Butch Patterson:
Private Dick
Second Season Synopsis

Episode One: The Return of Vance
Butch gets a new orifice (I mean office) and reacquainted with his friends.  Debbie and Tommy find a new partner in crime.  Jasmine think she sees her late husband, Vance.

Episode Two: Head Wound
Jasmine uses Vance's supposed reappearance to threaten Butch and Tommy.  Blanche gets a new partner who is actually a spy.

Episode Three: Debbie Gets A Trout
Debbie's mysterious brother Simon is laid to rest.  Butch sees Ingrid again.  Blanche and Butch exchange information about Vance.

Episode Four: Altar, He Go
A jilted bride hires Butch to find her missing fiance.  Debbie, Tommy and The Swede have a meeting about Vance's questionable reappearance.  Ingrid helps Butch solve a case, while he's laid up in the hospital with a gunshot wound.

Episode Five: The Stake-Out
The Swede misleads Blance into a potentially dangerous situation, which instead, turns to romance.  Mona meets Vance, who perusades her to let him rummage through Butch's office (not orifice).

Episode Six: The Ties That Bind
Tommy and Debbie are upset that The Swede wasn't able to eliminate Blance.  Butch goes undercover in a trendy clothing store to help find a theif amongst the staff.  Vance confronts Debbie.

Episode Seven: Old Lady Digthorpe
Butch tricks Stephanie into spilling the beans on her embezzlement scam.  Blanch and The Swede wind up in bed.  Butch and Debbie renew their friendship at the lakeside.

Episode Eight: The Big Meeting
The main players in town have a meeting of the minds to try and piece together what happened to Simon's money and who was the mysterious man driving the van.

Episode Nine: Birds, Booze and Gas
Butch and Mona have a date.  Mona grills Butch to find out more about Simon.  The Swede fesses up to Blanch about what is really going on.  Debbie forces Tommy to take his new "medication" which gives her more control of his empire.

Episode Ten: The Approximate Size of a Human Head
The mayor is found dead, but The Swede didn't do it as was planned.  Roz and The Swede realize that they are both working for Tommy Rubella.  Tommy and Jasmine form a partnership.

Episode Eleven: The Beginning of the End
Roz spills the beans to Blanche about everything.  A minister hires Butch to look into the mayor's death.  Jasmine tries to convince Butch to kill Vance.

Episode Twelve: The Plan Underway
Everything comes to a head as everyone ends up in Butch's office (or is it orifice??) for one reason or another.  The final confrontation about just what has been going on is underway.

Episode Thirteen: The Plan Revealed
Skip ahead a few months to find that Blanche has won a a journalisn award for exposing Tommy and his evil empire.  Butch and "The Swede" (or is he?) are there to support her.

Images courtesy of Ocnus Productions. Episode synopses courtesy of The Comedy Network.

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