Thank You!!

I have been a part of this wonderful group for quite some time now and I must say it is getting better and better.

"Sisters of the Golden Moon" is more than just an internet group of women. We are Strength, Compassion, Dedication to Self And One Another, Friendship, Wisdom and Knowledge..... But most of all we are "A SisterHood". One to be proud of.

So to all of my sisters, both new and old,I say

Thank You For Your Love & God Bless You All

Here are some of the beautiful gifts that you have given me. The Talent in this group is unbelievable!

I have just recently been named Golden Persona of Memoirs. What an honor. Thank you So much Kimberly for putting your faith in me!

We wish for you to have people to love, people in your life who will care about you as much as we do, blue skies and clear days exciting things to do, easy solutions to any problems , knowledge to make the right decisions, strength in your values, laughter and fun, goals to pursue, happiness in all that you do! My friend...... We wish for you to have beautiful experiences each new day as you follow your dreams! May All Your Dreams Come True on Your Birthday With lots of love, Sisters of the Golden Moon

Thank you to all of my sisters for the wonderful cards, letters and beautiful artwork that you sent me on my Birthday. It has meant more than you could ever know.

Here is the Sisters of the Golden Moon Webring.

This Sisters of the Golden Moon Site
is owned by Camillia.

Would you like to be a Sister of the Golden Moon?





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Again, I say thank you Sisters of the Golden Moon!

E-Mail Me!

