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Chapter 8

Lycious has planned it so well and I must carry out my duty no matter what. Of cause I was very intrigued about finding someone of my same interest and our dreams! Our dreams were same, our dreams were one! The night set in as the others prepared to go for the big celebration thrown in honour of Atlas while the others dresses up, especially Melone who felt that he definitely looked good in white. Roxton however, sinked into a corner and looked at the setting sun. Seeing Roxton in such a sorry state, Summerlee walked by and sat next to him.

Summerlee: You do not know where she is?
Roxton: No...probably with Lycious.
Summerlee: Who is this Lycious?
Roxton: adviser to Atlas.
Summerlee: Funny, never heard of him. Anyway, does that bother you?
Roxton: Yes.
Summerlee: Why?
Roxton: because...because I took in the responsibility...
Summerlee: Ooh shut up Lord Roxton...excuse the language but you and I both know why it really bothers you! My grandfather can sweep her off her feet faster than you!

Roxton looked at Summerlee with a half-frightened face. What on earth happened to the sweet man he knew?

Summerlee: John, I know that for two years both of you had been in love with each other. So much so that you are a part of her but the only thing is you never told her that.

Roxton: She never told me how...
Summerlee: That does not matter Roxton. Here you have the most precious thing on earth and you want to give it all up for pride. I'm telling you John, it's not worth it. I can't do anything but advice you. I can't fight your wars for you.

With that, Summerlee left Roxton and went to join the others. By eight, they were all down at the great open hall where the music and dancing had all started. Lycious had been given front 'seats' of fine hide and a silk tent. However, Marguerite was not there. Spotting Melone, doing an awfully odd dance step, Roxton went near him.

Roxton: seen Marguerite?
Melone: No, but the salad is great!
Roxton: Melone that's not salad. That's a table decoration!
Melone: Oh...that explains the sap.
Roxton: Anyway, tell me if you see her. I need to talk to her.
Melone: Sure.

The orchestra of drums, harps, winds suddenly stopped. Lights fell dim and all eyes, including our explorers fell on a stage.

The whole atmosphere glowed of gold and orange. There behind the curtain of satin, far on top of the steps, stood a figure of a woman with her back turned. Her silk clothing hugged her slender shapely body as her voluptuous hips swayed for the beat of the drums.

Lycious sat up with cupidity burning inside him already as Roxton too laid her eyes upon her. Every man there, stood stunned as the body curved across. She turned and coming down, with the chime of her anklets, as a dancer rised up from her position. She stopped in front of the curtain and looked on as it fell apart with the music. Roxton's face dropped to see Marguerite. It was Marguerite!

The seductive tune of the flute made Marguerite's body dance graceful, with her hands floating on air. Her feet, freed by slits from the dress, moved with each beat.

Melone: I think we found Marguerite.
Veronica: I hope Roxton is watching this.

Indeed Roxton was watching her as the music intensified. She twirled with her hair following around wildly. Then men shouted at her wildly with Lycious burning with even more desire for Marguerite as he whispered, 'You're mine'.

Roxton felt his anger boil in him. She was his! No one can have her! She was his. Marguerite was her property. How could she?

Marguerite stood swaying her hips with her hands tracing her curves. The other dances crowded around her while another carried her high above, his arms around her desirous waist. Marguerite threw her head back, arms reached above her as sweat poured down from her neck to the cheek of her bosom.

Not being able to take it anymore, Roxton pushed his way forward and got on to the stage. The dances moved wildly around him that Roxton went unnoticed. The man set Marguerite down as she felt a strong hand grasp her, pulling her away.

The music suddenly stopped and it was so that all the dances would fall on the floor so as to expose Marguerite. The music stopped, the dances fell but there was no Marguerite! Lycious stood up and alerted his guards, as the explorers too became alert.

Veronica: She's not there!
Challenger: Roxton is gone too.
Melone: This could get ugly. Find them fast!

Roxton was dragging me frantically as I tried to break free. I tried to hold on to a curtain but it tore and the dishes fell off the table while I desperately held on to a tablecloth.

Me: let me go Roxton! ROXTON!

He had so much strength in him as he carried me off.


Hearing me call Lycious, he cupped my mouth and carried me off by my waist. He headed towards my room and opening the door, practically threw me inside. I fell back and stood there looking at him in complete shock.

Roxton: What was that?!
Me: that was my business! You had no right to drag me here!
Roxton: I have every right! You're mine!
Me: You know the funny thing Roxton that's what all the men in Paris said!

Roxton looked at me with such exasperation, his body tensed.

Roxton: What did you say?!
Me: I said, that's what all the men in Paris said.

He started to breathe heavily.

Me: what do you think I did in Paris Roxton? Measure the Eiffel tower?

He looked at me with each word sinking into him.

Me: Oh yes Roxton. Every man craved for me. I was a dream they could not get. I'm free! I'm everybody's...

Without warning, Roxton charged at me. Squeezing my face with his hand, he pinned me against the wall. I looked at him. I have never seen him like this before. Such rage, such power. He wanted to exhibit all for me. His grip tightened and showed me the passion he had for me. He came close to my face and started to whisper as tears welled up in my eyes.

Roxton: You're mine Marguerite. No one can have you...No one. Only I can have you. You're body and all it's pleasures are mine.

He reached down and touched my thigh.

Roxton: Feel that Marguerite? Only I can touch you in those places. These feelings are yours and mine. No one can have them.

At this point, I was terrified of Roxton. I knew he was possessive but this was too much. I pushed him away. And backed towards the door.

He looked at me with an apologetic face.

Roxton: Marguerite...I'm so sorry...I...Marguerite...

He reached out to touch me.

Me: Don't you come near me! I hate you! I HATE YOU!

I ran out frantically not knowing where to go. I need Lycious. Lycious!

Roxton's anger overtook him as he picked up a lamp and started to smash every mirror, lamp and table that was in the room. The others found Roxton sitting down on Marguerite's room. They looked around at the mess and stood at the door. Standing up, he walked towards them.

Roxton: she hates me and ran away with Lycious. They are ment to be together.

Roxton went to his room and closed his door.

Challenger: Arthur?
Summerlee: Judging from the condition of the room, they had a nasty break up. It's better to leave them alone.

Veronica: Oh poor Roxton.
Challenger: That's life, you win some you loose some.
Veronica: well, I think I'll clean this mess.
Melone: I'll help.
Melone and veronica started to clean the room.
Veronica: It's so frightening. I mean, we were sure they were ment to be together. But look at the end. Marguerite wants to be with Lycious. It shows how wrong one can be.
Melone: Are you scared that it will happen to you? To us?
Veronica: I don't want to Melone but I'm just human. No need to go far, just look at you and Glades. You two were so sure, enough to get engaged but now...
Melone: This is different!
Veronica: How?
Melone: I don't know.
Veronica: Go back to England Melone. I need to stay here.
Melone: I leave it to God's will. Poor Marguerite though.

Melone took up the arrow that almost killed her that day and looked at it. And then suddenly, it glowed!

Melone: Veronica, get Challenger!

Roxton paced up and down in his room unable to let go of Marguerite so fast. He did not want his pride anymore! He wanted her love. To give her love. He threw open the door and left to Poseidon's temple. That was the last place they were together.

I had what I need in my hand, a knife as I carefully listened to Lycious.

Lycious: All you need to do is send this through Atlas' heart and forever will be ours. You like that Marguerite, don't you?

Me: Of cause love, anything for you my love.
Lycious: Then go and make our destiny.

I left to the main altar room where I was to find Atlas. But no sooner have I stepped out, I heard Roxton.

Roxton: Lycious! Where are you, you son of a
Roxton: Fight like a man!
Lycious turned from a corner and with a sword in his hand.
Lycious: Here I am.
Roxton: I'm not letting you take away Marguerite with out a fight.
Lycious: I never took her, she wanted me!
Roxton: She never wanted you!
Lycious: Oh yes she did!

Roxton's anger made his charge at Lycious with a spear. They forget frantically, Lycious' Grecian talents knocking down Roxton a few times. But Luckily, Roxton managed to send his sword off flying, as his spear and the two stood ready to attack with bare hands. Roxton clenched his fist attacking Lycious with blows mostly motivated by the love for Marguerite.

Hearing the commotion, I ran back to find Lycious and Roxton in a terrible fight. Cuffing, pushing, shouting and the sound of the wrist pounding the body made me sick as I desperately asked Roxton to stop.

Me: ROXTON stop! Roxton STOP IT! Let him go!
Roxton: Not without a fight.

At that, Lycious punched Roxton hard that blood spat out of his mouth and smeared all over me. And then suddenly...

Me: John...Roxton! John...
There before my eyes was John being sanguinary hit by Lycious. Spotting the sword, I ran towards it and picked it up. Before I could turn, a strong hand grasped me. Knowing it was Lycious, I plunged it through without looking. I turned around to only for my body to be numbed by what I saw. I had stabbed John!

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