Will Someone Please Explain

Will someone please explain the society that we live in to me, because I just don't get it!

Let me expand on that for you... Everyday when I turn on the news, I hear of children being molested. Of children being neglected. Of children being beaten. Of children being murdered.

Everyday when I pick up the paper I see the same thing. In my local paper, in the Indianapolis Star, in the USA Today and the list goes on as you all know.

We have all seen and heard the horror stories. We see it at the movies. We read about it in novels. We see it going on at our neighbors and in our very own families at times.

Are you starting to see why I need someone to explain this society to me? Why I need someone to explain why this is acceptable behaviour?

Now, I know what most people will say... "But Kris, that is not acceptable behaviour". My answer to that is "It must be or it would not be allowed to continue".

It seems to me that we, as a society, decide what is acceptable and what is not and we take the steps that are needed to insure that the sanctity of those perimeters are followed.

For example: Let us look at the 'Three Strikes Your Out Law'. If my understanding of this is wrong then please feel free to correct me. If a man is arrested once for possession of a narcotic, once for drunk driving and once for slapping his wife. Have we made a choice in some states that this man will go to prison for the rest of his life? I agree that these are offenses that are not acceptable and must be dealt with.

But what of the man or woman who raped or beat one of their children or someone elses child. What if he or she was only caught doing this once? Does this person then get a slap on the hand and told not to do it again? Is this person then released into our society, with our children, to prey upon the God given innocents that we are to protect and cherish?

The answer to that is YES

I say that we need to decide what is acceptable and what is not . As our Justice System now stands, Child Abuse in all of the deviant forms it takes on, seems to be acceptable. If it was not acceptable, our children would not be under this ferocious attack. That is the only way to describe it. An attack.

If you would all just take a few moments to think about the cases of abuse that you have seen or heard of. It should sicken you. Infants being beaten. Can you imagine? Children being tortured in the most inhumane ways. Little boys and girls being used to fulfill the perverse needs of a monster. Child pornography and the list goes on. I will not list specific instances at this time. I think generalizations should be more than enough for anyone.

By allowing this behaviour to become the plague that it has, we have desensitized ourselves to the point that we allow it to go on and to be perpetuated. It is time to make it an unacceptable behaviour. We must also take the actions needed to insure that it stops.

If this behaviour is acceptable to you then just leave this website right now. If it is not acceptable to you, if you are as sick of it as I am, then e-mail me. I will then send you information on how we can help to make a difference. Just remember. "Together We Can"

Together we can make a difference in the lives of precious little children all over our country and maybe even the world. Sound like an irrational goal? Just think of the children. It's not irrational. It's a must.

And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."

Please,if you feel that the words that you just read are true, then send this page to everyone on all of your lists. We need to get the message out. If you want more info just contact me. Or feel free to leave your comments in my guestbook.

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