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May 19, 2004

Britney Spears Official i-Squad™ Banner

. : End of *Sweet and Spicy* : .

I have decided to stop updating this website. I'm still a Britney fan but I just don't have the time or the desire to keep updating this website. I don't even know how many visitors I still get! *he he*

But it was lots of fun! Thanks everyone who was a fan of the site. If I'm ever bored I may have the urge to add something. If she comes out with another album/movie I may be inspired once again but I just haven't been up to it lately.

I'm still gonna leave what I have on here up still. It's kinda pointless to delete it and not have it. It's something cool I can kinda show off sometimes. My great HTML work.

Well... thanks again and keep it real! Love ya'll for putting up with me this long! ;)


. : Letter to : .

I have been a fan of Britney Spears for many many years now. Just shortly after the release of her debut album.

I am very upset about her current tour! She has had THREE shows in the state of California and she has had TWO concerts in ALL OF CANADA! I haven't seen her in concert yet! :( I have only seen her on TV or on my DVDs that I own!

But anyways I just wanted to vent my FRUSTRATIONS and DISSAPPOINTMENT to the viewers on my website! It has been driving me crazy!

Everytime she announces she has a tour coming up I wish and hope that maybe FINALLY she will come back to my area! But she has only ever been here ONCE in 1999 for her ...Baby One More Time tour! And that was sooo last centry ago! Also, I couldn't get tickets because let's face it she rocks and it's hard to get tickets! PLEASE let me know if you have any information regarding her tour! I'm sure there are more Canadians who feel this way.

I think it's totally NOT fair that this is happening. I just wanna see her in concert already! I've waited SOOOO long! And it's not like I have the money to fly down to the states or even Toronto (heck I don't have money to be flying anywhere! I'm only 19!)!

I'm hoping that one day my wish will actually come true...

Amy Webmistress of *Britney Spears: Sweet And Spicy* and also a disappointed Britney Fan