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when I was a child in body,

I caught a butterfly.


It was easy.

I just waited till it had

landed and snatched it up

by both wings.


It was so beautiful.

I named it "Heart" because

of the pattern on it's

wings and the joy it made

me feel inside my chest.


I would keep this butterfly.

This Heart.


But a terrible thing happened.

The beautiful pattern of it's

wings, the heart of many colors,

was being rubbed off by my fingers!


I let Heart go but she didn't seem

so beautiful and carefree anymore.

And she seemed to fly more out of

resignation than out of joy.


I learned a lesson that day.

Beauty is not something you grab

because you want it. Beauty is

not something you can possess whenever

you feel the need. Beauty can be a

very fragile thing indeed.


I see another butterfly.

She is flying crazily in the blowing wind.

And being tossed endlessly and dangerously

across the sky.


But I have learned my lesson.

I will not grab the butterfly for

fear I'll surely do more harm than



I think I'll simply hold out my hands

and offer her a place to land. A place

to be temporarily sheltered from the wind

and the storm.


And if she lands I will hold her with

the gentleless of touches so that she

may fly again whenever she wants to.


And if she lands I will tell her how

poignantly beautiful she is. And how

she touches me in a place deep inside...

A place so deep that there could be

only one name for this butterfly.


If she lands I will call her "Soul".

© -Jeff B.


With wishes for peace and rest to all of the

little butterflies who were grabbed and possessed

instead of heralded and allowed to fly...

The Butterfly ...}|{ Butterfly poem I
The Butterfly's Prince }|{ The Prince's Poetry
Blue-Winged Butterfly }|{ Chuang Chou }|{ Erotic Butterfly
An Indian Legend }|{ Light Through A Butterfly's Eyes }|{ Girl Things
Symbology }|{ My Poodles
Back On2 My Flower ...}|{