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Chapter 2

Challenger, Melone and Summerlee laughed at this phenomenon, hugging each other while Roxton stood there wondering about Marguerite. At that, Veronica called out.

Veronica: wait, wait! If we are back, what about me?!

She was speaking the truth. It was known that Veronica wanted to stay behind and look for her parents but now her faith had brought her back to civilization.

Veronica: I can't...I don't belong here! Ned!

Their celebration was short lived when all realized what they had lost.

Melone: My journal! I never take it out! It's in the tree house!
Challenger: And proof of my findings...I don't have proof! I don't have an egg. Oh God!

Roxton, however, only thought of Marguerite. How was she in Atlantis? What would she have felt if she was here now? She'll surely miss her diamonds!

Man: Ya all fine?
Challenger: uh? Oh... we just forgot some things.
Man: You look pretty happy to me!
Veronica: Oh Ned what am I to do?!
Roxton: Veronica, just stay calm. You have to wait with us no matter what.
Man: getting' dark. You folks wanna camp at my factory?
Summerlee: yes...I suppose so. Roxton?
Roxton: yes. Lead the way.

The man got out to the bank and Roxton turned to the others.
Roxton: We have no idea where we are even though he says we are in Brazil.
So stick close and keep details to the minimum. Veronica, don't worry.

Roxton waited till the others got off and looked at the cave where they had come out of. In his heart, he knew that Marguerite was just at the other side. But she seemed so far. He had no time to think at all as this had cropped up but every time he thought, he remembered her and what an awful feeling it was. But now, he had to think of the other four.

The factory was about 10 minutes away and had native employees with Jack as the supervisor. They were lead to the eating hall and given some bunk beds and blankets.

Man: have to rough it out, aye. Hope milord doesn't mind.
Roxton: Not at all. How can we get to the harbor?
Man: tomorrow, sending the boys to town to get some supplies. Can join.
Roxton: thank you.
Man: Milord hungry?
Roxton: No...none of us are. Thank you.
Man: You seemed to have lost something...or someone.
Roxton: Yes...I did. Er... thank you. I'll see you in the morning then.

Roxton went into the hall and looked at the others.

Roxton: We can go to the harbor tomorrow morning. They are going to get supplies. I saw the logbooks, calendars, diaries...all correct date. While we are at the harbor, we can send a telegram back to England.

Veronica: what am I going to do?! I'm the one lost now! I never wanted to come! I need to find my parents...I need to go back.

Roxton: Don't be silly Veronica! You can't go back!
Veronica: But I don't belong here!
Roxton: neither one of us does! Listen, just stick with us and when we get back to England we will figure everything out. Going now is a risk and daft thing to do.

Challenger paced up and down with worry and disappointment.

Challenger: I went there, lived there and experienced it and now look. I have no proof! I HAVE NO PROOF! I'll be named as a cheat once again!

Melone: You have witnesses Challenger.
Challenger: they won't believe...they won't believe...two years...two years lost.

Melone: my journal is gone too. I lost all accounts of our stay.

Throughout this, Summerlee was calm as ever and prepared his bed.

Summerlee: Will you look at yourselves! For two years you all moaned and cried to comeback to reality and when you do, you want to go back! You lost your proof, you lost your journal and you lost your way Veronica. But does anyone see what you found? You found each other, you Challenger found humanity, you Melone found the truth, you grew up. And you Veronica found a family.

Challenger: The whole reason we came is gone!
Summerlee: The reason YOU came for is gone but the reason why GOD sent us maybe accomplished. Perhaps he never wanted to find this place. Perhaps your parents are not in the plateau. I don't know but everything does happen for a reason so I accept that and if you all excuse me, I need some rest.

Summerlee laid on his bed and closed his eyes.

Roxton: I wonder how Marguerite would have felt.

Roxton got up and left the explorers with his gun, heading towards the cave.
But no sooner had he taken a few steps forward, he heard Summerlee call him.

Summerlee: Roxton? Marguerite wanted me to give this to you.

He handed him an envelope and turned to go back.

Roxton: Summerlee, why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you stop her?
Summerlee: because it was her destiny and your decision. I can't fight your wars for you John.

Roxton took a light and made his way towards the cave. He slowly walked towards the rock and touched it's cool surface. He laid his cheek against it and whispered Marguerite's name. And for the first time, for the first time, he cried. His tears so warm against the rock.

He sat down beside the rock and leaned against it. He traced his name, simply written as 'John' on the white envelope and wondered whether to open it. He rubbed his face clean and hugged the letter.

Roxton: I do not know what you really think of me Marguerite. Did you really love me? I knew you were running away but you never ran to me. I knew you wanted to escape but you never wanted to escape with me. I did not know what you wanted me to do Marguerite. Look what had happened now. I'm all alone.

Roxton: I can't believe this! Can you?! I can't believe that you had such a terrible past! I can't believe you came on this expedition to for an unimaginable reason. I don't know what to feel! Shock upon shock was laid on me and now this! I'm not angry with you...I'm just so frightened and lost.

Roxton: But most of all, I can't believe you are gone...forever. For's almost like you are dead. It's almost like I'm dead. Without you I am! What am I to do Marguerite? Should I cry? Tell me. Should move on...should I stay here...should I look for you?

He closed his eyes and sat silently for a while, only the rustling of leaves soothing his pain.

Roxton:I know one thing...I should have told you this a long time ago. And now it's too late...just so late. This feels so awful!

Roxton: I'll give anything in the world, anything Marguerite, to be with you. Anything.

Roxton hoped so hard to die but he remembered his mother. He can't make her lose another child. He dug his hand into the dirt and tried so hard to fight back the tears but they just kept flowing.

The fire had died a few hours ago and Roxton found himself at the cave. He must have fallen asleep here and he stood up. He knew that today was the day he will leave to England. He stood up and faced the rock.

He had done crying and he knew he had to do something worth more to get her back. But he knew it would never be. He looked at the envelope, still closed and then at the rock.

Roxton: I'll only open this Marguerite with you by my side. Not alone.

Putting the letter into his pocket, he looked at his ring. The ring Marguerite had always wanted, always needed. Gently, he slipped it off, kissed it and laid it on the floor.

Roxton: If it's not on you, it should never be on me. I'll come back for you. If not in this life, I'll come in the next.

Roxton: I love you Marguerite Krux.

With that, Roxton left the cave.

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