Unlikely Savior, parts 3&4

Unlikely Savior Part Three: Semester at sea or full scholarship to Yale?

~*~Still at Wildwind, an office off the main hall~*~

"Desicion time? Wha-I don't understand." Ryan said helplessly. "I know about last night, you and Hayley, I mean." Ryan hung his head and sighed, but Spencer continued. "I found her at The Pit last night and took her back to Trevor's while she was still sober. But she told me most of the story about earlier that night at your apartment." Glancing up, Ryan grabbed his sister's hands. "Thank you, S.P., thank you for stopping Hayley from drinking." Spencer quickly pulled her hands away, leaving a confused Ryan staring after. "I'm not finished," she continued, "You told me that you didn't know how to love, but you never thought that maybe it was something you have to learn. Love is not something that always comes naturally, Ry. For that reason, you need to choose between a semester at sea or full scholarship to Yale." Ryan jumped off the couch and ran his fingers through his hair, "Spence, you know that I don't undersand your metaphors." Moving over to stand behind her brother, Spencer explained. "Ok, Hayley is the semester at sea. She's new and exciting, but sooner or later that ship has to dock and that semester has to end. On the other hand, Gillian is that full scholarship to Yale. She's the chance of a lifetime, and still exciting. She'll teach you things you'll never forget. But if you take that semester at sea, you loose Yale, forever. You can't have both, Ry. So who's it gonna be, Hayley or Gillian?" When Ryan turned around, Spencer saw the tears in his eyes and threw her arms around him. "I'm sorry, Ry, but I hate what this situation is doing to everyone involved." Ryan pulled back to look at his beautiful sister, and smiled, "I know, and I love that you care enough to make up silly metaphors, but with everything going on I'm not going to have time to-" "That's why I'm staying with Hayley tonight, in case she feels the need to drink. And then when Jake gets back tomorrow, he's going to stay with Hayley while I stay with Gillian. I can give you two nights. Okay?" Ryan kissed his sister's forehead and smiled, "You and Jake giving up his first night back, wow, I really rate high." Spencer laughed, "You owe me big...................Listen, the reception's almost over, why don't you go say good-bye and get that decision making started." Nodding, Ryan hugged his sister good-bye and left.

~*~Trevor's, Hayley-sitting that night~*~

Spencer arrived at Trevor's at 6 o'clock that night, clad in her black drawsting pajama pants and black t-shirt. "Hayley? I rented some movies, I thought we'd order some pizza, pop some popcorn, ya know? Anybody home?" Spencer called entering the Dillion house. Setting her bag and the videos on the coffee table she crept up the stairs and spotted Hayley, asleep on her bed. Silently closing the door, Spencer crept back downstairs and popped her favorite movie into the VCR. Pulling the Almond Joy Bites out of her bag, Spencer settled back to watch The Crow.

After the movie ended, Spencer crept once more upstairs to check on Hayley. Figuring Hayley hadn't eaten anything all day, Spencer shook her awake. "What?" Hayley rolled over, still half asleep. "What time is it?" Spencer glanced at her watch, "It's around 8." Sitting up in bed, Hayley ran a hand through her hair. "Wow, I'm sorry, Spencer. I completely forgot you were coming. I was so drained after the funeral, that I just crashed." Nodding, Spencer sat down on the bed next to Hayley, "I know how you feel. It's amazing how being sad can drain you more than an afternoon at the gym." Hayley nodded, "Is there anything edible down there? I'm starving." "We could order pizza." Nodding, Hayley followed Spencer downstairs to find a phonebook.

~*~Meanwhile at Ryan's flat~*~

Ryan had been pacing back and forth for the past hour now. He had set a picture of both Gillian and Hayley on top of the t.v., and then added a picture of Spencer to level the playing field. Glancing at the picture of his princess, he remembered the Christmas eve she had set-up for him, the look on her face when he took a tumble over the tree. Smiling to himself, Ryan remembered the night at the fishing shack when she had been half-frozen, yet still protesting she was fine. His princess was definatley an original.

Glancing over at Spencer's picture, he just stared for a moment. He still thought of her as the little girl with blonde ringlets that had taken her share of abuse before being put up for adoption. Now she was a beautiful woman, who above all, was working for the CIA. That fact still stunned him, mostly because he didn't picture her being able to sit in CIA headquarters in her downtime, or taking orders from her superiors. Spencer was definatley a wildcat, but she had the right idea about giving him time to think.

Moving on to Hayley's picture, he remembered her at opening of SOS, so happy and devoted to the club. He remembered the time they had trashed SOS's backroom, and the time Hayley had gone through with Gillian's ridiculous plan to escape the rape charges. But Ryan could help but remember the times Hayley had come to him in tears over Raquel and Max, or Mateo, and then Ryan suddenly realized something. Not only was Mateo the source of Hayley's pain, but also her happiness. Ryan knew that he had made his decision, only now he needed "Spencer the Romantic" to fine tune the edges of the plan forming in his head.

~*~The next day~*~

Pacing around her room at the Valley Inn, Spencer was more anxious than anyone to find out her brother's decision. She knew he had another night to think things through, but something told her his mind was made up. She knew who she would wish him to choose, but that choice was still his. Needing something to take her mind off of her brother, Spencer flung open the door to her closet, which was stuffed to the brim with her interesting style choices. "Let's see," Spencer muttered, flipping through her clothes, "a good mood calls for something bright. Ah ha!" Tugging the outfit of the day off its hanger, she laughed just thinking of the reactions this baby was gonna get.

Glancing at herself in the mirror, Spencer surveyed her choice; white cargo shorts, stappy white platform sandals, and a blood-red tube top. "I've never worn a tube top in my life," she muttered, pulling her hair into two balls on the sides of her head. Donning a pain of red-lensed sunglasses, she was just leaving to pick Jake up at the airport when someone knocked on her door. Looking in the mirror one last time, she tugged open the door to see her brother on her doorstep. "Come on in, Ry."

Stepping inside his sister's hotel room, he glanced around at the colorful clothes strewn about. "It looks like a peacock exploded in here," he laughing. Shooting him a mock glare, Spencer sat down next to him on the bed. "So what brings you to my humble abode, big brother?" "I need your romance expertise on my plan." Perching her sunglasses on her head, Spencer raised her eyebrows, "You made your choice?" Nodding, Ryan couldn't help but say it, "Gillian." The biggest grin ever spread over Spencer's face, "My choice. I have to get Jake at the airport, but he can help us. Explain on the way." Grabbing her keys, Ryan and Spencer exited the Valley Inn.


Unlikely Savior Part Four: A Picture's Worth a Thousand Petals

~*~Spencer's car, on the way to Myrtle's~*~

Ryan's mouth dropped at his sister's idea, "And you did this for him?" he gestured to Jake. Nodding, Spencer laughed, "It is romantic though, don't you think?" Nodding Ryan settled back in his sister's car. "I think we can pull this off." Jake laughed, "If we can't, Spencer will. She'll do anything for romance." Parking her car outside Myrtle's, Spencer turned around to face her brother, "You ready?" Ryan nodded, and the three removed the suprise from Spencer's car and headed into Myrtle's.

"Well hello darlings." Myrtle said, glancing up from a letter she was writing. "Hello Myrtle," Spencer smiled brightly, "do you know if Gillian's upstairs?" Myrtle shook her head, "She's still at Wildwind, I'm afraid." Spencer quickly explained their plan to Myrtle, "When Gillian comes, help Jake distract her. Then I'm going to climb down the roof and meet Jake outfront," Spencer hugged Myrtle and smiled, "Gillian's gonna love this." Turning to Jake and Ryan, Spencer swung the "supply sack" over her shoulder. They both nodded, "Jake, why don't you call Gillian and tell her to come over and talk to you about things. Meanwhile, Ryan and I will set up the suprise and then I'll ring the doorbell." "Sounds good to me." Leaning over, Jake kissed Spencer lightly, "Good luck." Winking, she followed Ryan upstairs.

Upon entering Gillian's room, Spencer moved the small lamp table a few feet in front of the door. Setting a picture of Ryan and Gillian on the table, she placed a small card on the table which read, "A picture's worth a thousand petals. Follow them." Smiling, she scattered a thick path of red rose petals leading to the bathroom where her brother was scattering them around the steaming bath tub. "Everything looks great!" Ryan said, as he arranged candles around the bathtub. While he lit them, Spencer put two champagne glasses and the champagne, which rested in a bucket of ice, next to the tub. "Think you have it from here?" Ryan nodded, "Thank you so much! I owe you several now." Spencer gave her brother a peck on the cheek, "I know." Climbing out the window, she slid off the roof.

Landing with a slight thud on the porch, Spencer straightened herself and then rang the doorbell. When Jake opened the door, she smiled brightly. "Ready?" Jake nodded and turned back to Gillian to close his end of the deal, "Go upstairs and take a nice, hot, bath. That always makes you feel better, you said." Watching Gillian head upstairs, Jake closed the door, the biggest smile ever on his face. Wrapping his arms around Spencer he kissed her fully on the lips. "You are incredible." Smiling, Spencer took his hand, "Let's get out of here." Climbing into the car, the two headed back to the Valley Inn.

~*~Meanwhile upstairs~*~

As Gillian slowly ascended the stairs, she could smell roses. Opening her door, she spotted the picture and card on her lamp stand and felt her eyes water. Hearing the slosh of water, she quickly changed into her bathrobe before following the rose petals into the bathroom. What she saw completely blew her away; rose petals and candles were all over, the windows were shut so tight that the only light came from the candles. But what sat in her bathtub took her breath away; Ryan was staring straight at her, the candle light making shadows dance across his beautiful face. "How'd you do all of this so quickly?" Smiling Ryan replied, "I had some help from our friends." Smiling, Gillian walked to the bathtub, and ran her hand along the edge, "I guess I don't have to ask what this means." Slowly Ryan took her hand, turned it over, and placed a kiss in the center of her palm. "I love you, Princess." Feeling the tears of joy streaming freely over her face, Gillian shed her robe and joined Ryan in the tub. She nestled against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. "I've always loved you" she answered, and glancing up the two shared a searing kiss.

That's it, I hope you liked reading it as much as I did writing it!

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