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Chapter 3

The sound of the wind playing the domes woke me up the next morning. Wrapping my sheet around me, I looked out of the window to the city. The buildings were further enhanced by brilliant gardens. Far off from the center were forests of flowering trees where the chirping of birds so harmoniously blended with the wind's beat and splash of countless sparkling fountains which rained down crystals.

I got dressed in a traditional white robe that they wore and decorated my limbs and neck with fine jewelry. Women were also required to wear a light transparent scarf that covered the face, nose down.

Done that, I stepped out to the city when I saw John looking out to the streets. I quietly creeped behind him and tickled him. I knew he was very sensitive that way as he squirmed.

Roxton: Hey!

He turned and just stood there looking deep into my eyes.

Me: Roxton? John? Lord Roxton?
Roxton: Er...what are you...
Me: When in Rome do what the Romans do!
Roxton: O yes! You seem to be in a jolly mood.
Me: Who won't when they're in heaven!
Roxton: So you are not upset by last night's...
Me: Please I have better things to do than to worry about my reputation.
I have places to go, people to see treasures to stumble across.

I whispered the last bit to myself as I laid eyes upon the hill of Cleito where they had built a great palace Cleito. The palaces of the ten kings and the temple of Poseidon, which was characterized by inlays of gold and precious stones were also on this hill.

Roxton: Where are you heading now?
Me: Um I don't know, perhaps to the forest.
Roxton: Can I join you? I'm alone anyway.
Me: Um...only if you can catch me first!
I took off towards the gardens with John following me close behind. My dress frilled and fluttered at my ankles as I ran through the streets. A brown curl ran across my face when I turned to see John closely following me. I had to run to the forest where I knew there would be a nice solitude place for us.

In the middle of an open area, John caught me by my waist and pulled me in.
He practically carried me off my feet and teased me.

Roxton: Who is the spider?! Who's the spider?!

He stared to tickle me and I screamed and tried to squirm out.

Me: Stop it! Don't...John!

Roxton stopped and turned me, looking deep into my eyes.

Roxton: You called me John!
Me: Yes. So?
Roxton: Well Miss Krux, you only call me John in very um...what word should I use?
Me: Fictitious situations for you!
Roxton: What!

He once again started it and pulled me down to the floor and after a while, I composed myself.

Me: Okay! No more tickling!
Roxton: Spoil sport!

Both of us fell back and looked at the sky.

Me: Can you believe it Roxton! We are in Atlantis!
Roxton: Well, after spending 2 years in the plateau I have no choice but to believe these things. Why are you so drawn to Atlantis anyway? How come you know so much about it?

Me: I am a historian.
Roxton: I thought you were an Archeologist!
Me: More or less the same. Anyway, If you studied in the London University, you get chapters and chapters of Atlantis.

To avoid that subject, I turned and rested my cheek on his chest.

Roxton: My, my where did this sudden bust of happiness come from?
Me: What I can't be happy?
Roxton: No it's just that you are allergic to happiness!
Me: I am not! I know perfectly well how to have fun! I just haven't started yet!
Roxton: So start now!

I straightened my head by using my chin and looked at him.

Me: Roxton, we are in Atlantis! How can I be having fun when I have so much to discover?
Roxton: Are you sure you 'discovered' Atlantis and not 'finally found it'?
Me: O please Roxton! Why would I want to look for a civilization that merely existed in a legend and pin all my hopes on it?!

Roxton: because you're Marguerite Krux!

While he said this, he plucked a flower and traced its lilac petals on my cheek. I looked at him as he, with his tranquil eyes, wondered at my face.

Roxton: If you are so keen on discovering things, why don't you start with me?

Me: You?

I pretended to be bewildered by his answer and sat up.

Roxton: yes me.

He proudly announced it one more time and tucked his hands under his head.

Me: really? And do you suppose I will find?

I leaned close to his face, his lips above mine.

Roxton: Well you would find the most charming, handsome, intelligent, talented, good dancer, great cook, extremely good-looking once again, jolly chap in the face of the earth! And other miscellaneous things here and there. I don't want to blow my own trumpet.

Me: O is that it.
Roxton: Absolutely!
Me: But I think I'll stick to discovering Atlantis. It's much safer.
Roxton: Really? So why aren't you underground exploring?
Me: because I prefer this.

I lowered my lips to his but before they touched, a creek of the ground giving away was heard.

Me: Not again.

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