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Samantha's Halloween

Thats right just come on in through the gate..Your not afraid are you?

Watch out there for Hermon he likes to hang around in my pond..

He really is quite harmless...

Oh yes did I tell you that you must pass through

the grave yard on your way to my home..

You know they can not hurt you right...

I mean after all they are already dead...Ha Ha Ha...

See I told would be ok...

There's my house now....Like it?...

Well I see you finally made it...

Where do you think your going...

You made it this far Come on in...

Like my pumpkin...I knew you would...

Here you had better take this to light your way

Step lightly and be brave of heart

I have some friends over..they are quite harmless...

But some are frightfully scary looking...

Now wasn't that fun...

Well I hate to rush you but after all it is Halloween

and it is my busiest time of the year....

So here is your treats...which I must say you earned...

Take care and come again...

Oh wait a minute... I forgot the reason I invited you over..

Would not want you to leave before I could tell you...

Email me Katty Kane:
