*~Nsync on Jeopardy~*

~~The other day I turned on my television and to my surprise, on celebrity Jeopardy, there was NSYNC! Here's exactely what happened~~ ((Note to the oblivious people: This is but a joke and NSYNC has yet to be on Jeopardy))

AlEX TREBECK: Welcome to Celebrity Jeopardy. Today our guests are male superstars NSYNC. Team Number 1 is Joshua Chasez and Chris Kirkpatrick.

CHRIS: Hehhheheheh! We're gonna kick a$$!!

JC: yey....

ALEX: Team number 2 is Lance Bass and Joey Fatone

LANCE: Me and the fat one are gonna win! But if I win do I get some free makeup?

JOEY: I will win if you give me food.

ALEX: And Team nubmer 3 is Justin Timberlake.

Justin: Yah I gonna whoop ur a$$es in cuz I'm da bombest brotha

ALEX: What?? ... Well the categories are: Musicians, Places, Animals, States, Colors, and words starting with the letter I....Team 1 you pick first.

CHRIS: I'll takr animals for $200...hehehe

ALEX: This animal makes the sounds: WOOF WOOF and BARK.

JUSTIN: Mah baby Brittney Spears.

CHRIS: ::::::points to JC::::: Him! Hahahah! I kill me!

JC::::::roles his eyes:::::::::

ALEX: No that is incorrect...pick again.

JC: ::::::has a beer can in his hand:::::: I'll pick colors for a thousand man.

ALEX: This is the color of Justins hair.

JOEY:::::looks at Justin::::: What is....this is a trick question!!

ALEX: As dumb as you are Joey..that's actually correct..his hair is died...Team 2 you pick.

LANCE: For 500..Words starting with I...by the way speaking of I...is my eye makeup still on?

ALEX: Finish the phrase: Me, myself, and .....

JUSTIN: mah homies

ALEX: What language are you speaking? That doesn't start with I.

JUSTIN: Mah right?

ALEX: What??!? No..your not right. Team 2 pick again.

JOEY: Food for 3000

ALEX: Food is not a category.

JOEY: Yeh but I want it..and I'm famous so I can get anything! Well then...states for 200

Alex: This is the state your in.

JC:::::sleeping with beer can in hand::::::::

CHRIS: I know! United States!

JUSTIN: Africa..da holme of mah peeps.

ALEX: Those are both countries. Justin you pick a categorie.

JUSTIN: Musicians for 500

ALEX: Wow..that was english. OK...This is a group of 5 musicians popular in the late 90's whose names were: JC, Justin, Chris, Joey, and Lance.

LANCE: Definetely the Backstreet Boys! Duh!

NSYNC:::Agrees with Lance::::: Definetely Backstreet Boys!


JUSTIN: den who is it uh?


NSYNC: Ohhhhh...wow that was hard.

JC::::drinks some more and falls back to sleep::::::

ALEX: Let's just go to final Jeopary. The category is "Apple" I want you to write down the color of an apple. Here is a hint..the answer can be green or red. OK Justin what did you write?

JUSTIN: De answa is Mercedes Benz cuz I jus gotz dis phat Mercedes

ALEX: O gawd...Chris and JC?

CHRIS: We wrote New York cuz its a big apple n stuff....See! I did well in college!

JC: Yeh...and we wadgered Pixie Stix and some more beer...I wanna be drunker so I don't know whats going on and people will think I'm nice!!!

ALEX: Wrong...and JC I think you need help....Lance and Joey?

JOEY: What is food?

LANCE: And we wadgered makeup.


NSYNC: What's wrong with him?

The End

Email: jstinsync7@aol.com