ELMBRIDGE SCHOOL, CRANLEIGH With special thank's to Roger Francis for providing these Bulletins.
NEW BOYS We welcome the following new boys, who have been admitted this
C.R.Avery, J.H.Bache, D.S.Benbow, C.A.Blockley, C.J.Bloom, P.M.Byford, P.J.W.CIark, M.J.S.Coldwell, K.E.Diggins, J.R.Dyer, W.H.Eveleigh, C.D.French, B.L.Godbold, A.S.Graham, G.D.N.Hamilton, C.J.Higgs, K.J.Judge, R.A.Lamprell, B.J.Lloyd, K.Mace, S.K.Mitson, M.E.Mumford, B.Neal, M.F.Peacock, R.W.Sheppard, N.J.M.Stewart, A.C.Stradling, T.W.Thrustans, R.Tugwell, C.G.Wakefield, A.P.Watts, C.L.Wheeler, and D.Wilson.2. STAFF Mr. H.E.A.Day (Headmaster), Mr. W.N.Jackson, M.A. (Second Master), Mr. B.Blowers, Mr. P.B.Smith, Mr. G.H.Ashdown, Mr. E.J.Skerrett, Mr. T.D.Deane, Mr. M.E.Lloyd, Mr. D.Anders, Mr. V.C.Brown, B.A., Mr. S.J.CIark, Mr. A.R.Dawe, Mr. F.G.Patman, and Mr. H.R.Goodwin. ' Miss M.B.Davidson (Matron), Mrs. O.Smoothey (Relief Matron) and Miss D.Bridgen. We welcome to the Staff Mr. V.C.Brown, B.A. (Bristol), Mr.S.J.Clark (Win- chester), Mr. R.Dawe (Winchester), Mr. H.R.Goodwin (Bath Academy of Art), and Mr. F.G.Patman (Winchester).
3. FORM AND DORMITORY ORGANISATION Form Year Number on Roll Form Master
7. SCHOOL TELEPHONE NUMBER The School telephone number is Cranleigh 408. 8. SCHOOL TERMS This term ends on Thursday, December 16th. Easter Term begins on January 11th and ends on April 5th, 1955. Summer Term begins on May 3rd. and ends on July 28th, 1955. 9. VISITING DAYS The official visiting days this term are October 16th or 17th, and November 20th or 21st. Parents who are unable to visit on these days may visit on other occasions. Coaches will be run direct to the School on October 17th and November 21st, as follows:- (a) for those living in Metropolitan Essex, by Grasshopper Coaches, lifted Lane, Ilford; (b) for those living in the South-East area (e.g. Rayleigh, Wickford, Laindon, Billericay) a coach is organised by Mr. Lang, 9, Staff Houses, Runwell Hospital, Wickford (Wickford 3354). (c) for those living in the Colchester-Maldon-Chelmsford areas a coach is organised by Mr. Woods, The Branthams, Upland Road, West Mersea. Will parents requiring lunch on visiting days please make their own arrangements with "The Singing Kettle", High Street, Cranleigh, or other restaurants. In future, will parents wishing to see Mr. Day, kindly make an appointment for an interview; this will avoid any disappointment and long waiting on visiting days. The Headmaster and Staff are very much in agreement with parents taking their sons out on visiting days, provided they return to School by 6.30 p.m. 10. YOUNG FARMERS’ CLUB General Report Since the beginning of term the Young Farmers' Club has been preparing for a full term's programme. Our livestock was all in good fettle when we returned from the holidays. All 25 turkeys were still thriving and, of course, had grown a great deal, but we now have to record the loss of one, due to the dreaded "Blackhead." Our geese, the first batch for some years, have grown very well indeed and are a credit to the Club. The White Leghorns are still in moult and we are getting only a few eggs from them. During the holidays we sold our 18 cockerels and purchased 50 R.I.R. x L.S. chicks as hatched. The cockerels in this new batch will, we hope, be ready for Christmas and the pullets, will be replacements for our laying stock. The three calves were grazed in the field adjoining the drive during the holiday and all seemed well when we returned. As we hope to start building a new calf shed in the near future, we moved the calves into the old intensive house; the calf shed is being used as a store. A barbed-wire fence has been erected round most of the farm field and we intend to keep the calves within this enclosure for as long as possible. Four store pigs purchased from Whipley Manor Farm on September 18th, and we hope to sell these at the end of term. Whipley Lass IX had her third, litter on September 29th; there were fourteen piglets, but one was dead. In the rabbit colony we can mark up another success as a further litter has been seen. A revision of the gardening scheme was decided upon at our meeting on September 20th. The Club is taking over three plots, with the intention of growing fodder beet on one, kale on another, and clover on a third. The clover will enrich the soil and also give us food for the calves. After the normal business had been transacted at the meeting, five members spoke about their holiday experiences on farms; they were J. Peacock, P. Lale, G. Woods, J. Taylor, and C. Pirie. Three new members of Staff were elected to the Advisory Committee, they are Messrs. Anders, Clark, and Patman. The Club are very grateful for the invaluable help given by the Advisory Committee. The Cranleigh and West Surrey Agricultural Show was held on September 25th, and a number of our members assisted in various ways. A basketry demonstration was given by R.Burningham, P. Carter, R. Constant, B. Fox, C. Lapwood, B. Mayes, C. Pirie and R. Whybrow. (G. Timms) Field Contest It was a very proud party of members who descended from the coach on the evening of September 11th for they were bringing back the Field Contest trophy which we had already held for two years. This contest is open to all Young Farmers’ clubs in Surrey, and this year sixteen clubs entered in the Junior section, so we had plenty of opposition. The contest was held in the grounds of the Royal Philanthropic
VIII Fifth 14 Mr. Smith Dormitory Masters VII Fourth 28 Mr. Jackson Abbey Mr.Ashdown & Mr. Lloyd VI Fourth 28 Mr. Brown Fairlop Mr.Anders & Mr.Dawe V Third 28 Mr. Clark Forest Mr.Skerrett & Mr.Clark IV Second 28 Mr. Anders Roding Mr.Smith & Mr.Patman III Second 28 Mr. Deane II First 18 Mr. Dawe. I First 18 Mr. Ashdown 4. PREFECTS P.Cook (Head Boy), C.Clark, R.Constant, R.Dennis, M.Ingram, K.Money, D.Morris, J.Peacock, P.Phillips, D.Satchell, J.Walford and J.Watson. 5. GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION The following boys passed the General Certificate of Education (Oxford) examination at ordinary level in the subjects indicated: M.C.Aukett (Religious Knowledge, Geography, Mathematics, English Language); B.A.Barrett (Religious Knowledge, English Language); D.L.Bentley (Mathematics, Music); L.A.Freeman (Religious Knowledge, Mathematics); P.S.Johnson (History, English Literature); D.H.Lamprell (Religious Knowledge, Mathematics); J.F.Mosley (Religious Knowledge); D.K.Sheridan (Religious Knowledge, English Language). This is the first time this examination has been taken and we congratulate these boys - and the masters concerned - on these successes. 6. YOUNG FARMERS' CLUB ACHIEVMENTS The School are very proud of the fact that the Surrey Federation trophy awarded annually to the most efficient club in the county has been gained by the Elmbridge School Young Farmers' Club for the third year in succession; and that also, the Club won, on September 11th, the County Field Contest Trophy, for which sixteen clubs competed - this similarly for the third year in succession. We heartily congratulate the Club, especially Mr. B. Blowers, the Club Leader, on this magnificent success. Further particulars of these achievements are given in the Young Farmers’ Club report in paragraph 10.
Society's School at Redhill, and began at 11 a.m., finishing at 5 p.m. The first competition was "Farm Tasks" in which competitors had to fold a rick cloth, coil a wagon rope, make a hay or fodder net, and make a calf halter. We gained first place in this. Next came "Home Tasks" which included darning a hole in a sock, preparing runner beans, preparing potatoes for chips, cleaning a horse brass, and putting a brown paper cover on a book. We obtained second place, despite competition from some twenty girls! In Poultry Judging the competitors had to judge and give reasons for placing four laying birds, and to cull a flock of 20 pullets for use in a battery or deep litter; we gained third place. Then, in Dairy Cattle Judging, the team had to judge and give reasons for placing one ring of Friesian cows; we came second. In Rabbit Judging - three rabbits for fur and three for meat - we did extremely well and came first. Finally, in the Horticultural Class we came third. Although the competition was extremely keen we gained first place by nearly 60 points. We also did well in the Open Classes, as the results below show. Competition Classes: Farm Tasks (C. Richer and C. Pirie) - 1st place. Home Tasks (D. Morley & P. Carter) - 2nd place. Poulytry Judging (J. Peacock and R. Dennis) - 3rd place Rabbit Judging (M. Ingram and J. Watson) - 1st Place. Horticultural Class (C. Gill & R. Whybrow) - 3rd place Open Classes: Collection of 25 grasses and wild flowers, collected in 1954 and suitably mounted and labelled - T.R. Smith - 3rd place. Largest Collection of Cabbage White Butterflies - E.Thorogood, 3rd place. Christmas Card designed and made by the exhibitor - J.Johnson, 2nd place. Photograph of an Animal - C.Bishop-Laggett, 2nd and 3rd places. Handwriting - R.Whybrow, 1st place; D.Satchell, 2nd place. Efficiency Trophy - This trophy is awarded annually by the Surrey Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs to the junior club which is considered the most efficient and we have won it again this year (1953-54). A panel of judges visits the clubs from time to time during the year and considers the club's programme for the year, the conduct of meetings, the keeping of minutes books and account books, co-operation with other clubs - in fact, all matters concerned with the running of the club. This is the third year in succession that the trophy has been awarded to the Elmbridge club. (B.Satchell and. P.Phillips) 11. FOOTBALL Sept. 15th - Elmbridge (Under 15 XI) 9, Sayers Croft 1. 18th - " " 4, Northmead 0. 25th - " 1st XI 2, Gordon Boys 2. " 2nd XI 8, " 2nd XI 0. 18th - " (Under 13 XI) 5, Northmead 3. 21st - " " 2, Tillingbourne 1. " (Under 13 "B" XI) 2, Tillingbourne 0. 30th - " (Under 13 XI) 6, Cranleigh Sec. School, 1. The Under 15 XI's have included K.Simons, C.Clark, C.Richer, D.Morley, D.Morris, R.Burningham, M.Thompson, M.Ingram (capt.), R.Bolton, G.Timms, J.Poynter; the 1st XI was selected from these, with P.Cook as captain, and J.Walford and R.Dennis. The 2nd XI comprised C. de Bues, B.Fox, J.Mansfield, T.Feeney, J.Watson, E.Thorogood, R.Constant, J.Muir, R.Bolton, P.Phillips (capt.) and J.Poynter. The Under 13 teams have included R.Eldridge, M.Cook, T.Peters, P.Enness, D.Baker, R.Francis (capt.), C.Anderson, C.Ford, A.Hodgson, P.Cottis, M.Peacock The Under 13 "B" XI comprised J.Cock, T.Summers, C.Avery, T.Thorn, D.Allen, R.Dicker, H.Knell, J.Birnie, M.Newton, D.Benbow, and A.Wilkinson. 12. Hockey One match has been played, on September 18th, against Northmead School, and was lost by 3- 5. The team comprised J.Peacock, C.de Bues, R.Whybrow, J.Brazier, R.Dennis, K.Money, P.Lale, P.Cook, A.Lang, D.Satchell 13. HOUSE MATCHES Upper School - Fleming 19, Newton 1 Rhodes 2, Scott 7 Football Fleming 17, Rhodes 1 Middle School - Rhodes 2 Newton 0; Newton 4, Scott 4 Rhodes 7, Fleming 2. Lower School - Rhodes 4, Fleming I Newton 2, Scott l 14. SUNDAY SERVICES We were very sorry to hear that Rev. V. Downs, who acts as our School Chaplain, met with a car accident during the School holiday and, although now out of hospital, he is not yet able to resume his duties. We hope that he will soon he with us again, fully restored to health. In his absence the Sunday, morning services at St. Andrews have been taken by Mr. Day (September 12th), Mr. Anders (September 19th) and Mr. Jackson (Sept. 26th). The Sunday evening services in the School Hall have been taken by Mr. Day (Sept. 12th), Mr. Lloyd (September 19th), and Mr. Brown (September 26th). 5. DAILY PAPERS A new venture in the Library this term has been the introduction of four leading daily papers, which are read by the majority of the boys each day. We are most grateful to Mr. M.E. Lloyd for taking over the Library. 15. EASTER HOLIDAY IN BELGIUM As most parents of boys interested already know, we are hoping to take a school party to Blankenberghe, a holiday resort on the Belgian coast, during the Easter holiday next year. The party will stay for a week in a good hotel in the town and will probaby visit other places of interest such as Bruges and Dunkirk. The hotel is very comfortable, with hot and cold water in every room, and the food is good! Detailed plans will be issued later. The important requirement at the moment is definite information as to the number of boys wishing to join the party so that accommodation can be booked at once. It would be very much appreciated, therefore, if parents who have received the circular letter and wish their son to take part in this venture, would let Mr. Anders have the booking fee and completed form by Saturday, October 9th. 16. TRAVEL CLUB On September 23rd, the Travel Club visited London Airport. On arrival, the party was met by the Civil Aviation guide and Mr. Allmand, then taken by coach on an hour's tour of the various sections of the airport. We were driven right up to the new BOAC Hangar, the largest in the world, where we saw three Stratocruisers being serviced. One of these was "Canopus", the 'plane used by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh to fly to Canada. Nearby, on the marshalling apron, were two Trans-Canadian Airways Super- Constellations. These were being refuelled and several of the boys took photographs. On the way back to the enclosure, we stopped, to examine a Comet I in cocoon. Planes were taking off almost the whole of the time we were travelling round. Back at the enclosure, we met Captain Johnson, a retired BEA pilot, who was to take us on a detailed inspection of BEA's new hangar. We were met at the hangar by Mr. Smith, a Technical Officer of BEA and he took charge of the party. In one department of the hangar we saw various aircraft undergoing maintenance tests. There were Viscounts and Elizabethans in dock and we were allowed to go inside a Viscount. Mr. Smith said that we could fasten safety belts, adjust our seats, etc., and he gave everyone a postcard photograph of either a Viscount or an Elizabethan. The workshops were next on the list - everyone was astonished by their spotlessness, and finally we visited the instrument repair shops. We left the Airport exactly at the time planned after thanking our guides and Mr. Allmand for an experience which happens only once in a lifetime. The Club are very grateful to Mr. Anders, who organised this trip. (N. Hawdon) 17. HOUSE MARK The positions of the Houses at the end of September were:- 1st Newton House, 508 2nd, Fleming House, 477 3rd Scott House, 475 4th, Rhodes House, 461 The following boys have been top of their respective House groups for three consecutive weeks:- J. Cock (F); D.Wilson (N), J. Poynter (R) and C. Avery (S). 18. SCHOOL CLUBS Every boy is a member of at least one of the fourteen clubs, which are under the direction of the following masters:- Field Studies - Mr. Deane Journalists - Mr. Clark Library - Mr. Lloyd Music Appreciation - Mr. Dawe Photography - Mr. Jackson Puppetry - Mr. Goodwin Radio - Mr. Smith Rustics - Mr. Patman Scenery Making - Mr. Skerrit Scouts - Mr. Brown Travel - Mr. Anders Young Farmers - Mr. Blowers 19. FILMS The following films have been shown during September:- September 11th - Winchester'73; Oysters and Muscles; Unilever Magazine. September 18th - At War with the Army; Boxing. September 25th - Valley of Eagles; Arabs with Dirty Fezzes; Intensive Systems for Egg Production. 20. OLD BOYS We have heard from the following boys who left last term, giving us particulars of the posts they have obtained:- M. Aukett - articled to a firm of Architects B.A. Barrett - clerk in the Dutch Merchant Bank, London; D. Bentley - clerk in Martin's Bank; A. Bishop-Laggett - attending Southend Municipal College for a two-year course in commercial work; N. Eves - apprentice at Marconi's, Chelmsford; E. Fenwick - five years’ apprenticeship at Ecko Wireless; L. Freeman - R.A.F. Apprentice - Armament Training; A. French - Apprentice, Electrical Engineers; B. Haysom - Junior Clerk, firm of Estate Agents; P. Johnson - Post Office Engineers, apprentice; R. Kane - apprentice, Elecrtical Engineers; D. Lamprell - attending Royal Liberty School, Romford, to take G.C.E. at advanced level with a view to entering a teachers’ training college. D. Minton - attending a Farm Training School; G. Monteith - five years' apprenticeship at Marconi's, Chelmsford; J. Mosley - apprentice chef, Warley Hospital; W. Osborn - Clerk, in a firm of exporters; B. Parsons - clerk in National Provincial Bank, London; R. Pitman - clerk in a shipping company; D. Sheridan - clerk in Town Hall, Ilford; M. Walker - apprentice, signwriting company; W. Watts - apprentice, farming. We are very grateful to B. Barrett, A. Bishop-Laggett, D. Lamprell, and J. Mosley, for gifts of money for the purchase of photo frames for the School Hall and to R. Kane for the gift of a book.
1. HALF-TERM TESTS As the result of marks obtained in various subjects during
the first half of this term, the following boys occupy the first four places in
their respective forms:
Form First Second Third Fourth
VII B. Mayes and G. Timms C. Agate C. Bishop-Laggett
VI J. Gallagher B. Fox T. Mallindine D.Bantock, T.D. Smith
and T.R. Smith
V K. Booth R.Burningham, D.EIgar D.McComb
IV P. Murnane F. Wade and T. Allen J. Birnie
III C. Ford B. Davie J. Cock T. Summers
II K. Diggins G. Hamilton C. Wakefield . B. Godbold
l C.Avery C. Wheeler A. Stradling, D. Wilson and B. Lloyd
2. YOUNG FARMERS’ CLUB During the past month there has been considerable
activity and the Club is again working to full capacity.
With an eye to Christmas, we have been carefully watching the growth of our
turkeys, geese and cockerels and we are pleased to report that the position is
satisfactory. The turkeys have been of particular interest because our new
veranda, which houses seven of them, has been brought into use and the study of
their growth rates under different conditions has been worthy of our attention.
The geese are almost fully-grown, and the cockerels, which have been split into
two groups, are maturing quite rapidly. Most club members who have expressed a
wish to have one at the end of the term should be well satisfied. Egg production
is nil now, as the majority of our laying birds are in full moult, and we
anticipate another three or four weeks of non-production.
Our three calves are still living outside and are in very good condition.
The newly erected barbed-wire fence, which encloses most of the farm-field, is
proving to be an asset to this group. The electric fence is still being used to
allow the calves to graze areas outside the farm-field, and they are transferred
to these areas during the day. The calf-shed, one wall of which was damaged by a
lorry, is being repaired and will be used as a store.
All the rabbits have been inoculated against myxomatosis. This action was
necessary as wild rabbits with this disease have been seen in the school grounds.
On September 29th, Whipley Lass 9th had her third litter of fourteen
piglets, one being born dead. Since then we have lost two others, but the
remainder are doing well. The four store pigs, purchased at the beginning of
term, have now been moved from the middle to the end sty to enable the small
piglets to be deep-fed. A fodder-beet clamp is being made behind the piggery to
store the beet for the winter, when other food will be in short supply. An area
of concrete between the piggery store and the sties has been broken up and re-
At the monthly meeting on October 18th, following the general business
three films were shown - "Soil," "Bees", and "Coccidiosis in Poultry." On
October 20th, a party of members of the Cranleigh Secondary School Y.F.C. were
shown over the farm field by the officers. We also had a visit by Mrs. Hiscock, a
liaison officer in the New Zealand education service.
We should like to record our thanks to Mr. D. Berdoe-Wilkinson, one of our Vice-
Presidents, for his gift of hay and straw, which will undoubtedly help our feeding and
bedding problems this winter.
3. SUNDAY SERVICES October 3rd a.m. Mr. H.E.A. Day.
p.m. Mr. H.F. Rogers, Headmaster of Brockham
October 10th a.m. Mr. D. Anders.
p.m. Mr. T. D. Deane, assisted by J. Poynter and G. Timms.
October 17th a.m. Rev. V. Downs (honorary School Chaplain)
p.m. Religious Films, arranged by Mr. D. Anders
October 24th> a.m. Rev. V. Downs
p.m. Capt. W.E, Rivers, a Governor of St. John's School,
Leatherhead, and formerly Bursar of that School. He gave a colourful talk on
Burma, where he had lived, for many years.
October 31st a.m. Rev. V. Downs
p.m. School Prefects, under the leadership of P. Cook, senior
4. HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICES The following is quoted from the "Surrey
Advertiser" of October 16th: Four members of Elmbridge School Young
Farmers' Club (R.Whybrow, G.Timms, P. Carter, and R. Constant), dressed in white
farm coats, carried token offerings to the altar of St. Andrew's Church,
Cranleigh, on Sunday, as the hymn "Come, ye thankful people, come" was sung
during the first of the School's two harvest festival services.
The service was conducted "by members of the school Young Farmers' Club,
with the headmaster, Mr. H.E.A. Day, officiating. An address was given by Mr. D.
Anders, and lessons were read by J. Walford, a school prefect and chairman of
the Club, and D. Satchell, club secretary.
The second harvest service, held in the school hall in the evening, was
conducted by Mr. T. L. Deane, a master at the school, and a member of the Young
Farmers' Club advisory committee. He also gave the address. Lessons were read by
G. Timms and J. Poynter, and the hall was decorated with harvest produce and
5. SUNDAY COLLECTIONS Sunday collections have been distributed as follows:-
£1. 2s. 4d. to the Society for the Propagation of the
Gospel; £1. 0s. 6d. to the Church of England Children's Society; £1. 10s. 9d. to
the National Institute for the Blind, and £1 to the Royal School of Church
6. GIFTS TO THE SCHOOL We are most grateful to Miss E. M. Townrow and Miss 1. M.
Montgomery for their gifts of £5 each, to purchase
Suitable mementoes of their years on the Staff of the School.
7. DORMITORIES We are grateful to the management for providing two wardrobes
cupboards in Abbey and Fairlop dormitories respectively. More
boot lockers will be placed in Fairlop.
8. FOOTBALL M. Ingram, D. Morris, and M. Thompson were selected to play for
Guildford Schools Under 15 XI against Richmond and Barnes in the
English Schools' Shield competition on 0ctober 16th. The same three boys were
chosen to play in the 2nd round match against Woking on October 27th. M. Ingram
went for a trial for the Surrey County Under 15 XI on October 23rd. Below are
the results of the School matches played during October:-
October 2nd - 1st XI v Guildford Technical School - lost 2 - 4.
October 9th - Under 15 XI v Pewley School Under 15 X1 - drawn, 2 - 2.
October 21st - Under 15 XI v Tillingbourne Under 15 XI - won 5 - 3.
October 27th - Under 15 XI v Hazelwick School, Crawley - won 7 - 0.
October 7th - Under 14 XI v Cranleigh Sec. Mod. School Under 14 XI - won 5 - 2.
October 21st - Under 14 XI v Tillingbourne 2nd XI - lost – 0 - 2.
October 9th - Under 13 XI v St. Bede's School Under 13 X1- won 4 - 0'
October 9th - Under 13 "B" XI v Pennthorpe School - won 12 - 1.
October 27th - Under 13 XI v Hazelwick School Under 13 X1 - won 6-1.
9. HOCKEY October 2nd - A School XI v Guildford Technical School - lost 2 - 7.
October 9th School XI v St Bede’s drawn 3 - 3.
10. CROSS-CROUNTRY The first run of the term resulted in a win for Elmbridge by
216 points to 249. Our opponents were Hazelwick School,
Crawley, whom we entertained for the first time. C. Lapwood was 1st home,
G. Clark 4th, P. Chapman 5th, J. Poynter 6th, D. Highfield 7th, R.Lang 9th, and
A. Newham 10th.
11. HOUSE MATCHES Inter-House football matches played during October:-
Upper School Middle School Lower School
Newton 3 - Rhodes 3 Fleming 10 -Scott 2 Rhodes 1 - Scott 4
Fleming 7 - Scott 0 Newton 2 - Fleming 2 Newton 5 – Fleming 1
Scott 6 - Newton 2 Rhodes 1 - Scott 0 Newton 2 - Rhodes 2
Fleming 10 - Rhodes 0 Newton 4 - Rhodes 1 Fleming 2 - Scott 2
One hockey match was played - Newton Lower School beat Scott 12 - 0.
12. TWELFTH NIGHT We shall be very grateful for gifts of materials - not
patterned - for making into costumes for the School production of "Twelfth
Night." Buckles, brooches or jewellery suitable for trimming shoes, fastening
clothes, etc., would also be welcomed.
13. FILMS The following films have been shown this month:-
October 2nd The Paleface; Training Police Horses.
October 9th - Elephant Boy; River Melodies; Bermuda Holiday.
October 16th - O.S.S. Child Psykolojiky.
October 23rd - The Great Caruso; Malta Convoy; Moving Earth.
October 30th - The Lives of a Bengal Lancer; Red Ingle and His Gang.
14. OLD BOYS We have been pleased to welcome the following Old 'Boys who visited
the School during the month:-
Brian Loader (1949-53), Leonard Simmons (1947-51), David Lamprell (1949-54),
Paul Glen (1949-52), John Frost (1950-53), Brian Frost (1948-51), Derek Panteny
(1949-51), Anthony Bishop-Laggett (1950-54), Aubrey Sheppard (1950-53), P.
Johnson (1949-54), David Mansfield (1948-52), and Clifford Ford (1948-52).