Enlightenment 103 -Apr/May 2001 The Brethren of Time and Space None of us were in court this week, so we all dragged ourselves over to Ray's place for the latest staff meeting. Somehow we managed to choke down Mark of the Rani all in one sitting. I hadn't seen that serial in years, and now found myself watching the most tragic thing since the Franklin expedition. Since I had remembered this as being one of Colin Baker's best stories, I find myself filled with profound unease at the prospect of seeing another one any time in the forseeable future. I'm pretty sure my only hope would be in downing a stiff shot of gin beforehand. This will either give me the courage I need or knock me completely unconscious for the duration of the screening: I can't lose either way. One the other hand, we did also see Talons of Weng-Chiang and, despite its greater age, it holds up remarkable well. Indeed, I'd venture to say I haven't been this impressed since that sceen in The Grifters where Annette Bening comes out of her hotel room. Whether my views are coloured by old personal bias or I was simply perceptive from square one, I do not know. Some day I must assemble a book-length essay on the subject. Anyway, after that point, the meeting just turned ugly. If you don't mind, I'd just rather not get into it. Aaron Prokop