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Here is an interview Tara did for Entertainment Tonight about American Pie

Entertainment Tonight: Why is it that it's always the guys that have to "get it" like that? That they are always thinking about sex?

Tara Reid: It's just guys trying to be guys. But in this movie, it's not about "the guys do this and the girls do that." It's kind of equal in a sense.
ET: Is it harder for guys or is it harder for girls to get it? Would you rather be a girl or a guy in a situation where you're going to get laid?
Tara: I love being a girl. I love just the way it is.
ET: Tara, what does it take for a guy to win your heart?
Tara: I think every year you get a little wiser and start learning what's important. Right now it would take a guy that I feel like understood me and could see me for who I am and not what I look like or how big my boobs are. Nothing like that. It would just have to be a guy who could be my friend that I could have a good time with and that I could also have great sex with, too

ET: Despite all of the jokes in this movie, do you think that guys that watch this movie are going to learn something about that?
Tara: I think so. I think that they'll realize that this movie has a couple of different kinds of relationships and they all end up differently. I think this movie will say that at the end, of the day if you're a gentleman and a nice guy, you get it all. I think what you put in is what you get out.
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