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Chapter 4

And whoosh we went crashing on the floor soil, debris and parts of a pillar falling beside us. John slammed on the floor first with me on top of him and he moaned in pain.I was so frustrated at this that I could have exploded right away.

Me: next time you want to go underground exploring, wish it for yourself only!

I rolled off him and stared at the hole that had brought us crashing down.

Me: I'm telling you Roxton. Someone up there does NOT want us to be together!
Roxton: Marguerite don't be ridicules! It was just a coincidence.

He got up and offered me his hand but I pulled myself up alone.

Me: O so every time is a coincident? Melone, Raptors, bandits, savages, monkeys and ,our newest, falling into a big hole, which we so co-in-ci-dent-ally find!

I dusted myself and checked my elbows for any scratches. Only then I saw it, a flight of steps leading down. I looked around for a torch while John so annoyingly went on and on about something. Grabbing a torch, which was made of ivory mind you, I asked John for a light.

Me: Light this.
Roxton: and that's why I always tell you...uh?
Me: I said I need a light.
Roxton: Who do you think I am the torch guy...

Obviously, whenever I brought the subject of 'us' being impossible, John would get into one of his moods. Right now, I wanted a light to explore the stairs!

Roxton: What should I say? Let there be light. I'm sorry! But it doesn't work. I don't have everything you ask for! I'm not the God of Fire you know.

Now he's getting on my nerves! I turned to him and replied with a sarcastic tone.

Me: I'm sorry Lord Roxton I just thought that since you were the ever prepared, ever ready Mr. Perfect you would have a light or at least your woman-filled brain would know how to start one!

Roxton: Woman-filled? WOMAN-FILLED? What kind of a word is that?!
Me: A word I invented for you! And the God of fire is Prometheus not you!
Roxton: O I'm sorry Miss CRUEL...
Me: It's Krux!
Roxton: So why don't you ask him for help!
Me: maybe I will!
Roxton: Fine!
Me: Fine!
Roxton: Fine!

Then it dawned upon me. Atlantis is firmly built on the Greek Gods. Maybe this was it. I thought for John went on about throwing me to the Raptors or some-other-sourus!

Me: O great Prometheus God of Fire and light, show us your power, show us you face, show us your hand's might.

And boof the torch lit up. I looked at it in wonder. This was amazing, more wondrous than I ever imagined. John was turned away scolding me to notice the light however he started to notice the brightness in the room as he looked around in bewilderment while continuing his protest.

Roxton: I always saved your...heiress... ass ...while...What the hell is going on?

He turned and saw the torch on my hand.

Roxton: And where did you get the light?
Me: I asked Prometheus.
Roxton: Oh...

John stood there for a while and then finally spoke in a half-confused and half-optimistic voice.

Roxton: You don't suppose there's a God for getting us out of here, do you?
Me: Oh Roxton, come on!

I went down the stairs first with Roxton closely following me but after a few steps, he wanted to go in front.

Roxton: It might be booby-trapped.
Me: It's not booby trapped, this is ...
Roxton: Atlantis, the perfect civilization?
Me: Exactly!
Roxton: Well you're with me-the perfect bodyguard so keep quiet and follow! The steps stretched down about 100 meters and it became warm and humid with each step. Looking at its structure, it leads, probably, underground... perhaps to a treasure!

With time, we came closer to what it seemed to be, surprisingly, a large bare room. It was very unusual for Atlanteans to leave any room undecorated. The place was filled with hot steam that boiled up sending beads of sweat down my temples.

Roxton: And this is what I call a hellhole! Okay Marguerite, no treasure, it's empty, let's go before we evaporate!

John was once again on my nerves going on and on about something as I scanned the walls for any sign of a hidden door. I touched the rough surface of the rock walls, which were warm, hoping to find any indication of a secret room and therefore a treasure. Suddenly, my index finger fell into a trench on the wall. Holding the light close, I inspected and found that this trench was indeed a frame of a door! A smile crept into my face.

Roxton: would evaporate and if we did, Challenger would do experiments on us (Me: Roxton.) which will be unpleasant. But does anyone (Me: Roxton!) listen to me? No! Friends, I can't kill them that is the main problem that is...

Roxton: What?! I'm trying to be angry over here!
Me: Hold the torch for me.
Roxton: Ask the Greek God of torch bearing or something.
Me: There's no such God!

The only way to use Roxton to do something was to use my charm and not my anger. Therefore, I turned with my doe eyes wide open and stared at him.

Me: Now, be an angel and do it for me. Besides, I am the one who 'carried a torch' for you all this while.

John looked at me with a face filled with surprise as I noted he must have been waiting for an argument. After a while, he came and offered to hold it.

Roxton: Only because you asked me nicely!
Me: Of cause.

I inspected the door and an effortless push opened it for me to creep through. I entered first and John handed me the torch while he got in. Once again, the room was not decorated but it did hold something. Not a treasure but something else.

I went closer to find 10 tablets of marble, each about 6 feet, mounted on the floor. Only the first 5 were aligned while the others were on a semicircle around center stone.

Roxton: Anything about this in the legend.
Me: No.
Roxton: What is this place? It looks like cemetery with tombstones!
Me: Cemeteries are beyond the hill not underground.
Me: Give me the light.
I took the light and looked at the etched marbles. They were illustrated, every detail clear, showing figures of humans and somewhat significant object of what they stood for making it easier for me to recognize. I looked closely at each figure.

Me: This is Hades-god of the underworld, Poseidon...
Roxton: God of the sea and earthquakes.
Me: Someone as been paying attention!
Roxton: Thank you. Next please.

I moved the torch to the next tablet as the heat of the steam and torch both became unbearable.

Me: here we have Uranus- Sky God, next is fire...
Roxton: Prometheus, God of fire. Thanks for the light buddy!
Me: This is definitely Zeus, the overlord of all. Ares, the God of war.
Roxton: Must be from your side of the family!

Can you believe it? He still found time to joke!

Me: Anyway, Atlas. Here he is holding up the Earth. Selene- Goddess of the moon, Aphrodite...Goddess of love and beauty.

I threw a glance at John as he smirked at the thought of 'love'.

Me: Hermes- God of trade and travelers. And this big one here is Helios- God of the Sun.

Roxton: You know the Greek better than the Greeks!
Me: I loved metrology at school. That's all.

I stepped back and circle to see if there was any other 'clues' when I came across a stone which held these words, "She shall wake, throwing fire across the sky, when the Gods align in the Universe."

I thought about it for a while and John questioned me of the quote. Knowing his reaction, I lied.

Me: Er...Just says these are the Gods of Olympus.
Roxton: This is some abandoned temple. Marguerite this place is getting hotter each second. Come let's go.

Me: Yes right.

John peered out first and at that moment a small tremble shook across the cell. I turned to look at the tablets and then, before my eyes, the sixth tablet aligned with the other five. I stared for a second and then followed John out.

We managed to climb back out and walked back, each in their own thoughts, to the city.

Chapter 4

It was almost noon when we reached the city, our clothes all soiled and wet with sweat and mud. I immediately went to clean myself up and dressed in my old clothes proceeded to the hall for lunch. My mind how ever did not rest upon the subject of my findings. That was definitely not a cemetery and no temple would be without incense, flowers, offerings and riches. The quote disturbed me much with the line about 'fire raining down from the skies'. Of cause I decided to hold this a secret not wanting to alarm anyone and also appear a fool.

I saw the others waiting for me as I proceeded down.

Roxton: It's Marguerite, Goddess of overwhelming annoyance!

I hit John with a grape as the others laughed. We all started eating, finally, 'proper food' of bread, seasoned meat and lushes fruits.

Melone: So where were you all up to? Veronica and I went interviewing people. They are really friendly.

Challenger: Well I was busy exploring the laboratories. There are such great universities, observatories, libraries, laboratories and academies for almost anyone...better than Oxford I tell you.

Challenger put down his food and stared off in wonder.

Challenger: These people are almost perfect in explanations of human arts and sciences. I must stay for sometime. This is amazing!

Roxton: Well Marguerite and I had a bit of a roll.
Melone: On the hay?

With my mind trapped in comprehending the code, I barely heard Melone's comment...or he won't have a limb or two by now.

Me: Uh...what?
Roxton: We had a bit of a fall, Marguerite?
Me: Oh yes.
Veronica: Was anyone hurt?
Roxton: No but we did discover something.

Roxton went on explaining our adventure right to the time when we came out.

Challenger: So this was a...
Roxton: She thinks it's probably an old temple.
Challenger: Old temple there?
Me: Well perhaps before they were to be ruled by Poseidon they trusted all Gods so probably an old temple.

Veronica: Marguerite are you okay? You look a bit jumpy.
Roxton: No it's nothing. It's just that she did not find any treasure here today.

I hardly touched my lunch and all of us decided to have a small talk in the garden before going for a nap.

Challenger: we have contacted a synchronic! Can you believe it? My God
Marguerite, how do you ever know of these things and most of all to enter into Atlantis...all this formula?

I looked at Challenger while I desperately looked for answers in me. If I were to avoid this question again, I would make everyone, especially Veronica, very suspicious.

Me: Er...well it's quite simple. The theory of synchronic was explained in America when I traveled there and being a fan of all these myths and legends I was drawn to it. Moreover, it was connected with Atlantis so I took an interest to it even though I was young.

Melone: I thought you were in London then...and Paris?
Roxton: You were in Paris? What were you doing in Paris?

While the others were quite casual about the conversation, John became a bit stirred by the Paris business.

Roxton: How do you know she was in Paris?
Melone: Adriana...or what seemed to be her told me that the two were there...
Me: exploring the city. We were just after our studies.
Roxton: Oh.

I looked at John, his mask of suspicion and somewhat hostility replaced by certification that I was in fact just touring. At this moment my mind started to wonder.

For this drop of my past, John became so cold and distant to me. What would happen if I was to tell all? What would happen if I tell my terrible past? Of my sins, stupidity and greed. What would he do? Of cause I could not ask him much. He is a Lord and I am just...well I'm nothing. How could I ask him so much? How could I expect him so much?

Look at me! Such absurdity! How could I even think that Lord John Roxton, the most kind, caring, gentleman of a man would care for me let alone love me? How could I ever think that he could love a pebble that wash on the shore?

Challenger: Marguerite you were saying?
Me: Er...Oh... One of my professors believed in these theories and well I was one of his...
Veronica: favorites?

I looked at Veronica with eyes of frustration, having enough of her attitude.

Me: No! As I was saying I was one of his enthusiastic spectators and well he shared his theories with me.

Veronica: Along with the map?
Me: yes VERONICA, along with the map! I had more assets than him to complete his dreams.

Challenger: This professor... his name?

I was at a terrible fix at the moment that I practically spat out a made-up name.

Me: Professor Stephen...Faust. Yes, Professor Stephen Faust.

Challenger: Professor Stephen Faust? Haven't quite heard of him...
Me: He was a very modest person. A full mythology and history buff.
Melone: Where is he now?
Me: he? um... I think is helping Lord...Carnarvon... about the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Roxton: Lord Carnarvon?! I play cricket with his sons! I'll ask him about the Professor when we go back to England!

Just what I needed. Me and my big mouth!

Melone: Well someone seems optimistic about getting off the plateau!

Of all the daft things Melone does, the only smart action was to change the subject. Must have been all those knocks on the heads. Must remind myself to inflict more knocks on him! For his own good of cause!

Roxton: Well since we found Atlantis, England won't be far.
Veronica: So what are you all going to do when you go back. Challenger?
Challenger: First and foremost, I'm going to prove my theory and give the gift of knowledge to the world. Then give a good explanation to my wife!

Everyone laughed at Challenger's worried face as he said this.

Challenger: and I'm thinking of adopting a child.

All of looked at Challenger, both touched and surprised by his statement.

Veronica: That is so sweet!
Challenger: Well I have been thinking a lot. Even though she loved children, my whole life was science, proving theories, experimenting. But since I got lost here, I know and feel what I've been missing. All of you had been like children to me and if I had any, they would have been of this age. Now it's late to have one of our own but I can give a family for an orphan.

Roxton: better late than never.
Challenger: So what about you Melone?

Melone instantly brightened up.

Melone: I'll be busy publishing my award-winning book! And... breaking up with Glades.

Veronica gasped in surprise.

Veronica: Melone, I might not...
Melone: No Veronica, my mind is made up. It's not you, it's her. I did a lot of thinking when I'm here and all she wanted was a man with a name. That's the only reason why she supported this. She only excepted my proposal after I told her was chosen to cover this story. So whatever might come, we are no more.

Me: I'm sorry.
Melone: I'm not. It's okay, I'm fine. Veronica?
Veronica: Well, I don't know. I guess I'll look for my parents. I'll never give up that. After 11 years I felt what it was like to have a family again. After I lose you all, I'll still look for my parents. Roxton?

This carried a lot of interest to me. Imagine, venturing into the mind of the great Lord Roxton.

Roxton: I'm going to see my mother. That's all I want to do. To see her. After being stuck here, I realized how selfish I had been. My mother lost a son and a husband just as I lost a brother and a father. But all I did was to sink in to my own world. I did not even care for her feelings. I never even spoke to her or consoled her. I acted as if I was the only one who was the victim. But now when I go back, I'm going to see her.

Melone: That's all?

Melone asked with a grimace as he threw a glance at me.

Roxton: Well is there anything else that is supposed to be in my agenda?
Melone: Not that I know of...yet.
Melone: Well looks like it's left with just you Marguerite.

Did I ever tell you that I always had this terrible urge to inflict serious injury on Melone? I finally thought he saved me but he landed me back in the soup.

Roxton: Go on Marguerite.
Me: Well...

Just as I took the cup to my lips, an arrow flew by knocking off the cup, spilling juice on my skirt and almost killing me. I stood up in utter disgust and started my comments in a colorful language. Roxton trying so hard to calm me down and surpress his laughter, took a napkin to wipe it off.

Me: get your hands off me!

I screamed and stormed off to find that very, very unlucky person.

Me: When I get my hands on that pesky little brat I'm gonna...
Roxton: Marguerite!
Challenger: Child mind your temper.
Melone: Guess it's Thunder in Paradise for Marguerite.

I stepped into the clearing and shouted at the top of my voice.

Me: Who is that idiot who...
Man: That would be me.

There in front of me stood a tall man with bronze skin. He had dark, mesmerizing eyes with golden hair to highlight it all. His strong arms reached out as his body bent as an apologetic gesture. I do have to admit, I was surprisingly very taken by him.

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