*~ Good, Bad and Worse...~*

Good-You get a call from Joey. Bad-He got the wrong number. Worse-It was a collect call.

Good-Justin come to your house! Bad-He got the wrong address. Worse-He was looking for your best friend.

Good-You got front row seats at an *Nsync concert! Bad-The girl nxt to you didnt take a bath...=O Worse-Justin is singing to HER

Good- Justin is looking at you. Bad- He starts pointing. Worse- He starts laughing.

Good: You see Lance while driving around Orlando. Bad: He's not alone. Worse: She's gorgeous.

Good: You dance with Lance. Bad: To The Village People. Worse: "Macho Man."

Good: 'N Sync did write the song 'Giddy Up'. Bad: It turns out the song is not just about partying. It's about love ("just ride it"). Worse: It also turns out they wrote it as a dedication to Britney Spears.

Good:You're backstage talking with them. Bad: You trip on a cord. Worse: You accidentally grab Justin in the "wrong spot" looking for something to grab hold of while falling.

Good: Justin declaires his love for you on national tv Bad: every girl wants to kill you Worse: They know where you live

Good: You go backstage and see Justin Bad: He's sleeping Worse: Britney is under the covers

Good-The humor segment was funny! Bad-It's over Worse- I'LL BE BACK!

Email: jstinsync7@aol.com