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About me
Hi & welcome to my page.Let me tell you a little about myself.
I live about half way between Houston & Galveston Texas.

I have been married for 14 years to a fantastic guy.
I have 3 daughters,3 stepsons & 15 grandchildren.Big family? You bet. Should be around my house at Christmas time when we can all get together.

I drove a 18 wheeler, cross country, as a team with my hubby for 10 years. Three of those years I drove one by myself. It was quite an experience.Never regret a minute of those 10 yrs. Got to see things,go places,& meet all types of people I would never have gotten to do if not been for the truck. Enjoyed every minute we were on the road & would love to go back but I had to come off for health reasons.Now you can figure out where the name Tinkertoy came from.It was my CB handle. Check out some of our experences on my link called, What makes America move.

I work with ceramics,favorite thing is dry brushing.I love to be out side.I have flowers all over my yard & enjoy working in a garden.

We are big Nascar fans.Always pull for Jeff Gordon & Mark Martin.
We also are dirt track buffs. At one time we had 3 pure stock cars we were running. I had my own car & our son has his.I ran 1 year in what is called powder puff division,then went to the women's division, then drove with the guys for 1 year.Can bet I got a few bumps & bruises from that but talk about fun,we sure had a lot of it.

I have met some great online friends that have come to mean a lot to me.Some of them have had a lot of patience teaching me how to do the things I have learned to do on my computer & especially my oldest daughter. She had to have the patience of Jobe to hang in with me.

I am lucky enough to have members of my family that have had the patience to do family background research. My GG/Grandfather was a full blood Choctaw Indian on my Dad's side & my G/Grandmother was Cherokee on my Mom's side. Very intresting to find your family history & see where your ansestors were from. I am able to know as far back as 4 G/Grandfathers on my Dad's side of the family.

I hope you enjoy my site enough to come back from time to time to see if I made any changes, which I know is going to happen. Hard not to when there is so much you can find out there to do with the things they have to offer.