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Trapped in a cocoon for seventeen years

Spun a silk world around you to block out all the fears

You're a butterfly

And now you know the time has come

To break the shell and emerge as the someone

You've held inside


Break the shell

Spread your wings

Fly out of the darkness

To beautiful things

Leave the walls of fear behind

Behold your world...


Trapped in a tangle of silken thread

The web got so thick inside your head

You thought you would die

Left behind are years of scars

As you emerge and find you are

A butterfly

Break the shell

Spread your wings

Fly out of the darkness

To beautiful things

Leave the walls of fear behind

Behold your world...


Break the shell

Spread your wings

Fly out of the darkness

To beautiful things

Leave the walls of fear behind

Behold your world...


by Jerry Fochtmann

The Butterfly ...}|{ Butterfly poem II
The Butterfly's Prince }|{ The Prince's Poetry
Blue-Winged Butterfly }|{ Chuang Chou }|{ Erotic Butterfly
An Indian Legend }|{ Light Through A Butterfly's Eyes }|{ Girl Things
Symbology }|{ My Poodles
Back On2 My Flower ...}|{