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Veronica Layton was born on the plateau. Her parents were part of an early expedition to the Lost World. Her parents expedition brought many ammienties from home, including a record player and many books, giving the plateau a little feel of London. Veroncia lives in a two story tree house that her parents constructed. One day when Veronica was eleven, her parents went out to find specimens but they never returned. Veronica knows for certain that the other members of her parents expedition are dead. It has been over 12 years since her parents disapeared, but she refuses to give up hope that her parents are gone and still looks for them. Veronica will not leave the plateau until she finds her parents or what happened to them. Veronica was able to survive on her own with the help of the Amazons and the Zanga's, a local tribe. She has an extensive knowledge of the plateau and its inhabitats. When the Challenger expedition became stuck on the plateau, she invited them to stay with her at the tree house.

Veroncia is very talented with knives and can successfully defend herself against many of the dangers on the plateau including apeman and head hunters. The Challenger expedition have become good friends and family to her. When she was a child Veronica and Vantaue agreed to marry when she was older.
