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An Important Issue

some questions anwered here, but not all entirely true


WARNING: You Must Read The Whole Thing To Understand!!!!!!!!!

O.k. you know what the world today is like right? There's sickness, war, crime, hunger, aging, etc. Do you know why the world is like that? Because we were born into sin. God never intended it to be this way, but once adam and eve ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil & listened to the devil (Gen 3)... it was brought into the world. The lord intended us to live forever, & have constant happiness, peace, and love. It was a perfect world. But its obviously no longer like that.

I have mentioned that we are born into sin *
. Therefore we are automatically going to hell, or the lake of fire. The Lake of Fire is eternal death of the spirit, or your soul. The bible says that all hell, the devil and his angels will be cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. But the lake of fire was only intended for the devil and his angels in the first place, not people. Cause I'm sure you're thinking what kind of a God would throw his own creation in a place like that. Many people ask that. And you also have to remember that hell is a real place. It's where people go who die before judgment day*, but I'll talk about that later. Anyways, trust me you do NOT wanna go there. It's pure torture. Let me tell u a true story now.

A man was in a hospital and the doctors tried everything they could to save him. But nothing worked and he was pronounced clinically dead. So the nurse took his body to the morgue. But 15 min later after he was pronounced dead and the nurse was standing by his bed, all of a sudden the guy sat up and went NOOOOOOOOOO. The nurse went EEEEEEEEEEEEK and ran out to tell another doctor. He said he went to hell.

The guy started asking all kinds of questions, "Where am I? What is this place? Thank God I'm back! Dont let me die again! Help me! I cant Stand it!" he said. The doctors tried relaxing him but he was yelling for a preacher. There happened to be one in the hospital and he came in.

The preacher said to him, "God has spared you. Do you realize how fortunate you are to get back? When you're REALLY dead, it's for keeps. There's no second chance!" Then guy said, "My God, if I die again, I'll go back down there. It was Horrible. Preacher, I've got to get saved. I saw hell! Man, I saw it! I don't want to EVER see it again! It was dark down there. I was in some kind of room...I couldn't believe it. All around me were these ugly hideous smelly things in all kinds of shapes, laughing at me, hurting me. They were like some kind of demons. My God, it was awful! Then all at once, they opened a big door. And what I saw REALLY scared me. Preacher, it was TERRIBLE. Beyond that door was an ocean... an ocean of fire... flames everywhere, and I heard screams. I was in panic. I was terrified. Oh, my God, I'm so afraid of going back there. That's what hell is like, isn't it preacher?"

Taking a break from the story now. If you were wondering I have this in writing in a small booklet. This really happened. The guy was on Oprah (a talk show) once and told all about it. He said that he didn't do any bad things, like drink or do drugs. Didn't swear, took care of his family didn't beat his kids none of that stuff. You know what this is proof of?* I'll tell you in a min, I'll finish with the story first.
The preacher replied,"The bible describes it as a Lake of Fire burning wiht brimstone (Rev 19:20). Jesus said, in Matt. 8:12, it's a place of outer darkness, and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. It is a place for all those who die in their sins. The bible says, "And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they shall have no rest day nor night..." Rev.14:11"

Then the guy said, "God help me! I believe it, the bible IS true. Preacher, why aren't they warning people in the churches about hell?"

The preacher answered, "Most preachers don't believe in hell. Of those who do, many sidestep it so they won't offend their congregations."

The guy said, "That's monstrous! They should be warning them day and night!"

The preacher said, "I know Jesus spoke more about hell than anyone. He knew about it. He ought to. He created it for the devil and his angels." John 1:3 & Matt 25:41 "Satan is trying to take as many into hell with him as he can. He's got kids into punk rock believing that hell will be party time. But they'll never see their friends, only darkness and everlasting punishment*. Some are so anxious to get there that they are committing suicide." "Heaven is shut to the fearful, and unbelieveing, and the abominable, to murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers (drug users/ witches), and idolaters, and liars. (Rev 21:8) Including the homosexuals, thieves, drunkards, extortioners, and fornicators. (1 Cor. 6:9-10) The bible says ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of god*. (Romans 3:23)"

Then the guy said,"Preacher, are you saying the whole world is on it's way to hell?"

"That's it!"

But God must have made a way for us to get to heaven, didn't he?"

He did. But there's only ONE WAY, according to the bible. You can't make it by good works (Eph. 2:8-9 & Titus 3:5), or by the 7 sacraments, or being a good old boy. Satan wants everyone to think god weighs your good deeds against your bad. That's a LIE. Satan says there are many roads to heaven. There is only ONE WAY. Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life, NO MAN cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6. No church, saints, buddha, mary, confucious, allah - NO RELIGION can save you from going to the lake of fire. Only Jesus can*! The gospel means good news! You don't have to go to hell. The bible says, "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool. (Isaiah 1:18). In his love, God prepared a way to wash away your sins so you could go into heaven. ANd it was a TERRIBLE price. The bible says that without the shedding of blood, there is NO remission from sins (Hebrews 9:22).

And this is the point I've been trying to get at all along. Before I completely finish the story, I'm gonna explain some things here.

*When Adam was created, he knew no sin. But he listened to the serpent and was led to temptation and disobeyed God, bringing sin onto the earth. God is all pure and won't allow sin in his kingdom.

Anyway, as you can see, the lake of fire (and hell) are not places you should want to go to. In the lake of fire you are stuck there forever. Down there is an everlasting fire, and there's torture. You are doomed to see flashbacks of your previous life, and it's much worse then the world we live in now. There is constant pain and shouting and other stuff like that.

But there is one way out of it, like the preacher said. And that's confessing your sins to Jesus. If you turn to God and live the rest of your life pure and holy (or try to with all your might), then you can make it to heaven. And believe me you definetely want to go there. You only have one chance to get there and that's while you're alive. You can't change after you die, you just go to hell and are stuck there forever.

But in order for you to really be able to call yourself a christian (follower of Christ) you have to walk with Jesus every step of the way. Turn away from temptations by letting God control your life. That would make it easier for you to stay away from sin because its his will for us not to sin and we should want his will, not our will, to be done.

We are people and cannot do everything perfectly and might fall short, but if we believe, we are forgiven... just try not to repeat your sin again (any sin) and all will be well :-).

Anyway, I think you will need help in knowing and understanding what you need to do... that's what the bible is there for. It was written by God himself, and is His way of talking to us and telling us what we need to do. He also speaks to us through our conscience and other signs, but not dreams or visions anymore (because that would be adding to the book of revelation which we were specifically told not to do. The bible says "If any man should add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book" (Rev. 22:18)) (Just in case, Rev. 22:19 "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in this book". But anyway, I can also show you some things from the bible.

First I'll prove to you that He said there is a heaven for us after this life.

If you go to 2 Peter 3:13 (from NIV) it says... But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness. Also if you go to Isaiah 65:17 it says... "Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind."... that is why you cannot communicate with dead spirits. They have nothing to do with this life after they die. It's just eternity. So any activity that involves "talking with the dead" is really just talking with demonds. Scary thought, but true. Anywho you can go to Romans 8 & Revelation 21 to see more about the new life.

I also talked about not going back to the old life. If you go to Matthew 5 and look through the whole chapter it shows you some things to do and not to do. Also if you go to Exodus 20, you can see the 10 commandments. These are important.

You also need to serve the lord as in praise and worship. Singing songs of praise is a good thing. So is going to church and fellowship with other christians and believers.

The only way to communicate with God is through prayer. You need to speak through your spirit when speaking to Him. You can pray prayers that have already been written out like the lords prayer (Mat 6:9) as long as your saying it with your whole heart and spirit. Prayers usually consist of thanks, praise and request. And at the end of every prayer, you say amen... meaning "so be it or let it become true". But it is said in the bible that when you pray, don't stand around on street corners or anywhere else like that just to be seen by men (like the hypocrites)... you should go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father who has sees what is done in secret, will reward you (Mat 6:5-6)

One thing I have to tell you about God is that He is a great sprit. Much greater and strong than you or I. He created everything around us. The earth, sun, universe, heavens, everything. He is almighty. He knows your every thought and everything you do. You can't hide from him... But we need His strength and help... And we consist of 3 things... body, soul, and spirit. The body is just a vesil, and we are able to die (of course) and when we die... the spirit and soul separate from the body and move on to eternity. What we do here in this body determines our future after we die. Agnostics, atheists, unbelievers are in great jeopardy of losing their soul to the firey pits of hell! So if you are any of those and are reading this, I really hope you turn to God... because this is your one and only chance to be with Him... while you're still alive.

The reason why you have to come through Jesus to get to God is because he died on the cross and took the punishment for our sins. So we can go to heaven and escape hell that was once our doom (John 3:16). Before he died they had to kill an animal on the altar to get rid of their sins, or repent rather. But God sent his son down to earth to wash us from our sins. It had to be a holy man that had never sinned in order for that to work. He was born of a virgin so he wasn't born into sin. This may be hard to understand... but Jesus was/is God and man. He was there before all this (earth & all) ever happened (or so I've read) and he sits on a throne at the right hand of God up in heaven. Even though he was fully God AND fully man, he still went through pain. He lived a poor life like any other human and did everything that we do (except sin of course). We have been instructed to follow in his footsteps and do everything that Jesus would've done. So in everything you do, think "What would Jesus do?" :-).

I would also like to mention one more thing. I've seen lots of people swear and then after I tell them I dont swear because I'm a christian they say that they're a chrisitan too. But for all those ppl, I'd just like to say take a look at James 1:26.

If you have any additional questions, I'm sure I'll be able to help you. So just mail me here < /a>

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