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January 25
More Treehouse News – 25 Jan. ‘02

Hello Friends,

Nick J. here with your weekly update from Australia. Another week, another new show. (Feel free to repost this message elsewhere.)

Here’s the latest:

1) Will we or won’t we? (Season 4, that is.) It looks good but let me explain:

New Line has announced a “4th Season green light” for TLW (The Hollywood Reporter, 11 Jan., ’02). This is a fantastic start, but it does not yet guarantee a new season. Like any other syndicated show, there are a few more steps before we all celebrate.

New Line is the distributor for TLW in the U.S. -- without New Line’s support, the show would not continue. However, we’re still negotiating with distributors outside the U.S. who help pay for the show (“Hello... Romania? Iceland?”). The remaining deals will take several weeks to finalize. Nothing unusual.

I did not want to announce anything prematurely but also wanted to prevent any rumours. Still, the first big step has been taken and we are really thrilled.

2) Malone and Veronica. Again, we love them and understand their value to the show. Nothing has changed with that. Veronica will return in ep. 312 “The End Game.” David Orth is still affected by the same Australian tax rules as stated before. However, we believe that a long term solution is possible if we return for a 4th Season. As you’ve seen, ep. 310 “Brothers In Arms” was a great way for Malone to gain some insight while he’s away.

3) Back to the fun stuff -- stories. This week is a true TLW original, ep. 311 “Ice Age.” You’ve seen the official synopsis and I can’t add much more than to say grab your coat and hat, it’s getting cold around here. Our guys must save themselves and the world... business as usual!

4) A bit of info and trivia. Peter McCauley’s wife Catherine Wilkin will be guest starring in an upcoming episode. She’s appeared before on TLW but her role is quite different this time, I guarantee it.

That’s it for now.

The many people who make The Lost World happen wish you the very best.


Nick J.

(See previous 'Treehouse' posts for other news from the set)

January 18
More Treehouse News – 18 Jan. ‘02

Hello Friends,

Nick J. here with your weekly update from Australia. Another week, another new show. (Feel free to repost this message elsewhere.)

A brief post this week:

1) This week’s show is ep. 310 “Brothers In Arms.” A real strong drama featuring our favourite reporter, Ned Malone. Can’t wait for your reaction to this as it’s really a pivotal episode for Ned. (The crew really enjoyed this one, blowing up as much as possible.)

2) Curious about our locations? Just as the credits say, we shoot everything in Australia, and most it within a 30 km radius of the studio. The landscape varies widely in Australia, especially near the coast. We’ve got true rain forests, pine forests, eucalyptus and gum tree scrubland, a bit of open grassland, hills, mountains, valleys, rivers, waterfalls, our rock quarry (“the wok”) and of course the beach (make that the inland sea). The location manager is in charge of securing permits from the various gov’t offices and permission from the property owners (whom we pay). Part of our responsibility is to be invisible as possible upon departure so any natural areas remain that way.

Of course, with our wild stories we have to build many sets as well and if you saw where we shoot (when we’re not in the studio or on natural location) you might see an ice cave next to a London pub next to an Old West trading post with a few dinosaur bones nearby. Weird but fun and the construction guys do a great job of putting it together in a flash.

On one of our more frequent locations, we often have to shoo the cattle and horses away as it’s a working ranch. By the way, the recent bush fires you might have seen on the news were farther south and didn’t affect us. Also, a big rainstorm blew through this week and helped out those folks as well.

Thought I’d give you a break from the multiple story teases this week. Hope you enjoyed the little tour.

The many people who make The Lost World happen wish you the very best.


Nick J.

(See previous 'Treehouse' posts for other news from the set)

January 11
More Treehouse News – 11 Jan. ‘02

Hello Friends,

Nick J. here with your weekly update from Australia. Another week, another new show. (Feel free to repost this message elsewhere.)

Sorry for the late post but it has been a CRAZY fun week since we returned. Sure it’s the same with you at work or school. (Crikey, mate -- I forgot my locker combo!!)

So much to catch up on with cast and crew (oh yeah, and work too). From zero to two hundred once again. A very few items as I have a script due within hours -- honest!:

1) Just about finished shooting ep. 316 “Suspicion”. A wild LW take on a creepy classic. Don’t want to give away too many details this early because you’ve got a few other new episodes to enjoy beforehand. Which reminds me…

2) Our broadcast schedule. The reruns are over for awhile! You’ll start back up with fresh from the oven episodes, starting this weekend with ep. 309 “A Witch’s Calling.” Enjoy.

3) Malone and Veronica. Don’t you worry, we still love them and are making plans to see as much of them as we can get in the future (but as a couple or not -- hmm??). Please don’t take their brief journeys off the plateau as a sign of anything more than what we’ve already talked about.

Back to the script but I enjoyed the little break.

The many people who make The Lost World happen wish you the very best -- welcome back to you as well.

Nick J.

PS --

December 21

More Treehouse News – 21 Dec. ‘01

Hello Friends,

Nick J. here with your weekly update from Australia. (Feel free to repost this message elsewhere.)

The only big news is that we’re all on our first day of holiday! We’ve sent the dinos off with cookies and eggnog and the crew has scattered to the wind until January 7th when we’ll return to finish shooting Season 3. Now that we’re being televised here in Australia, our quiet little operation may lose its anonymity -- the strong ratings have been a real boost for crew morale.

I just wanted to write a quick note to let you know how much we all appreciate the passionate support of The Lost World fans. It’s been a great year and a big reason is you! With a little TLW ingenuity, we’re hoping to continue for a long time.

The many people who make The Lost World happen wish you the very best this holiday season and into the New Year.

Thanks again.

Nick J.

P.S. - Where do Challenger and company go on holiday -- any ideas? The Zanga Hot Tub Spa? The Inland Sea Bed and Breakfast? You decide.

(See previous 'Treehouse' posts for other news from the set)

December 13

More Treehouse News – 13 Dec. ‘01

Hello Friends,

Nick J. here with your weekly update from Australia. Another week, another new show. (Feel free to repost this message elsewhere.)

A short list this week:

1) Last week I mentioned ep. 314 “The Secret.” That episode is almost finished shooting but you’ll have to wait until after the New Year to see whose secret it is and the impact it will have. Sorry for the merciless story teasing but I think you’ll find the wait worthwhile (plus, you don’t want me to spoil the surprise, do you?).

For the next few weeks, you’ll get a chance to see the first few shows of this season again while we let the fine folks in editing catch up (and then we’re all off for a much needed holiday break). This is a nice way of saying we'll show 'repeats' -- just like any other show but ours are better -- how many new details, nearly hidden objects, and secret meanings will you find???

2) Just to let you know we’re not slacking off until our break, today we’ll begin shooting a wildly ambitious story which will bring our explorers to a place both familiar and entirely new (and dangerous). I’ll hold off on the actual title, but this one is ep. 315, our “Project X”.

3) I saw some of you remark about a possible TLW Season 4. Let me tell you that although nothing is official, we’d love nothing more than to entertain you for years to come. We are certainly VERY hopeful considering the response and ratings. All I can say is tell your friends to watch!

The many people who make The Lost World happen wish you the very best.


Nick J.

(See previous 'Treehouse' posts for other news from the set)

December 6

More Treehouse News – 06 Dec. ‘01

Hello Friends,

Nick J. here with your weekly update from Australia. Another week, another new show. (Feel free to repost this message elsewhere.)

A full list this week:

1) Last week I mentioned ep. 313 “Phantoms” which had just started shooting. It’s about wrapped now, but even those of us on set were surprised with the sparks that flew between the two romantic interests in this story (I’ll let you guess). Could we have a new TLW couple? Big thanks to everyone involved, especially director Michael Carson, quite well known in Australia, who really inspired Guy Mullally with the script.

2) I thought I’d give a brief update on Malone, which is to say there is nothing new to report. David Orth will still appear in 7 episodes this season, limited only by Australian tax rules which govern the show. In return for various tax incentive programs which made it possible for the show to be produced after Telescene’s quick demise, we are limited in the number of non-Australian lead actors we can have over the course of a season.

Again, we know how important Malone is and we believe a long-term solution is possible. On a related note, this is another reason why Michael Sinelnikoff (Summerlee) has a very doubtful chance of appearing this season. If we can’t get David, we certainly can’t get Michael. We have pushed to the limit the number of appearances by non-Australian actors this season, and even that required some creative credits.

3) We’re all thrilled (especially yours truly) with your response to our first TLW Western. The cast and crew had a real wild time making it. We’ve got a few more ideas on how to return to the Old West, but probably not until next year (we don’t want to overuse it).

4) Ep. 314 “The Secret”. Watch out, Roxton and Marguerite fans, here’s my first tease on this episode -- could this be “the secret” that tears Roxton and Marguerite apart? Stay tuned.

5) TLW hits Australia. Although we all know the beloved Plateau is in the Amazon, TLW definitely has an Aussie connection. As some of you know, we’ve just started airing Season One in the Land Down Under. Don’t worry, the locals here won’t get anything else before you do (unless they live on the Gold Coast).

6) This week’s episode is ep. 308 “Hollow Victory”. Wait until you see the bizarre world that the group lands in this week. Filmed in the famous “wok”. A brave new HOT world with a female warrior who has her eyes on more than the hot air balloon.

Okay, enough teases. Hope you’re moving into a great holiday season, please enjoy it with family and friends.

The many people who make The Lost World happen wish you the very best.


Nick J.

PS -- Judy and Gar to the rescue! We can't wait.

November 29,, 2001

More Treehouse News – 29 Nov. ‘01

Hello Friends,

Nick J. here with your weekly update from Australia. Another week, another new show. (Feel free to repost this message elsewhere.)

I’ll be very brief as a script is due:

1) Among other things, I hope you liked Marguerite singing in ep. 306 “Fire In The Sky”. Maybe we should highlight the musical talents of our cast more often. This week for ep. 307 “Dead Man’s Hill”, besides the expected “big kiss,” you’ll hear one of characters whistle a little tune (but not in the shower like Marguerite!) Not a grand opera but it still sounds nice (and it’s his own whistling).

2) Speaking of music, let’s talk about episode 313 for the first time. It’ll be called “Phantoms” in which a brooding, romantically obsessed musician turns his attention from the keyboard to one of our lovelies. More details later.

On another topic, as far as an on-line chat with the creative team, it sounds great and we’re very flattered but nothing is in the works. Right now we’re just too busy making the best shows we can.

The many people who make The Lost World happen wish you the very best.


Nick J.

PS -- Hello again to all the great people in Post! (You know who you are.)

(See previous 'Treehouse' posts for other news from the set)

November 17,, 2001

More Treehouse News – 17 Nov. ‘01

Hello Friends,

Nick J. here. Sorry for the lack of post earlier this week but I just wanted to let you know all is well here in Australia, thanks for your concern. We are just finishing a week production break to recharge ourselves -- it isn’t easy dodging raptors, parallel dimensions and madmen/women of all sorts. (Feel free to repost this message elsewhere.)

Just a quick note to mention this week’s ep. 305 “The Knife”. This is an intense episode, but also one of the biggest of TLW Season 3, in fact of the entire series. The entire cast and crew labored furiously to make it all work and I think the results will demonstrate our passion. Big sets, big romance and action, and lots of fun character appearances. I can’t wait for you to see it -- Enjoy!

That’s all for now but I’ll talk to you next week. The many people who make The Lost World happen wish you the very best.


Nick J.

(See previous 'Treehouse' posts for other news from the set)

November 8,, 2001

More Treehouse News – 08 Nov. ‘01

Hello Friends,

Nick J. here with your weekly update from Australia. Another busy week, another show on the air. (Feel free to repost this message elsewhere.)

Here are a few items:

1) Last week I gave you a few hints about ep. 309 “A Witch’s Calling” but I also noticed a lot of speculation about ep. 310 “Brothers In Arms.” We’re right in the middle of shooting this mini-epic, and all I’m going to say right now are two things -- Malone and World War I. Even though I’m here every day, I’m always impressed by the scope and scale of what our guys and gals can deliver on such a tight budget and schedule. Again, our many thanks to Eugene, Bob, JD, Andrew and company in the Art and Construction departments -- with other 35 people in just these two areas, we’ve got our own army! Charge!

The whole production team has tried very hard to give you a wide variety of BIG episodes this season and this one will surely fit the bill. (Just don’t tell the accountants, they are turning grey by the minute!)

2) Ep. 303 “Eye For An Eye” -- pretty cool, right? Roxton hunting Roxton. Will had a great time playing both parts and as you might expect, is a real trooper when it comes to doing so much work and many of his own stunts -- a really focused guy with a great intensity and sense of humor. We practically have to hold him down to keep him from doing all the stunts by himself (even the ones for the other actors!). He could, but we don’t want to risk him getting hurt.

This is probably a good time to mention our daredevil stunt team, led by Don and Dean. When we say jump, they say, “Can we blow up, too?!” Bodies are flying all over the place -- and they have to be good at everything from knife fights to horseback riding to high falls, etc. If it weren’t for their eye for safety and practice as well, we’d have a hospital wing filled with our “Kids, don’t try this at home” gang. (And please don’t, either!)

3) More Malone! Okay, you fans of the plateau’s favourite journalist, this is the week you’ve been waiting for -- the big-time return of Ned Malone! Ep. 304 “True Spirit” will air this week and I’m sure it won’t disappoint. This is the “eerie episode” I mentioned so long ago. Enjoy.

(For any questions about Malone, Veronica, Summerlee and their participation this season, please check my previous posts -- the first was Sept. 19th. Any time I hear something new, I’ll let you know but again, David Orth and Jennifer O’Dell are definitely part of the team as much as conditions (often beyond our control) will allow.)

That’s all for now but I’ll talk to you next week. The many people who make The Lost World happen wish you the very best.


Nick J.

November 1, 2001

More Treehouse News – 01 Nov. ‘01

Hello Friends,

Nick J. here with your weekly update from Australia. Another busy week, another new show. (Feel free to repost this message elsewhere.)

Here are a few items:

1) Witches. We’ve got ‘em in episode 309. More sophisticated than the old “bubble, bubble, toil and trouble” type but witches nonetheless. See how a trio of them cause a stir for our gang.

2) Witch reminds me… upcoming episodes. Previously, back in September, I think I listed the titles of eps. 301-308 so here’s the next batch:

ep. 309 “A Witch’s Calling”
ep. 310 “Brothers In Arms”
ep. 311 “Ice Age”
ep. 312 “The End Game”

3) Episode 302 “The Travelers” -- Glad you liked the Roxton/Marguerite moments among other things. This week, you’ll be seeing ep. 303 “Eye For An Eye”. Roxton meets a real tough character, I’ll let you discover who... a familiar face to be sure. To give you an idea of how fast this show moves, we were still shooting pick-ups for that episode on September 27th. One month later, with FX, music, titles, etc. and it’s delivered free to your doorstep. For some episodes, the gap between shooting and showing is less. If you think a month is a long time for all the editing and FX, here’s the catch -- we have to deliver the finished show to our distributors about two weeks before it airs. As I said before, the caffeine junkies in post do a great job.

4) Favourite episode. It’s always interesting to know which shows and why appealed to you. A few seem to pop up quite often on the list but it’s also nice to see the wide range of choices. With all of your varied tastes, no show is an orphan (well, maybe…).

5) A big thanks to the crews stuck out in the heat the past week. There’s a location we sometimes use that’s an old rock quarry -- basically, a giant hole and the heat seems to bounce off the walls and down on the crew. Our nickname for it is “The wok”.

“Where you shooting today, mate?”
“The wok.”
“Nice knowing ya.”

That’s all for now but I’ll talk to you next week. The many people who make The Lost World happen wish you the very best.


Nick J.