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You Really CAN Make BIG Money Writing!

What kind of writing do YOU want to do?

Yes, You CAN Make BIG Money Writing!

Interested people ask,
"Can you really make money by writing"?

YES, you really CAN!

We haven't wasted a lot of $ on fancy buttons and gimmick-loaded Web pages.
We don’t think you'd be impressed by that sort of advertising tomfoolery.
But if you want to earn your living by being a writer, it will pay you well to read this factual letter.
For the past 37 years the author of this big Manual has made his living as a writer.
He knows how to contact and query editors and commercial clients,
he knows how to handle the money earned from writing,
and he knows what rights you should sell, which you should retain.
Now, after his years of experience right on the firing line, he’s prepared to show a few serious people how to consistently make money as full or part time writers.
If you're not serious, or can't follow a simple but effective writing plan,
don't waste any of your time; move on to something else. But if you are serious, read on--and profit! *************************************


Anyone can do it. At any age. In any physical condition.
Any time, AM, PM, weekends, holidays. Full-time, part-time, spare-time.
What? Write on any subject: hobbies-job-family-experiences-trips-school-loves-pets-retirement- Use your own experiences & background!
Where? Anywhere: at home-on vacation-on meal breaks-at school-on the job.
Why? Personal satisfaction-money (Mark Twain said no one but a fool ever wrote except for money)-fame-fulfillment-hobby-job advancement! Live anywhere! Travel free! Enjoy respect! Your pay? Anything from a few cents a word in the lowly trade journals to $3 and more in classy magazines, and 5 or 10 times that in specialty fields like movies, speeches, and best-sellers. Write a best seller, & retire now. Or work—profitably, happily—until the day you die.
How? Write for newspapers-magazines-trade journals-radio-TV-advertising-PR-movies-speeches for celebrities, executives, & politicians. Use anything from ancient quill pens to ballpoints, electric typewriters, or the latest laptop computer. Any "tool" will do. It’s the words that count! Also covers how to sell your pictures to magazines & newspapers! Or be independent as a freelance researcher for reporters-writers-magazines-papers-companies. Specialize in favorite subjects/geographic area, or be a generalist. Do spooky-but-profitable ghost –writing and grant writing for students. The possibilities are as long as your imagination!
Types? Short paragraphs-short articles-stories-poems-sales letters-magazine articles-columns-essays-plays-novels-short stories-op-Ed columns-reports-ads-web pages. This BIG Manual includes everything you want to know about writing, teaching, record keeping, counseling, marketing:
whatever your mind can conceive, writing will let you achieve!
Just read this fact-packed practical Manual and start applying its dynamic information immediately.
Here are just some of the subjects you need to know to be a success as a Freelancer. This Manual covers them all: location; electronic aids; business stationery; business communication lines; finding prospects; getting business; getting repeat business; How to slant; multiple sales; local possibilities.
Written by a successful Freelancer who has made his (good!) living as a Freelance reporter, writer, researcher, & teacher for over 37 years. This Info-Report® is based on actual experience, not unproven theories.
Freelance reporting, writing, photography, research are the best hobbies/professions/avocations in the world.


Some information books are assembled and/or "written" by people who have no actual experience in what the book is supposedly about. They simply "paste together" a lot of stuff they’ve read elsewhere. They depend on your "faith".
What about "You can make BIG money writing!"? It’s completely written by the author who has made his full-time income from writing for 37 years! No, it’s not faith or fiction, but ABSOLUTE FACT from a man who has done everything he tells you about!

GUARANTEE? As with all GFS International publications, YES, use the Manual for one full year. Then, if you haven't made at least TWICE in cash sales what you paid for this Manual, just send it back in resaleable condition with your log of writing submissions and rejections/acceptances, and your FULL PRICE will be refunded less a s&h&restocking fee. E-mail first for a refund authorization number.



The door to your opportunity is now open.
Order this fact-packed #1 best seller
NOW and start writing & selling tomorrow!.

Order it by toll-free phone, fax, or e-mail, and you can start your writing career tonight!

What kind of writing do you want to do?

These are just a few of your OPPORTUNITIES
As a professional freelance writer!

This is a concentrated Info-Report® Manual with a sensible price. It’s the culmination of 37 years of experience, research, development, & profitable application. Each year of experience is costing you well less than a cup of coffee per week! Judge this Manual by the profits & enjoyment you’ll gain.
The cost to you to obtain this super Manual is nominal. It’s an investment with an unlimited return.

You pay the investment fee just once, but you use the information for life!

What you get in this concentrated Info-Report® Manual is INFORMATION, extremely valuable information.
Information that realistically can help you change you from a mediocre job to a good job, or from a good job to a GREAT career!
As Michael Johns of Canada wrote to us: "This super Manual has helped me change my life. Before I was in a dead-end job. Now the world is really bursting with interesting and profitable opportunities!" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
PS: This Manual is not available in stores. We decided to eliminate the 40-50% commissions that bookstores charge, and use that money to lower the price & to pay for more research. It’s only available from this offer to people we believe are above average in their desires to get ahead & make more money & also enjoy their lives more.
When the original edition is sold out, it may not be offered again-ever!

Who is GFS International?

You may have heard of GFS International Corp. We’ve been publishing super "Make Money Writing" specialized newsletters and Special Reports since 1979. We’ve also been researching & publishing accurate "How To Make BIG Money--ENJOYABLY!"TM Info-Manuals® for years. Subjects include most "Making Money Enjoyably" topics, plus research titles published by the Int'l. Institute of Wealth & Money ® and Financial Success Publications® (divisions of GFS.) We’ll include full information on some of these titles in your Manual.
Now IS the time to use writing to make your life pleasant, interesting, and profitable. Order this big Manual today & start your exciting new career, or part-time hobby, NOW!

CLICK these buttons to get started WRITING tonight!

CLICK HERE to go to Page 2, and see why writing is such a splendid vocation.
CLICK HERE to find out all about the best-seller you may write soon!
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Need some supplemental $ 'til your writing income kicks in? CLICK HERE to find something unusual!
Need to travel to research your articles or stories? TRAVEL FREE! Get details by CLICKING here!