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The Best Things in Life are Girl Things


Never break a date with a Girlfriend to go out with a man.

Great minds think alike...assuming they are Female.

An understanding Girlfriend is cheaper than a therapist.

You're Perfect! just the weigh you are.

There's a little wild Woman in each of us.

What's a bad hair day between girlfriends?

Gems may be precious but Girlfriends are priceless

Girls just want to have fun!


The other night I sat on the couch in a spaghetti-splattered sweat suit
attempting to internalize my daily affirmation ---
"I will radiate beauty from within"
- when the phone rang.
It was my girlfriend.

The first words out of her mouth were,
"I just burst the seam on a pair of pants
I was trying on in the fitting room."

Her pants-splitting-in-the-fitting-room story automatically reminded me
of my jammed-zipper-in-the-ladies-room-of-the-fancy-restaurant story,
which in turn led her to recount
how she once spent five out of six dinner courses
with a piece of arugula stuck on her tooth.

It was as we sat on the phone revealing our most
humiliating moments to one another
that I had a revelation about
what inspires us:

Affirmations are nice.
But what's really moving to women
are hideous admissions.

Which makes you feel better?

The book's affirmation:
"No matter how high the mountain,
today, I will climb it,"

or the friend's admission:
"I shut the office door, fell asleep on the computer keyboard
and shorted out the system by drooling on the ENTER button."

Which gives you a better grasp on reality?

The book's affirmation:
"I will revel in who I am,
not in who others expect me to be,"

or the friend's admission:
"I combined seven microwaveable
ravioli dinners into a ceramic bowl
and tried to pretend it was my family's
secret recipe at the school potluck."

Which thought is more comforting?

The book's affirmation:
"I will conduct my life on a higher plane
and will not allow myself to beconsumed by pettiness,"

or the friend's admission:
"I spent 14 hours searching for a pair of
earrings to go with my new outfit."

To hear a friend's admission
is to know that there's another person in the world
who has stooped just as low,
if not lower,
than you.

There's solace in knowing
that someone else went for a power walk
and wound up at the ice cream store.

There's inspiration in hearing
that someone else not only stores her financial records in paper bags,
but once accidentally gave them all to Goodwill.

Over the weekend,
a table full of dinner guests
sat waiting in the dining room as I
frantically raced around the kitchen
trying to repair my rubberized chicken cacciatore
and runny spinach souffle.

Instead of reciting my affirmation for the day,
"I am bigger than all of my problems combined,"

all I could think of
was my friend's admission,
"I once set the curtains on fire
with my flaming peaches in front of 15 people."

Ha! I thought,
empowered by her failure.
I'm about to be humiliated,
but at least I'm not alone.
With that
I grabbed my platters of ruined food
and marched through the dining room doors
to face my guests.

On second thought,
maybe the most affirming thing we can
tell ourselves every day is this:

I will make time to call a girlfriend today
and talk.

~ unknown ~

The Butterfly ...}|{ Butterfly poem I }|{ Butterfly poem II
The Butterfly's Prince }|{ The Prince's Poetry
Blue-Winged Butterfly }|{ Chuang Chou }|{ Erotic Butterfly
An Indian Legend }|{ Light Through A Butterfly's Eyes
Symbology }|{ My Poodles
Back On2 My Flower ...}|{