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Voodoo Queen

Roxton is out hunting with a spear when he is chased by Trogs with mysterious drums beating in the background. He sees through the trees a woman running in front of him and chases after her. He catches up to her and the drums stop beating. The next morning the woman is holding a doll in one hand and in the other a pin and puts it in the doll and Roxton is sleeping on the ground beside her, pantless. Roxton wakes up and tries to hide behind a tree when he sees that he is pantless, and that she has his pants. Roxton gets his pants from her and the two kiss but are being watched by Trogs.

Meanwhile Veronica, Marguerite, Challenger and Malone start out to search for Roxton but Marguerite predicts that he isn't in any danger but with a woman. As the group discusses the drums, which Veronica parents called Voodoo Drums, Roxton and the woman enter the clearing. Roxton introduces his friends to the woman, Danielle and tells of how he found her running for her life in the jungle from Trogs. Hundreds of Trogs over ran her village two weeks ago and butchered everyone there and that the drums are the way the Trogs are organizing into an army. Challenger and Malone express their concern and invite Danielle to stay at the tree house while the woman are more sceptical.

Later Danielle visits Challenger in his lab. When he isn't looking Danielle steals his quill. She flatters Challenger by comparing him to a high priest in her village. She then ventures outside to where Malone is fixing the fence and takes a button off his discarded shirt. She offers him water and comments on how fit he is. Back at the tree house Danielle goes through a jewellery box when Veronica enters the room. Veronica tells her she is a guest in her home and she should start acting like it. After that incident Veronica and Marguerite discuss their suspicion about their guest. Veronica informs Marguerite that a small comb of hers is missing and that Danielle probably took it.

Outside Roxton is sharpening an axe while Danielle playfully hides from him behind a tree. Roxton chases after her but before he can catch her she pulls out the doll and twist its legs just as Roxton falls to the ground. Danielle crouches over him and the two kiss again.

Later that day Danielle is trying on a robe when Marguerite enters the room. Marguerite tells her not to play this game with her, that she knows that Danielle wants something else and that she doesn't believe her story about her people being slaughtered. Danielle accuses Marguerite of being in love with Roxton and goes to slap her, but Marguerite catches her arm in time.

Later that night, outside the tree house Danielle casts a spell to awake the spirits of the dead. Back in the tree house Veronica tells the others its time for Danielle to go but Roxton doesn't think she should. Marguerite tells them that she believes that Danielle is lying but Challenger and Malone also express their concern for Danielle out in the jungle alone. The elevator comes up carrying Danielle and Marguerite volunteers to be the one to tell her she has to go but Daniel guesses it by their faces. Danielle tells them that the drums are quiet now and that it may be safe for her to return to her village to see if there are any other survivors and Roxton tells her that he won't let her go alone. Danielle then goes to her room and takes out Veronica's comb, Marguerite's ring, Challenger's quill and Malone's button and says that she has them all, she then pulls out the doll and says that she'll have Roxton to love and honour her.

The next morning as Roxton and Danielle are trekking through the jungle, Danielle tells him she's not going to let him return to his friends. She's going to keep him all to herself. When they stop for a rest, Danielle pulls out the trinkets she took from the others, she tells Roxton that their relics from her village that she'll use to pray with. Danielle then looks in her bag for something else but she can't find it. Back at the tree house the others are discussing the possibility of the Trogs working together when Marguerite shows them the doll she has just found. They all remark on its resemblance to Roxton.

Danielle mixes some sort of concoction and puts the group's belongings into the mixture. At the tree house, the explorers are getting ready to go out to go and look for Roxton but one by one they get sick. Later in the night when they've somewhat recovered, the groups discussed what could have caused them to become ill while the drums again beat outside. Malone brings up voodoo again as a possibility, that a voodoo priest or priestess could inflect harm using personal belonging, which leads them all to mention the possessions that are missing. They come to the conclusion that Danielle is the one who made them sick to keep them from going after Roxton and that they'll leave at first light to find them. The next morning Danielle weaves together a small replica of the tree house and crushes it between her hands. Back at the tree house, as the group prepares to leave, part of the roof of the tree house caves in on top of Malone. When Roxton and Danielle reach her village, she reveals that she hasn't told him everything. Her village was attacked but it was twenty years ago. She managed to get away and she calls other forward, she is their queen.

Back at the tree house, the explorers notice that the drums are beating and its daylight, when they hear a scream, which they go and investigate. Down on the ground they see people walking into the fence and getting shocked, zombies. In Danielle village, Danielle asks Roxton to join her but he refuses. Danielle responds by having him seized and putting him in a cage. In the tree house, Veronica finds her parents writing on the voodoo village. The priest would put something in a victim's drink causing him to be their slaves forever. The writings also say that salt got into the water supply which caused their zombies to revolt against their masters and slaughtering them. Marguerite decides to use the voodoo doll to try and stop Roxton from eating or drinking. She twists the arms and the legs. In his cage as Roxton's about to drink, his limbs begin to twitch uncontrollably, stopping him from drinking. The explorers decide to go after Roxton. While they're walking, a fog begins to surround them and the group is ambushed. Veronica and Marguerite are captured and are taken to Danielle's village. Roxton's water bowl is empty and Danielle has him branded, and he doesn't react throughout the procedure. Danielle tells him that his first task as her new slave is to kill Marguerite and Veronica.

Challenger and Malone steal the cloths off their ambushers they killed and paint their faces using the sap from trees. At the village Marguerite and Veronica are tied up and Roxton just stands in front of them while Danielle and her people dance. Challenger and Malone enter the village and find the well to containment it with salt. Later in the evening takes out a sword and hands it to Roxton. Just as he's about to strike, Malone fires his gun and yells. Roxton brings the sword down, cutting Marguerite and Veronica free. Danielle yells at her people to stop them but the salt has taken affect and they attack her instead. Roxton can't leave her like that but the others convince him to go.

Later at the tree house, Marguerite bandages up Roxton's branded arm. Roxton tries to convince her that Danielle put a spell on him from the beginning but she doesn't believe him. Roxton explains that he was given a change to outsmart Danielle and he took it. Malone asks him how he figured out not to drink the water. Roxton replies that he couldn't explain it, that as he went to drink the water, his body got all twisted. Marguerite figures out that it was her manipulation of the doll that saved him and her, Malone, and Veronica then go on to search for the voodoo doll. While they're searching, Challenger hands the doll over to Roxton, who says he'll keep it, with Marguerite's ring.


Marguerite: Tell me you didn't drink the damn water!
Veronica: If he did, the damange is permanent.

Danielle: A wild dangerous night of eating, dancing and sex.

Marguerite: Roxton if you can hear me, just nod your head, drool, anything.

Malone: They've taken the women!
