New York and throughout the country. The company places young people in all positions, producing, directing, designing, and acting.

  • To provide a forum for other young people (high school age and above) to serve in an apprenticeship capacity in all areas of theatre, tv, and film.

  • To provide acting workshops and seminars throughout the country for ages 9-25 for theatre, tv, and film. In addition to being informative and educational, the participants receive great exposure to talent agents, talent managers, and casting directors in the industry.

  • To produce short and full length feature films.

    Ultimately The Creative Outlet would like to secure a permanent location serving as a forum for young actors and writers. The Creative Outlet is a non-profit theatre company and relies heavily on supporters. If you would like to be part of this exciting venture, we would welcome your financial support and contributions.


    The Creative Outlet, A Theatre Company
    284 South Marengo Ave.
    Pasadena, CA 91101

    Email us at

    1999 Theatre Season

    1998 Theatre Season

    1997 Theatre Season

    Future Acting Workshops and Seminars

    Past Acting Workshops and Seminars

    Read about an acting workshop discovery

    Our First Production - Neil Simon's Biloxi Blues

    The Creative Outlet Staff

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Useful Web Links

    Give us your feedback, comments, suggestions, and questions

    Copyright © 1996-1999 The Creative Outlet Theatre Company