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Chuang Chou was a Taoist philosopher who lived about 300 BC. He was interested in what he called the "constant transformation of things" --- the way in which all things changed according to a cyclical pattern. The following is an excerpt from his writings, called the "Butterfly Dream." This passage is one of the most famous in Chinese philosophy, and has had a tremendous influence on philosophy, art and literature.

"I, Chuang Chou, once dreamt that I was a butterfly. I flitted about, from flower to flower, on a lazy summer day, drifting merrily around and about. I did as I pleased - and was ever so happy! I knew nothing about any Chuang Chou --- and didn't care a bit! Then, I awakened, a Chuang Chou with all his human trappings! Now, here is the real question: Did I, Chuang Chou, dream that I was a butterfly? Or am I a butterfly, dreaming that I am Chuang Chou?"

Think about what Chuang Chou's dream means to you. If you could be anything other than what you are, what would you be? Imagine yourself that …

The Butterfly ...}|{ Butterfly poem I }|{ Butterfly poem II
The Butterfly's Prince }|{ The Prince's Poetry
Blue-Winged Butterfly }|{ Erotic Butterfly
An Indian Legend }|{ Light Through A Butterfly's Eyes }|{ Girl Things
Symbology }|{ My Poodles
Back On2 My Flower ... }|{