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Well shoot, what do I say about myself, well, I'm a firefighter, prone to random acts of crazyness(mostly of the nonpycho kind) can't spell for crap, am loud, obnoxious, love punk and hardcore, and all kinds of other things, hate rap, always wear boots, usually steeltoes, love my trench coats and leather, own a 3500 hd chevy, 76 blazer, 81 mzb 300sd, 99 dodge durango, 83 kaw. 550 ltdz and a 98 suzuki 600 gsxr. Oh yeah, and I'm really good at runon sentences.

I'm big on family, friends(real ones not acqantences)and respect. You give it to me I'll give it back. Hence why I don't like rap or gangbangers they don't know a thing about respect.

I'm a hunter, gun and knife owner. And one sword. I'm a member of the N.R.A. and N.A.H.C. life member actually (both). One protects my guns the other protects my right to use my guns to hunt and they also do many other things also. Like helping in the community and education. Helping to keep kids from hurting themselves or others, or doing something stupid.

I'm also a member of the Issac Walton league. They help to make sure that water and animals are protected and so there will always be things around for me and other people to hunt. And Wildlife Forever(a nonprofit subsection of N.A.H.C.)

I'm a God respecting republican. I love my country and am a Seventh Day Adventist. I want people to understand that you can love God and be religious and still enjoy life, that you don't have to chosse between God and fun. God is fun. Yeah I'm not going to be a Bible pusher. I'm making a whole page for that. lol

Like I said I'm a republican, I love to listen to Rush when I can, and I am enjoying that the American public continue to wake up and vote republican.

I work for PSI a geolagical servey comapany in the oil fields and am a volunteer for Loveland Fire and Rescue.

I'm happily married and have two wonderful daughters and a son, they are 5, 2, and 3 mths.

Anything else you can learn from the other pages. Have at.