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Part two

Chapter 1

The explorers cleared out of the mist and stepped into the familiar surrounding of the cave they entered through. They stood in silence for a while but Veronica was motivated to speak.

Veronica: Good to be home. Let's get out of here.

Challenger, Melone and veronica proceeded as Roxton turned and waited for Summerlee and Marguerite. But all he could see was Summerlee.

Roxton: Where's Marguerite?!

That was the first words he spoke for hours.

Roxton: Where is Marguerite?! Veronica wait!

Summerlee did not know how he was to break the news to Roxton. He looked at the young man and dreaded the thought of having to tell him that he will never see his love again. He himself tried so hard to fight the tears.

Summerlee: Roxton, Marguerite did not come with us. She...she is in Atlantis.

Roxton felt as if a rock had hit his abdomen and he just gasped. He tried to speak but no words came out just meaningless words.

Veronica: That doesn't surprise me! She wanted riches, she got riches! Thank God she's out of our lives!

Summerlee: Stop it Veronica! That is not what happened!

Everyone, including Veronica, looked at the old man with utter surprise.

Summerlee: She gave her life to all of you.
Challenger: What?
Summerlee: because five people opened the door and came to Atlantis, only five souls were able to get out. But there were six of us. She decided she would stay behind because all of you had a dream. A dream of going back to London. Yes, she did want to go back to her home but she felt that if staying in Atlantis means saving all of you, it was worth it. You see, even awful people mend their ways. Now, it's too late to do a single thing. We have lost Marguerite forever.

To Roxton, all this was a nightmare. All these truth and facts mad him feel as if someone had been spinning him around and suddenly stopped. He looked at the others, hoping to find comfort but all stood still. Even the jungle seemed so still. Everyone stood still for a while and then Melone spoke up.

Melone: It's so quiet.
Veronica: Too quiet! Roxton?
Roxton: Er...what?
Veronica: it's too quiet Roxton. We better go and look where we are.

Roxton and the others made their way to the mouth of the cave with Roxton positioning his gun to greet any unwanted parties. Everything sounded so calm and peaceful that it was too good to believe. Suddenly a voice spoke up from the bank.

Man: hey you all lost?

Roxton aimed at the man. He was definitely a European, dirty and soiled. His clothes had turned brown of dirt and sweat, and the setting sun further illuminated his tanned skin.

Man: Now put 'at gun down boy. No weapons on me.

He put his hands up and jumped down to the dried stream.

Man: You speak?
Roxton: Yes. You are?
Man: Jack Cunningham.
Roxton: Professor Challenger, Professor Summerlee, Ned Melone and this is Veronica.

Roxton introduced them without taking his eyes or aim away from Jack.

Man: Nice to meet you boys. Miss.

He removed his weathered hat at Veronica

Man: And who might this man who is about to shoot me?
Roxton: I'm Lord Roxton.
Man: Aye? Of the Roxton clan. Fine father you had boy.
Roxton: You know my father?!
Man: The 'ole of England knew 'im.
Challenger: You are from England?
Man: Born and raised. band goin' somewheer or lost?
Challenger: looks like you're lost too.
Man: lost? Me? Na...lived for five years here with my business. It's you folks who are new.

Veronica: How long you have you been in the plateau?
Man: plateau? There's no plateau for miles!

The explorers looked at each other in confusion. Where were they?

Melone: can you tell us where we are?
Man: sure. You are in the edge of the amazon where the timber factory is. About 4 hours from the harbor.

Melone: Timber factory?
Man: aye.
Summerlee: My good man, can you tell me today's date please?
Man: 24th March 1921.
The explorers stood dumfounded afraid to think further.
Summerlee: Challenger...we are back. Challenger... WE ARE BACK!

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