Meditation is central to our practice as Buddhists. It is the method by which we train our minds to see things as they are. I have included some texts on the topic of meditation for your information. I cannot stress enough however that you, the reader, should not attempt to learn meditation on your own. Find a qualified teacher if at all possible. It will save you from developing bad habits in your practice, which will have to be dropped later, if you are to make progress along the path.
This is one of the key teachings of the Buddha about meditation. Read
this first.
by Ajaan Chah
A Dhamma talk about the proper way to practice and the difficulties
and benefits along the way.
Meditation by Ajaan Chah
Another Dhamma talk given by the renowned Thai teacher. Very useful.
Along the Path by Phra Ajaan Thate Desaransi
This is a nice little booklet about meditation and its benefits.