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Please note that this takes place in the first week of January when it's winter for England. So I will have to adjust some dates. You have to make it so that Marguerite was informed by Mother Superior a FEW MONTHS before.

Part 4:

Tree house:

Melone: It was who?!

Me: It was Roxton!

Melone slapped his hands together and laughed.

Melone: So Roxton was the guy who saved you in the frog fight?

Me: Yes.

Melone: And?

Me: Well it was shocking so…

The Roxton Manor, 1905:

Saucer eyed at the occurrence, we gaped in disbelief as the others were equally startled about our 'introduction'.

Lady Roxton: Oh…er…do you know each other?

Roxton: Do I now her? Do I KNOW her?!

Knowing he would spill the beans, I gave an absolutely scorn look with my eyes. And he immediately stopped.

Roxton: Er…of cause…I mean I have seen her at St Agnes.

Lady Roxton: Oh, but still Marguerite Krux meet my youngest son, John Richard Roxton.

He extended his hand towards me as I gave mine. Taking it lightly, he shook it before replying.

Roxton: Pleased to meet you.

Me: Pleased to meet you too.

The whole morning was wasted listening to old grandfather time stories and relations and what and what not in the warm conservatory away from the bitter cold of winter. All through that, Richard was giving me a, 'just wait till I get you!' look. Finally the conversation ended and William was asked to show me my room.

William: I would love to Mother but I'm quite late for a meeting.

Lady Roxton: Oh dear.

Roxton: I'll take her.

I looked at him in surprise and unexpectedly proclaimed, 'You will!' and slowly turned that into to '…be so kind as to do so.'

Richard stood up and drew my hand in his. I curtsied to the two ladies and followed Richard. When we were out of their sight, the real Richard and Marguerite came out.

I broke away from him and started walking briskly.

Richard: Once upon a time there were 50 frogs.

I turned sharply and looked at him.

Me: You tell a soul and I'll murder you!

Richard: I tell a soul, you'll be the one murdered! To the gallows!

Me: You listen here Joseph John Rocky or whatever! It was not my idea.

Roxton: Yet you were in the boys' dressing room.

Me: They kissed a girl!

Roxton: That's what guys do. We kiss girls! At least we did it in open not like you coward.

Me: ME! You were the one who backed out and didn't tell Father Francis!

Roxton: I had a good reason for that!

Me: Which is?

Richard neared me and with every emphasized word, he poked me with his index finger.

Roxton: that now you are under my obligation. I can blackmail you!

Me: Don't you dare!

Just when things were getting ugly, someone came out of the house. Richard quickly took me in his hand and escorted me in.

Roxton: And as I was saying, this is the …er…

Me: hall?

Roxton: Yes and that is the way up.

Me: NO!

Roxton(whispering): shut up!

He led me up a graceful flight of mahogany stairs to where the bedrooms were. As I was about to turn right where a single door was, he pulled me.

Roxton: That's my room! Yours is here.

He showed me a door, third from the stairs with about 3 further down.


Roxton: YES!

Just then, Lady Roxton made her way to us.

Lady Roxton: Darling, did Richard show you the room.

Me: Yes he did but… I but on a demure act and lowered my head.

Lady Roxton: Yes darling, tell me?

Me: But I would feel much comfortable at that room as I would be away from the…the men….

Lady Roxton: Oh darling! Of cause, of cause! How could I have been so ignorant?

Roxton: Mother! That's my room!

Lady Roxton: John Richard Roxton! Show your respect to the lady. Here she is in a new place and we must make her comfortable!

Me: It's alright if Richard…

Lady Roxton: NONSENSE! Now don't you worry darling.

Lady Roxton: Richard! Clear your room now! I'll ask Caroline to bring new bedspreads.

Roxton: Yes Mother.

No sooner than Lady Roxton took her leave, Richard made his way towards me as if to strangle you.

Roxton: I'm furious! And I'm…

Lady Roxton (from below): Richard! Show her the room.

Roxton: Yes Mother.

Behind the mahogany door was a dream! Growing up in an orphanage a bedroom had at least 20 beds and no privacy but this was amazing. It was a large, semicircular room with the four-posted bed facing a chain of French windows leading to the balcony. Two Victorian chairs were placed beside the fireplace, which had a portrait of the family above it. The canopy draped gracefully over the bed with its thick sheet drew me towards it. I was mesmerized by it.

Roxton: …is there and you have the extra towels in this. I'll take my stuff and go. Hey? Hey frogster!

Me: Uh…what?

Roxton: I have cleared my things. Caroline will do the rest.

Me: Uh…thanks.

The door closed after him and I threw myself on the velvet chair and let out a long sigh. Here I was, in another place owned by another person. The whole story it seems was that I was ' adopted' by one of the grandaunts, the cousin of the one that was present today, as she was a spinster. I was brought up in good schools and fine orphanages so that I will fit into their society. I can remember Adreana telling me that it is now a trend to keep 'adapted daughters' when a child of their own was too much responsibility.

It was when she died that I was entitled to join the family now. I did not know what was expected or wanted of me but the truth was, I was a heiress as after this grandaunt dies, I would inherit her fortune. But what good is a fortune when it is the payment for life without a past or love. She adapted me but did she even care to love me? It would not have cost the world! Why was she not there when I was just 5 and crying on Christmas Eve when everyone else went home? Couldn't she come then?

I looked at the empty room with just the burning of firewood as a sound. This was going to be my life. Lonely, loveless and alone…awfully alone. I missed Adreana with all her craze. Oh what I would give to love…

The day went by as slowly as it could, dragging the way. Dinner was slower than ever! But it turned interesting when Richard sat opposite to me and was poking me with his legs. Of cause I never let him off for I forget too. And in one instance, while at the soup, Richard missed my leg and his food crashed at the table making soup from Lord Roxton's spoon spill. It was clear to see that Richard was terrified of the father as he instantly drew his legs close.

After dinner, the father and sons retired to the library for a smoke but then Lord Roxton, decided he would pass after all.

William: Now Richard, I have been wanting to talk to you.

Roxton: About?

William: About Marguerite.

Roxton swallowed hard and was surprised at it as there was no need to be tense. But he did feel it. What does William want to know?

Part 5:

Roxton smiled at the brother more to cover the tension than of humor and turned away.

Roxton: What would you possibly want to know about her from me?

William: Well, how is she?

Roxton: I'm afraid you are not getting me clear.

William: You do know her, right? You recognized her this morning.

Roxton turned to his brother and looked in him for an answer.

Roxton: No…it's…it's just that I have seen her before and least expected her this morning.

William: Oh I thought you knew her. You always knew correction know all the girls anyway.

Moving towards the window, Roxton started to whisper his brother's reply while William talked on. Roxton looked wondrously at the moon, which seemed to remind him of Marguerite's bright and mystical eyes.

Roxton: I knew all the girls but not Marguerite. Why did you think I knew her?

William: I don't know. I just have this feeling that you two know eachother.

Roxton: I assure you I have not met her before.

William: No, no not that way but you two seem to have a sense of belonging. Like invisible chains.

Roxton: William you have been reading too many novels!

William: Call it what you might! But you have to admit, both of you have the mischievous air about you two.

He smiled to show his agreement and fell silent immediately, looking back at the moon.

William: She is very beautiful and enchanting. Could not get her out of my mind this morning. Her dark tresses falling around her shapely shoulders…quite charming.

Roxton: You better stop it before you are seriously in love!
With those words, Roxton marched out of the library and up the stairs. For the past twenty years, he always went up and turned right but today, he turned left to a new bedroom.

I lay there awake most of the night. Everything was arranged and looked after that it gave me the shivers! I did miss the convent and the nuns. In their own pitiful way, they took care of me. And when the hard part was over, my adopted family takes over!

Days began to pass as uniformly as each day. I was clearly bored out of my life as most of the time I was sewing, reading or playing the piano for Lady Roxton and Grandaunt. They were very sweet, yes, but there's a limit I could take. I saw less of Richard even lesser of William as he was gone on a hurried trip to Ireland. Me seeing less of Richard did not mean I saw less of his problems for every night, he would somehow manage to pass a comment on me and called me names like Marmalade, Margarine (and when I told I was not Margarine he called me butter!), Marble, Marinate, Marionette all because my name started with Mar. As he explained, ' 'guerite' part was too hard to evoke it seemed.'

I unfortunately remarked about his aristocratic brainless head for which he gave me a chaise around the manner. And believe me, it was NOT easy sunning in a dress! Sometimes he pulls my hair secretly and the most resent one was to place a strip of rubber to resemble a snake in my bathtub!

He acted like a baby and I did the same. Therefore, both of us spent time scorning the other but you have to admit, he was my type. Some mornings were bitterly boring, as I had to stay indoors because of the snow. Lady Roxton would not hear of me going out as I might catch a cold before Richards's birthday.

This morning was such as Richard walked in after spending time in the Library.

Roxton: Get up! You look like a lazy maggot!

Me: Shut up Richard!

Roxton: My, my someone is ferocious! Like a little provoked kitty!

He hissed as a cat and laughed at his clever joke.

Me: Ha, ha it was so funny I forgot to laugh!

Roxton: At least my bottom is not pasted to a chair all day!

Me: Excuse me but the only reason I'm not going out is because of your Mother. She asked me not to.

Roxton: And you listen?!

Me: Obviously!

Roxton: My dear innocent girl, rules are ment to be broken! Now get your coat.

Me: What?!

Roxton: get your coat, we are going out.

Me: But your mother…

Roxton: I'll deal with her, you just get your coat.

He led me out from the back door as we walked through two feet of snow for almost ten minutes. We came out to a forest, now reduced to their bare branches, which were black again st the snow. And there it was!

It was a lake now all frozen and reflecting the light of the sun. I stood there mesmerized as Richard sat on a rock and started putting on two skates.

Roxton: It's beautiful isn't it?

Me: Oh yes! Like a HUGE diamond!

Roxton: You like jewelry, don't you?

Me: Oh yes very much!

Richard chuckled at my enthusiastic answer and passed me two skates.

Me: Oh I do not know how to skate.

Roxton: The more reason why you should put them on and learn today!

Me: Oh no! I'm…I'm not quite ready…

Roxton: At this rate you never will be. Now sit I'll put them on!

Me: Richard now…

Roxton: SIT…STAY!

He put on the skates and it took me a whole while to get me up and on to the ice. Getting on the ice was not easy either! I was wobbling away and trying very hard not to fall. Of cause I did, landing squarely on my bottom sending Richard on a fit of laughter. I pouted at him but he never did stop laughing and bent down to help in which instance I pulled him down.

He got up rubbing his bottom and got ready to help me up.

Roxton: Okay we can do this!

Roxton: You continue that and you will cut us right through!

< He pulled me up with me still trying to get a footing but missed it. Unfortunately, I could not get a proper grip and the only grip I got was his face. So I went down dragging his face along, making him look like a bulldog.>

Roxton: Okay, we can, you can. Do you hear me?!

Roxton: oh good God! All right. Turn over, turn over.

Me: Richard this is not going to work!

Roxton: Shut up and turn over!

Roxton: Excuse me.

Roxton: You ready?

Me: yes.

Roxton: Right, 1…2…and 3!

Roxton: Wohw, whow! Stop moving.

Me: I'm trying!

Richard: Wohw! Hold on, hold on! My God! You're heavy!

Me: I'm NOT! Ahhhhhhhhhh

Without a grip, I threw my hand back hoping to find something to hold on to but it went on slapped on Richard's face.

Roxton: You Bloody…God forgive me.

Panicking, I just held on to something…ANYTHING…which was his hair. So there we went: Richard had his head bent to the right as I was holding on to his hair with my right hand and I was screaming my head off. With every turn, I screamed harder and gripped tighter making Richard scream in pain.

Roxton: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let go of my hair woman!

I did as he told and instantly I fell. Panicking once more, I thew both my hands back and held on to his neck. This made him fall too. So now Richard was bent at an angle of 90 while my legs were inclined before me and I was riding on the point of the skate. We looked like a cart! Not for long and I was on my bottom again.

Roxton: Oh God!

He pulled me up and somehow turned me to face him.

Roxton: Okay hold on!

Roxton: Auch!

Roxton: I know this is retribution for not listening to my mother>

I held on to him and tried to get up but my knee accidentally hit where it hurt most!

Roxton: Oh MY! O HO HO Ho HO!!!!

Me: Oh my God. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!

Roxton: OH OH OH GOD HO HO ooooooooooo!

Me: Oh God I'm sorry!!

The both of us somehow managed to crawl out of the ice and made our way towards the house. As we were going, I swerved unexpectedly and Richard hit his head on a branch!

Roxton: Oh Oh oh OH!

Me: I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

We finally reached the house and Caroline seeing us went to get help. But then, I saw someone else! It was…Oh my God!

At my excitement, I let go of Richard who instantly fell on the hard floor.

Roxton: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Part 6:

At the Tree house:

Melone: It was who?!

Me: Adreana!

Melone: How on earth did she get to you?

Me: She had a bit of a fling with the guard and got in!

Melone: What did she want?

Me: that was very interesting. She had run away from the convent the previous night and had come to get me. I could not believe her!

Melone: So what did you say?

Me: No of cause! I was quite comfortable with my life and I was scared to run away. Worst of all, she had come to ask for money! I did not have a cent on me!

Melone: Then?

Me: Then she decided that she would go to some far place and earn money and get a ticket to go to Paris. She always had a craze for Paris…so did I! But I was not like this then.

Melone: So she went away?

Me: yes.

Meanwhile at Roxton's room:

Roxton: It was Adreana.

Veronica: Adreana! Isn't she supposed to be at the convent?

Roxton: She was but not today it seems.

Veronica: Why did she come?

Roxton: I don't know but all I knew was that Adreana did not have a good reputation.

Veronica: Neither did Marguerite!

Roxton: No Veronica. The Marguerite I met then is nothing like the Marguerite I know now. She was so innocent yet naughty…like me. Both of us changed a lot.

At Marguerite's room:

Melone: So did Roxton recover from the injuries?

Me: That was the next chapter actually…

The Roxton Manor, 1905

After speaking to Adreana, I had completely forgotten about Richard till almost dinner! Unfortunately, as I was going to see him, I was called down for dinner. We were at the soup when Richard came hobbling. Lord Roxton gave one look at Richard and practically threw the spoon on the table that I was fearful to my bone.

Lord Roxton: You're late!

Roxton: I know Father, I'm sorry. It's just that I'm not well.

Lord Roxton: Why are you limping?! Why is there a bump on your head?! Why is your face scratched? Have you been playing with a girl?! Why aren't you answering me?!

Richard continued to sip his soup as my heart began to beat faster.

Lord Roxton slammed his hand on the table and boomed.

Lord Roxton: Richard! I'm talking to you!

He turned to Lady Roxton.

Lord Roxton: Where did he go?! TELL ME!

Roxton: DON'T YOU SHOUT AT HER! It's noting to do with her! I went…I went to skate and met with an accident.

Lord Roxton: You have been asked not to go there by me!

Roxton: I know but I like it there.

Lord Roxton: I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU LIKE! This is my house, things happen the way I like. You are 24 and act like a baby! How am I to introduce you to society?! Have you seen William like that?! Why can't you behave like him?!

Roxton: I CAN'T BE HIM BECAUSE I'M NOT HIM! I'M RICHARD YOUR SON! Or have you forgotten?!

Things got very tensed that Lord Roxton almost came to a fit.

Lord Roxton: How dare you talk to me like that! How dare you! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT! GET OUT!

Richard threw back his chair and stormed to his room.

Lord Roxton: He'll be the death of me. HE'LL BE THE DEATH OF OUR FAMILY HONOUR!

Lady Roxton: Oh stay calm. Please don't shout! Please….

Lord Roxton: It's you who spoilt him! Should have given him with the whip when I had the chance! Batron! Batron!

Batron: Lord Roxton?

Lord Roxton: Lock Master Richard's room and no dinner for him! AND ANYONE WHO BREAKS THAT RULE CAN STEP OUT OF MY HOUSE! And no party for him! Do you understand? He can forget about his birthday party! He can stay in his room!

I recovered from my frightened state and played around with my food for a while. Then I got an idea.

Me: Lord Roxton, Lady Roxton could I be excused please. I'm having a bit of a headache after saying bye to my friend and would be very grateful if I can retire to my room please.

Lord Roxton: Most certainly, yes.

Me: Could I have my dinner sent there please. I can't sleep with an empty stomach and I do not want to disturb anyone at night.

Lord Roxton: Certainly darling anything you want. Batron, please see to it.

Me: Thank you Lord Roxton, Lady Roxton.

William got up in a hurry and approached me.

William: I'll accompany you.

Me: No there…

William: I insist.

I nodded and went up with William to my room and it took quite a while to chase him out. After that, I sat up waiting till late at night. 9o'clock, 10o'clock, 11o'clock. By Half past 11, I knew the whole Roxton manner was asleep. It was time for action.

I wore a fir coat over my robe and another thick coat to keep me warm. Taking one of my hat boxes, I took out the hat and instead stuffed it with mash potatoes…in a jewelry box, 2 prawn pies, 2 cheese cakes, a slice of bread pudding, Grilled chicken and a bread roll.

The balconies on the rooms were semicircular in shape and were made quite close to eachother, about two feet apart. I had to jump 4 balconies to get to Richard. I opened my window and stepped out into the bitter cold. I had to do this fast!

I kept the hatbox on the railing of the opposite balcony and, raising my skirt, stepped out!

Me: Don't look down! Don't look down!

Four more jumps to go! And after what was like eternity in the cold, I came to Richard's balcony…at least I think so! I tapped gently on the window and waited for an answer. Nothing! I moved in closer and just as I was about to tap again, the curtain flew open and I let out a shriek. I covered my mouth as Richard, placing his gun down, hurried to open the French windows with a baffled look. He took me by the arm and led me in.

Roxton: what on earth are you doing?!

Me: Don't ask! Here hold this!

I passed the hatbox to him and went near the fire. He kept the box on his table and covered me with one of his blankets. He went to the door and locked it from inside.

Roxton: Are you still cold?!

Me: No I'm okay. A bit chilly that's all. Oh the food!

Roxton: Food…uh?

Throwing all my extra covering aside, I reached for my hatbox and opened it. You should have seen Richard's face! It was priceless!

Roxton: But how?!

Me: I just happened to get a headache and requested for my dinner to be sent up to my room.

Roxton: My God! You devil! Where did you learn to do to these things?!

Me: What do you think I did in the convent? Behave?

Roxton: You are….

Me: Go on, say it!

Roxton: brilliant. I know what we shall have!

Me: What?

Roxton: A picnic!

With that, he spread his bed sheet near the fire and placed two pieces of paper as plates. Placing the hatbox in the middle, he nicely divided the, 2 prawn pies, grilled chicken, 2 cheesecakes and a bread roll between us.

Richard: I have just the thing!

Richard went to his bookcase and took out a bottle and running to his washroom, got the tumbler he uses. Placing all of them on the sheet, he turned towards me.

Roxton: Milady, dinner is served!

Me: Splendid!

He gave me his hand and we sat down.

Richard: Tonight's menu. We have Prawn pies with their crust readily crumbled for your eating ease, mash potatoes which were naturally mashed by the bread roll which is flat at the moment and Grilled chicken with lumps of cheesecake in between. And for dessert, we have a bread pudding, which looks as if a horse had run over it. And of cause a beautiful lady delivered this fine selection in a hatbox in freezing cold secretly through 4 balconies! To wash them all down we have, port wine, which had been hidden in my bookcase for 10 years, and it is served in a tumbler I use when brushing my teeth.

He kissed his fingertips and smiled.

Richard: Shall we dig in?

Me: Most certainly!

We gobbled down everything for I too was famished and washed them all down with port wine. We had to have the dessert in one plate, a fork for me and spoon for him. We slept on our stomach facing eachother and kept the pudding in the middle.

Richard: Why did you do it?

Me: what?

Richard: Why did you go through all this trouble to feed me when you knew my father would have killed you?

Me: Why did you not tell Father Francis and help me escape? Why did you not tell your father that you actually trying to help me skate?

Richard: I asked you first.

Me: You saved me first.

Richard: Well I…

Before Richard could finish, we heard someone trying to open the door! Oh god! We are done for!!! Oh my God who could it be?!


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