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Misfortunes / Natural Disasters

~*~ The dark forces arrive shortly after entering the high chamber of black magic. You look around frightened by the inexpliccable fear that has taken hold of your human body, twisting and turning into each fiber of your being. As if a wish was granted a bright white light shines and you are momentarily nocked uncouncious.

You slowly wake up an unimaginary throbbing pain wraking your whole head into convulsions. You stand up to alliveate the pain and look around. A horribly ugly man in a black robe looks at you disdainfully, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?", booms an unbearably loud mean voice.
"I'mmm....ummm... j-j-j-ust looookingg Arouunnd." You say shakily a feeling of pure fear viberating from the demon.
"Oh well in that case, be gone." The Ugly creature sneers, " I dont want you in on my property, you goody twoshoes, I'm the evil side of Falcon In Myth, all bad things happen because of me! Rember That and take that as a Warning."
You nearly fall over yourself trying to get out from that terrible place. When you emerge into the light you sigh in relief. ~*~

This is where you see what is Misfortunes/Natural disasters have happend lately. You can then type up a report, if you will, telling me what you did and how you solved it and what you lost.

~*~*~*~* LATEST Misfortune/Natural Disaster ~*~*~*~*
