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I have a liking for myths, legends and all kinds of tales but the ones I mostly enjoy are the ones involved with ancient Gods. This story is based on Atlantis, the greatest civilization that was found... and lost. We still do not know if Atlantis ever existed. It was only mentioned in one of Pluto's writings to show how human nature of greed eventually brought the fall of Atlantis. That is the only written 'evidence' of Atlantis. The only pictorial 'proof' was provided by an artist and his friend who claimed to have found a doorway to Atlantis magically and visited it nevertheless. They was he entered was same as the way Marguerite would but he entered through a small town of Lanzo, north of Turin. I do not know how far these facts are true but I hope you enjoy the story although it does not look that good to me. As always, reviews are welcome.

Part One

Chapter 1

Me: Admit it! We're lost!
Roxton: Lost?! Lost! What kind of word is that?!
Me: well according to the dictionary it means not able to be found.
You know lost, missing, forfeited, absent, lacking, missed, passed, irrevocable!

Roxton: Thank you for the English lesson Marguerite.
Me: I just got well acquainted with that word all this time
Roxton: but we are not lost! We are of where we are.
Me: Which actually means that we...
Roxton: do not know our current location! Besides you don't get lost when you are with me, you get lost in me!

Me: What kind of a remark is...

I leaned forward to grab him by his shirt but our somewhat 'friendly' conversation was cut short by the arrival of Veronica who had a mask of frustration on her.

Roxton: thank God for Veronica! Anything?
Veronica: No nothing but...
Me: we are not lost, we just don't know our current location, right Roxton?

I gave Roxton a sharp smile, which he returned.

Veronica: What I wanted to say was that we found a cave that Challenger wants your opinion on.

I got up in ado.

Me: Are there stones in it?!
Roxton: Yes huge ones called rocks!
Me: let's go, let's go hurry up! Move your fat ass Lord Roxton.
Roxton: It's not fat! It's just very chubby!
Veronica: VERY chubby!

The cave was about 10 minutes walk. It was made low, surfaced only by the drying up of the stream that submerged it, as it looked to have been, for centuries. I stood there almost dumfounded at what I saw. It was really true! No one can replicate the two stone figures of men as held the doorway up with their strong arms. Every single detail added proof that I might have finally found it...What I have been searching for is now here...few steps away. I turned to Veronica.

Me: Where are the others?!
Veronica: Inside.
Me: Oh no!

I ran inside with John and Veronica following me thinking thatthey had walked into a trap. I entered to find Melone and Challenger scanning the walls.

Me: Don't touch anything!
Melone: Why what's wrong?!

I spotted the inclined rock resembling the side of a pyramid.

Me: Oh my God!
Roxton: Marguerite, there's nothing here...

My head was crowding with theories and location details to listen to anyone. I ran back out and looked at the surrounding my head still refusing to believe this is true. How could it be? Why today? Why now when I never expected it? I studied the ground closely as the other's opted to rest thinking that I was looking for stones. Judging from the mud and the soft-surfaced stones, this had in fact been a stream but had dried up only recently.

Roxton: What has gotten into you Miss Krux?
Me: You won't believe me if I told you! Can you tell me if there was a bridge here?

Roxton got onto higher ground and checked the 'bank' for a possible sign of a bridge.

Roxton: Here.
Roxton: wood chips and the texture of the sand is different. Even the plant growth had been influenced by it.
Challenger: I think it is better to explain to us...

I looked up into the sky. The sun was to set in a few minutes and this was the time. Now everything was falling into places. The month, the date, the time. It brought me here! It finally did. I took out the piece of parchment from my boot, where I always hid it.

Melone: What is that?
Me: A map.
Roxton: Doesn't look like a recent one... Marguerite is this a treasure hunt?
Me: It's even better.

I looked at the map closely trying to find the correct location. I looked at the Americans. The 12 minor cities to fit into this part, including our current location, as I had suspected before coming here. Challenger walked to me and peered in.

Challenger: Oh my God Marguerite! Is that what I think it is?!
Me: Oh yes!
Veronica: Why what is it?
Challenger: This if a piece of 'The' map... Piri Reis completed his world map in 1513 and then thinking it's silly he tore it but...

Me: Let's just say his maid was brainier!

I looked at the map and estimated our possible location. The other only suggested location be in north of Turin somewhere where the Germans failed. But here was the key, in my hands.

Challenger: Marguerite will you please tell me what's happening!
Veronica: I'll second that!
Me: Not now...I will but not now.
Me: Melone Can I have a piece of paper?
Me: I need a reading! Now!

Roxton took out his compass and stood against the setting sun. His face just fell.

Roxton: Bloody hell, no reading!
Me: Is the needle spinning around?
Roxton: No, it's just there!
Me: YES!

I unexpectedly hugged Roxton and shouted in excitement.

Melone: Marguerite you are scaring us!
Me: Here's something scarier. Stay out here and at 12 minutes past sunst, come running in. Got it?

Roxton: Marguerite isn't your gold rush gone a bit far?
Challenger: Child, will you...

In an effort to keep Challenger quite, I turned and rested my hands on his shoulders. I looked him in the eye.

Me: Challenger, we have contacted a synchronic.
Challenger: Oh my God!
Roxton: A what?
Me: A synchronic Roxton. It's one of the great energy lines of the planet. It might have been those that brought us here.

Roxton: Do you mean to tell me we can find a way back home?
Melone: Is it?!
Challenger: No, this is another entrance... to where Marguerite?
Me: You'll find out soon. Melone, Veronica ready?

I went in with Roxton and Challenger and prepared to apply the formulas and the rites to thetitled rock that,I was convinced, was the entrance. John's face carried such worry that I reached and touched his hand to reassure him that I knew what was going on. He looked at me with doubting eyes as the other two ran in and informed me it was time. John nodded so as to show me that no matter what, he was there.

I started the chanting with my hands on the cool rock. Halfway through, the rock turned lukewarm. I knew it was working as I squeezed my eyes concentrating hard with my energy draining away. Along with the chanting, the rock grew hotter and eventually soft making my hands sink in. Only a bit more of chanting was needed as I felt the rock melt into a liquid and run through my fingers. Without it's support, I fell on the floor and now the area began to cover with smoke as if water had been splashed onto a burning fire.

For the first time, I was afraid. Where's John?! Was I there? Did it work? My thoughts ran wild until a hand clasped mine. It was John's I just knew it.

Melone: Now what Marguerite?!
Me: wait, don't move.
The smoke cleared and we proceeded, me leading the band. We were on a mountain, a highland. The wind was cold blowing against my face as I made my way to the edge. And there it was! My work, my life, my destiny. Something I had been searching for, risking my life for so long. And here it is. I could not feel anything in my heart. I did not know what to feel! Was I happy? Content? Amazed? Confused? Frightened? Doubtful? I do not know! I gazed down in wonder at the concentric circles of land.

The others now lined with me. Finally I had the energy to move my lips.

Me: everybody...Welcome to Atlantis!

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