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University Naval Training Division Association of Canada

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This page updated on July 23, 2017


Far too many CF Veterans are joining the ranks of the homeless - and we can do something to create much needed housing for them.



A new Membership/Renewal form is available on the members page or HERE!


CANEX has now produced a CF1FC Card for all present and former personnel who need identification for military discounts and access.

To apply Click HERE!


The Bytown Officers Mess Has a display of Cap Tallys which it is updating,

They are particularly interested obtaining a UNTD captally from the 1943- early 50's.

If you can help please Contact Us! or Contact Bytown


And yes! we do have a UNTD SONG!


Get Your UNTD GEAR here! *Lapel Pin - Ball Cap - etc* Click here for details


CDR Bob Williamson (Ret'd) has a new and much expanded Edition of "UNTiDy TAles" available. To order a copy, contact him at Bob Williamson


J Nicholas (Nick)TRACY, [UNTD UNICORN '62] has t published a book on The Navy as an Instrument of Canadian Foreign Policy. Click here for more information or to order


Now available for $19.95! Two excellent videos on reserve officer training

- "No Country for Young men" - (the UNTD program and its impact on Canadian Society!)

and "For Queen & Country" a continuing program in the U.K.
