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Jennifer O'Dell
November 7, 2001

MODERATOR: Welcome to the AT&T WorldNet(R) Community Port chat event. Tonight we are chatting with Jennifer O'Dell, star of "The Lost World".

MODERATOR: This chat is Copyright (c) 2001 AT&T WorldNet(R); all rights reserved.

MODERATOR: Welcome to the AT&T WorldNet(R) Community Port chat event. Jennifer, we're very excited to have you here. How are you doing today?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: I'm doing fabulous. It's good to be back in LA.

MorganFan: Do you relate to your character Veronica at all? If so, how?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: Very much so. She's very strong, independent type of character, but she has her vulnerabilities. We met the writers in Australia this year and they got to meet us and know our personalities. We give them a lot of ideas on the show and they really pay attention to each character and us as individuals.

kelleykat: are you surprised by the success of the Lost World?

SPEAKER_Jennifer Odell: I’m surprised because it's difficult for any pilot to be picked up. It's a slim chance it'll be picked up. It depends on audience interest. But, I'm also not surprised because we have great writers and a great cast that really make the show work.

waterbob: What is it like filming in Australia?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O’Dell: It’s beautiful. Can be cold if you're shooting in wintertime. The people are really nice. And it's nice right now because it's summer there now. And I get to work outside instead of a studio everyday. But, I do miss home. It's a long way away. You miss the comforts of home.

polyesterbride: Why do you think people are so fascinated with the dinosaur aura?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O’Dell: I think everyone is fascinated by the unknown or "what if".

goldinaxiz: Does your clothing get rather uncomfortable sometimes?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: Extremely! But, it's nice in the summertime.

tvfanatic2001: Hi, I have watched every episode of The Lost World and I really admire you and love your acting. With everything going on in the U.S. has that changed anything for you and how did you find out about the events of 9/11?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: I found out 9/11 because my boyfriend called me at 2am and told me to turn on the TV. Unfortunately, I had to go to work that day. It did affect people there, but probably not as much as here. And there was sadness on the set that day. I think it affected all of humanity.

MorganFan: Do you do your own stunts for Lost World?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: Yes, as much as I can or the producers will allow me to do.

Armslore14: What do you know about the firearms used on the show The Lost World?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: I think they're all of the time period. They do jam on us quite a bit. But, fortunately Veronica doesn't use firearms, only her knives.

SarahJaneP: What's your favorite part about the lost world? What's your least?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: My favorite part is the character that I play. The worst part is the long hours.

goldinaxiz: Do you ever get the urge to take some of those prop knives home with you?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: In the beginning, I always took my knife home with me to practice spinning it and throwing it.

tvfanatic2001: What is it like working with the other actors? What is the chemistry like on set?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O’Dell: Chemistry is great. That is what makes our show so workable and sustainable.

PsychoTsunami: So, what about Summerlee coming back? We know he isn't dead, will he and Ned be returning at all, or are they permanently "dead" characters?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: There will be the return of Ned Malone, which is this weekend's episode.

kelleykat: Do you have any additional projects that you’re working on?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: No. The Lost World is taking up most of my time.

Alliebama: I loved the photo shoot you did for MAXIM, do you plan on doing additional modeling in the future?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: Yeah, I'd love to.

MorganFan: Do you have any interesting talents besides being a fabulous actress?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: I'm very handy, I know how to get stuff done.

dragonfire30: What style of martial arts do you study or is it all kickboxing?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: I don't study any martial arts. It's all choreographed and it's taught to us by the stunt guys right before we shoot it, sometimes an hour or 15 minutes before.

waterbob: Do you plan on appearing in any additional videos with the Backstreet Boys?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: Well, we never know. It depends on them I guess.

bikeaviator: Do you think women are portrayed fairly on television in present-day society?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: I think there is always going to be a stigma of the relationship between men , women and women being portrayed in a certain way. I think in the 20th century, women are portrayed to both extremes. It depends how a women shows themselves in the public eye and to her family and friends.

polyesterbride: Do find it to be a difficult struggle to gain respect in Hollywood based on your talents and not simply your looks alone?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: Sometimes. It's getting easier, but you are always going to have to prove yourself. So with this character, she has the best of both worlds.

liz79: How do you feel about both your and David Orth's more limited roles in Season 3? I had heard that you were taking some time off from TLW this season - was that your choice?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: Yes. Only because the past 2 weeks have been so trying and difficult with being away from home for 8 months and long hours. I needed the extra time to come home.

PsychoTsunami: I know you work with some actual real animals on the set, how do they respond to you and the others?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: We don't use a lot of animals on set. I wish we used more. But, we tend to use more special effects and CGI with blue screens creating the dinosaur effects.

Armslore14: On the Official Board there was a thread about you and a Jeep Wrangler. Did you happen to read this? If so what did you think of it?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: Nope, I didn't read it. Jeep Wrangler and me? That's strange.

liz79: Can you tell us anything about the upcoming Wild West episode? Sounds very interesting from what we've been told so far.

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: It's definitely something the Lost World can get away with. Each character plays a different character. It's probably one of the best episodes we've ever shot and all the fans will agree. A couple of us look a bit different than we usually do. I don't want to give too much away.

PsychoTsunami: If you really were trapped on a "Lost World", what 3 items would you make sure you had?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: My toothbrush, my nut body butter from The Body Shop and my boyfriend.

bikeaviator: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: Exercising. Making jewelry. cooking. lunches and dinners and eating out. I love day spas.

waterbob: What are your long-term goals? Both career wise, and personally?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: Career wise, I really like to come back to LA and be based here and start a film career. I'd love to start doing feature films. Personally, just be happy.

polyesterbride: What can you tell us about you that nobody else knows?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: I was not born in Hawaii like everyone thinks. I was born in Ridge Crest, CA. I did grow up in Hawaii for a bit though. And, it's hard for me to stay in good physical shape. It's a constant battle everyday, but I enjoy staying is shape and exercising.

swingingsis: Do you have an email address or web site where we can keep in touch with you?

SPEAKER_Jennifer ODell:

MODERATOR: Well, we're almost out of time for this chat event. Do you have any final comments you'd like to share with us?

SPEAKER_Jennifer O'Dell: Keep watching the show. It only keeps getting better. Expect the unexpected.

MODERATOR: Well congratulations on your success, and thanks very much for sharing your time with us-- this has been an extremely interesting chat. Also, I'd like to thank all the users who attended and participated in the chat event; we hope to see you again soon!

MODERATOR:Thanks again folks. Have a good night! This chat event and transcript is Copyright (c) 2001 AT&T WorldNet(R).

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