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The Butterfly

Welcome! my friend …

Needed a soft spot to sit a spell? …
Yes, My Flower is a lovely place, indeed!
Karen is my given name
But ... Friends call me The Butterfly
My Flower is planted Somewhere in the USA
I grew up in The San Francisco Bay Area
The Butterfly's Prince was a US Marine Officer
We have FOUR BOYS!
... And ~ finally ~ a GIRL (our very own Little Princess)

When I'm not busy spreading my wings in pursuit of Flowers
and chasing after my boys,
A few of my other PLEASURES are
Good Food and Drink, Girlfriends, Shopping
Elephants, Gardening, GOOD !@#
a WIDE Variety of Music, Middle Eastern Dance
Antiques, Farmers' Markets
Tropical House Plants, Toy Poodles, Fancy Goldfish
Cats and Dessert Coffees
Margaritas & HOT Salsa!!!


I DIG Tattoos, Shaved Bald Heads & Goatees
Culture, Ethnic Flavour & Colour
Charming People, Inteligent Converstion
Information, Opinions, and A Good Debate
I enjoy Volunteering, The Roman Catholic Church
and, obviously ...
(not necessarily in that order!)

I am BARELY 5' 2", I have Green Eyes
My hair is soooooooo LONG
It's past my Tail Bone, and Growing ...
Color = Lt. Auburn Md. Brown with Dishwater Blond Highlights
I was born in the year 1970
I am a Tuarus
You will Rarely Ever see me in a pair of pants
I Nearly Always wear a Skirt
I have the Soul of An Artist
I am Moody
I can be VERY SEXY
am Incredibly Feminine

I DO NOT tolerate Ignorance or Racism
I LOATH Bad Manners & Rude People
I do not like to Exercise
I do not like Sappy Love stories with Happy Endings
Tragedy is my thing
I am not fond of open water
and, yes ... I am afraid of the dark

And, just in case you are asking yourself "The Question"
YES! ... It's really Me in The Picture

**Someday ... I'd like to
Walk the Way of The Cross in Isreal
Hike The Great Wall of China
Safari in Africa, Shop the Markets of India and Turkey
Own a Summer Home in Mexico
And ... Drive a Two Seater Car
with ONLY enough room for Me and My Shopping Bags.

~ Catch Me If You Can ~
The Butterfly …}|{

You wonder? "How does One become a Butterfly ...
You have to want to Fly so much
that you are willing to give up being a Caterpiller"
- Trina Paulas

Butterfly poem I }|{ Butterfly poem II
The Butterfly's Prince }|{ The Prince's Poetry
Blue-Winged Butterfly }|{ Chuang Chou }|{ Erotic Butterfly
An Indian Legend }|{ Light Through A Butterfly's Eyes }|{ Girl Things
Symbology }|{ My Poodles
Back On2 My Flower ...}|{