*~Jerry Springer!~*

ANNOUNCER: Today on Jerry Springer! *shows clips from 'N Sync's 1998 concert tour and clips from "I Want You Back" video* Remember those dang 'N Sync guys from the 90's? Ever wonder where they are now? Jerry has the answer. Next!

***Theme Song Plays***

JERRY: Ten years ago, 'N Sync entered the picture posing after the more talented and more gorgeous Backstreet Boys. Exactly what happened to them after their 15 minutes of fame? We have the answer! Please welcome the youngest member, Justin Timberlake. *Justin comes out looking exactly like he did ten years ago*

JUSTIN: *In his usual squeaky voice* Hello . . . cough, cough! *tries to lower his voice but to no avail* Hello Jerry.

JERRY: Well, everything seems to be fine with you, Justin. I'm sorry puberty hasn't quite taken its course for you yet. I promise, buddy, it'll happen one day soon. Let's bring out another member.

*The crowd screams as a red and blue object flies above the audience*

AUDIENCE: It's a bird! It's a plane! It's . . . Joey?

JOEY: Super Man to the resc--

*Wammy! Joey slams into the wall. Three security guards try to help him up. Poor guy never did cut down on the Twinkies. Six more security guards are called over and finally manage to help him up and unattach the strings used to carry him across the room. Joey sits next to Justin as Justin gives him dirty looks*

JERRY: *speachless* Oh, um, please welcome Joey Fatone . . . is it Joey or, uh, Superman?

JOEY: Oh, you can call me Superman. *funnily grins*

JERRY: Very interesting wardrobe you have there, Su-Super . . . Joey. So, What have you been doing lately?

JOEY: The question is who. Who have I been doing?

JERRY: Um, I'm sorry Joey, that is too broad of a question. How 'bout, who have you been doing in the past week?

JOEY: *sticks out his hands and starts counting* Umm . . . Lance *crowd gasps* and Justin *once again gasps* and JC . . .

JERRY: *scarcly gulps* Oh. Well . . . what about Chris? Why don't we bring him on out!

*Chris runs out and trips on his dreds which are now dragging two feet on the ground. He quickly gets up and runs over to Joey*

CHRIS: What the ~beep~! You've laid all the guys but me? You ~ beeping beep~!

JERRY: Well this story just gets more and more interesting. We might as well bring out the other two guys. Please welcome Lance Bass and Joshua Scott Chasez!

*The other two come out. Lance comes out with bright pink lipstick and a mini- skirt. JC . . . well, he hasn't changed*

JERRY: Welcome to the show.

JOEY: Lance! Is that a new shade of lipstick? It's to die for!

LANCE: Sure is! I borrowed it from Justin the other night.

*Everyone turns to look at Justin who has his finger in his nose*

JERRY: Well . . . ok then. Let's go back to Chris. Chris, what have you been up to recently?

CHRIS: Well, Jerry, lately . . . *pauses and looks over at the other members who are all gazing into Joey's eyes*

CHRIS: That's it, I can't take it anymore! *He storms off of the set. The room is silent, followed by footsteps. Chris re-enters the stage . . . holding kryptonite*

JOEY: No! *Chris and Joey chase each other around the sets like idiots.*

JERRY: Quick! Commercial break!

ANNOUNCER: Have you recently slept with Joey Fat One and are now ready to tell him you want to become a woman? If so, you could be a guest! *commercial break ends and the theme plays*

JERRY: And we're back. We've managed to calm Chris down and take the kryptonite away from him. We sat the two down in chairs in the corner facing the wall until they can settle down. Chris, Joey? Do you think you're ready to join us again? *The two nod simultaneously*

JERRY: *sigh* Good! Now . . . in 1998, the five of you known as 'N Sync hit the U.S. and had . . . well, absolutely no impact. What have you been doing since then?

CHRIS: I have been thinking up cute knock-knock jokes.

JERRY: For the past ten years?

CHRIS: Yup! I'm up to four now!

JERRY: Wow. Congratulations! What about the rest of you?

JOEY: I manage a strip club.

LANCE: I work there.

JUSTIN: *curling his hair around his finger* Oh, um, I just be chillin'. I gots 6 new mercedes, ya know! Haha, you like dat, doncha?!

JC: Shut up, you ~beep~!

JUSTIN: Yo, man. Why youz gotta go dis yo' brotha like dat, man?

*JC rolls his eyes, gets up, and goes backstage. Four seconds later he comes out with a mirror.*

JC: Justin, do me a favor. Look closely into the miror please.

*Justin gasps and breaks out in tears. Jerry and the audience stare in confusion.*

JERRY: Umm . . . what just happened?

JC: Oh, Justin just realized that he isn't black.

JUSTIN: *Now crying hysterically* You're a liar, JC, it isn't true! I am black, you ~beep~! *Justin picks up a chair and throws it at JC. JC ducks and the chair hits Lance, whose wig falls off.*

LANCE: ~Beep~ ~Beep~ ~Beep~ ~Beep~ ~Beep~ ~Beep~ ~Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep~

JERRY: Oooooh . . . nice try. I see you are trying to beat AJ's record of the longest beep, just like you copy everything else they do. Sorry! It wasn't even close!

JOEY: Nobody talks to my lover that way!!!

*Joey throws his chair at Jerry. Chris gets up and throws one at Joey*

*Chairs start flying everywhere. Joey tries to fly out of the situation, but seeing how he's not really Superman, he falls straight on his butt . . . or is that his face? Justin manages to escape the madness. He walks up to the camera.*

JUSTIN: Aw, you like that, doncha?

***theme plays***


Email: jstinsync7@aol.com