"National Child Abuse Month"
"This graphic is yours for the taking. Just please place it on a child abuse site of your own and link it back to me. "
"Thanks a Bunch! "
Please take the following ribbons to add to your site. Let's work together to make people more aware.
"If you have a site that deals with abuse I would love to add you to my page. Just send me your URL and a banner and I will add you."
Welcolme to Camillia's Place!
I hope that you will stick around and see all that there is to see. LOL There's not alot right now but this place is always under construction. The more I travel around on the web the more ideas I see that I just love. Making the time to incorporate some of them into my sight is another story. I'm sure everyone knows how that is!
I always like to put a question out for all those who pass thru my little part of this cyberworld! So my front page is constantly changing every week or so. This page will be here for a month in Honor of "National Child Abuse Month".
So... This weeks topic is going to be about Child Abuse. In case you didn't know, April is "National Child Abuse Awareness Month". Please feel free to take any of the ribbons or child abuse graphics that I have placed on this page.
I imagine that all of us, at one time or another have been tainted by child abuse. Whether it was ourselves being abused or someone that we know. It may have been the children next door or a child in the store that tore our hearts out. But, whoever it was we have all been touched by it.
I know in my own hometown,(about 80,000 people) Child Abuse is rampant! Every day I open the paper to atrocities against children. Molestation, Physical Abuse, Mental and Emotional Abuse is the norm in my town and all over the world. Can anyone explain why this is?
Tough subject matter, I know. But it is one that we all need to think about. One we should think hard about. Why is it that a child molester can plea bargain down to a few months in prison and may a little bit of parole? But then we have someone who sold cocaine or murdered a cop and they go away for life? HELLO!! Does anyone see something wrong with this system? Now, I am in no way shape or form saying that those crimes do not warrant a life term. What I am saying is what about the child. Is there life not worthy of the same punishment?
I don't know if any of you read it or not, but a few months ago there was an article in the paper about a man in Palestine. He had abused and killed 100 Children. He cut them into little peices and then burned their little bodies with acid. Now, the punishment for this man was to be the same as he had done to the children. It would be performed in front of the childrens families.YES! I am all for that. Maybe that would serve as a detterant for other maniacs out there who abuse!
But there were people who felt that this punishment was inhumane. It was ghastly and should not be brought about. My question then becomes this.... WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?
"And Jesus called a little child unto him and set him in the midst of them, And said, ...
And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."
We wonder why society is the way it is. I think a big part of it is that Crimes Against Children are tolerated. If the tolerance level would become ZERO, then maybe we would no longer need a " National Child Abuse Month".
If you have a story that you would like to share, a comment, thought or whatever please do so. If you have been abused or know of someone who is.... Then is is your right and responsibility to report it and help it to stop.
There is life after abuse.
I am very interested in your opinion and would value your input on this issue.
So, give me just a few minutes of your time and lets see what we all think shall we. The message board is right below.
Message Board
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Abuse Page 2! I adopted these beautiful children. They are no longer with us but they are still loved and remembered. Won't you go and read thier story. Adopt your own little angel while you are there. Show your support for "Justice for the Children" by clicking on the angel below! A cause listed with Consumer Saints
I adopted these beautiful children. They are no longer with us but they are still loved and remembered. Won't you go and read thier story. Adopt your own little angel while you are there.
Go see the info that Tina has to offer! I took some of the following information from a site that I visited. I have had the code for quite some time and now I have no idea where or from whom I got it. If you see that it looks familiar then please let me know and I will give you credit for it.
I took some of the following information from a site that I visited. I have had the code for quite some time and now I have no idea where or from whom I got it. If you see that it looks familiar then please let me know and I will give you credit for it.
For more information and ways you can help, contact: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children For educational materials relating to Prevention, contact:Somebody's Child"Keeping Hope Alive"Childquest International Join the Cup Brigade....Help Bring A Missing Child HOMESusan Duncan's Missing Angels Help Unite Runaways With Their FamiliesNational Runaway Switchboard Lost ChildrenThe Lost Child Fingerprint Your Children, It's A Small Price To Pay For A Little Peace Of MindFingerprint America FOR MY FRIENDS IN CANADA Canada's Missing ChildrenOur Missing Children For ANYONE Searching for a Loved OneInternational Missing Persons Come On In And Visit My Place! The following award was given to me by Brigitte. Thank you so much for your kindness! Abuse Page 2! Or use the navigator below to vist the rest of Camillia's Place! Internet Force Website Child Abuse Pages Random Thoughts Webrings This & That Allen's Page Kristina's Page Vannessa's Page SGM Dedication Click for this week's free wallpaper Click HERE to give away free wallpaper on YOUR site!
For more information and ways you can help, contact: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
For educational materials relating to Prevention, contact:Somebody's Child
"Keeping Hope Alive"Childquest International
Join the Cup Brigade....Help Bring A Missing Child HOMESusan Duncan's Missing Angels Help Unite Runaways With Their FamiliesNational Runaway Switchboard Lost ChildrenThe Lost Child Fingerprint Your Children, It's A Small Price To Pay For A Little Peace Of MindFingerprint America FOR MY FRIENDS IN CANADA Canada's Missing ChildrenOur Missing Children For ANYONE Searching for a Loved OneInternational Missing Persons Come On In And Visit My Place! The following award was given to me by Brigitte. Thank you so much for your kindness! Abuse Page 2! Or use the navigator below to vist the rest of Camillia's Place! Internet Force Website Child Abuse Pages Random Thoughts Webrings This & That Allen's Page Kristina's Page Vannessa's Page SGM Dedication Click for this week's free wallpaper Click HERE to give away free wallpaper on YOUR site!
Help Unite Runaways With Their FamiliesNational Runaway Switchboard
Lost ChildrenThe Lost Child
Fingerprint Your Children, It's A Small Price To Pay For A Little Peace Of MindFingerprint America
Canada's Missing ChildrenOur Missing Children
For ANYONE Searching for a Loved OneInternational Missing Persons Come On In And Visit My Place! The following award was given to me by Brigitte. Thank you so much for your kindness! Abuse Page 2! Or use the navigator below to vist the rest of Camillia's Place! Internet Force Website Child Abuse Pages Random Thoughts Webrings This & That Allen's Page Kristina's Page Vannessa's Page SGM Dedication Click for this week's free wallpaper Click HERE to give away free wallpaper on YOUR site!
Come On In And Visit My Place!
The following award was given to me by Brigitte. Thank you so much for your kindness!
Abuse Page 2! Or use the navigator below to vist the rest of Camillia's Place! Internet Force Website Child Abuse Pages Random Thoughts Webrings This & That Allen's Page Kristina's Page Vannessa's Page SGM Dedication
Or use the navigator below to vist the rest of Camillia's Place!