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*~*Happy Mother's Day*~*

From the moment of my birth....

Your presence has been know to me....

Before I recognized anyone else....

Your touch and smell told me you were near...

The soft gentle sound of your voice....

Your arms so safe and warm....

You guided and protected me....

Taught me and showed me the way....

Always there to catch me if I stumbled....

Putting me back on my feet....

Telling me all would be ok....

Feeling you ever close....

Yet allowing me freedom to learn....

Letting me find my own way....

You soothed me when I was sick....

Helped ease my fears the first day of school....

Entertained my friends....

Healed my cuts and scraps....

Wiping the tears from my eyes....

Watched me grow from a young child....

Through the ever changing teen years....

Guiding me through them....

Even though I resisted you so....

With all your love and care....

Strength and understanding....

You helped mould me....

Into the person I am today....

Someone who is strong and independent....

Able to have pride in myself....

To receive and give love....

A love filled with warmth and caring....

Thank-you Mom for always being there....

But most of all Mom....

Thank you for being you....

I love you....

Author: Katty Kane
