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Take Time

For information on how I did the lake effect, visit David Griffiths Page

Take Time

Take time to Work...
It is the price of success.

Take time to Think...
It is the source of power.

Take time to Play...
It is the secret of youth.

Take time to Read...
It is the foundation of knowledge.

Take time to Worship...
It is the highway of reverence
and washes the dust of earth from our eyes.

Take time to Help and Enjoy Friends...
It is the source of happiness.

Take time to Love...
It is the one sacrament of life.

Take time to Dream...
It hitches the soul to the stars.

Take time to Laugh...
It is the singing that helps with
life's loads.

Take time to Plan...
It is the secret of being able to
have time to take time
for the first 9 things!

~~Author: Unknown~~

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